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Posts posted by KiamFazl

  1. Oh my God I couldn't STAND this episode! I love Whoch and Twoch but I seriously turned this off half way through.


    I like the show for the humour and the good vibes. I don't like it when Natasha Leggero comes on and basically complains about every aspect of pop culture. We get it, Natasha, you're better than most people. Message received.


    "Here's a song. Who even likes this crap? People who aren't as smart as me? Damn."


    "Here's another song. All sports are stupid. Goddamn, I'm too smart and cultured for any of this stuff."


    "There are crazy people on the streets in NYC! What the hell kind of major city has crazy people in it!? Better to stay in L.A. where I'm always either inside or in a car."


    "Here's a movie. Wow, all movies suck! Even when I watch them on the giant TV I didn't set up properly!"


    "Here's another movie! This also looks like shit unless you're some unimaginative loser! Wow, everything is terrible when you're me!"


    Just exhausting. And depressing. It's not even comedy, it's just shitty teenage-style edginess. I like NL's standup but she has a really shit attitude for a pop culture podcast.


    I miss Kulap! Or even just the other guest hosts!
