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Bever Hopox

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Everything posted by Bever Hopox

  1. Fucking Holy Shit! This is the best episode ever! The guys got their juicy butts backstage and got to meet Bonobos! I don't know if it's just me, but for me, I nearly shed a tear of joy listening to the story of their exchange with Bonobos. It really felt like validation for listening. The story is amazing and nearly perfect but what if Bono had said "We know more about you than you'd like," and then thrown them both a t-shirt. I mean, game over right!? Greatest podcast ep I've ever heard. Really made the year and half journey worth it. Scott and Scott, love U2, enjoyed The Journey, starring Yul Brynner, hope it continues. C+ PS: Scott stopped shaving the moment he met Bonobos...for the second time. Parks & Rectum
  2. Bever Hopox

    Here's lookin' at you, Kid Cudi.

    Is this relevant now?
  3. The transition into "Tell me more" from Grease was phenomenal.
  4. Bever Hopox

    EPISODE 348 — Is Y'all My Daddy?

    This ep is definitely keeping the great ep trend going. Best year ever! C+
  5. I say we break down these walls, throw up the sash, and start a revolution right here, right now! It's just us against them. Pageant contests against judges. Who's with me!
  6. Bever Hopox

    I think I genuinely like U2 now

    I still can only listen to them sarcastically whilst thinking about UTU2TM?.
  7. Bever Hopox

    Today's guest...

    Today's guest has a lifetime piss-in-the-bowl average of .958 and is the world record holder for most burps blown into Marissa Wompler's face, it's Ice-T!
  8. Ok, here's the pitch: We make a show where the contestants sift through old Frasier scripts and try to find grammatical errors. We'll call it Grammer Nazis. Bonus funny, the word grammar will be spelled like Kelsey Grammer's last name. It will be infuriating.