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Everything posted by TVsFredSavage

  1. TVsFredSavage

    Sexy Frankingstein?

    It's difficult to define, but you definetly feel it when theystart rubbing on your invisible areas.
  2. TVsFredSavage

    Sexy Frankingstein?

    I think a Frankingstain COULD be sexy but usually they are very stupid because a Mad Doctor almost never finishes making one without passing the 6-12 minute limit of oxygen deprivation that leads to inevitable brain death. Smart is what's the most sexy thing about things that are sexy, so she would need to go to school or something. Also, how come theres not more sexy Lagoon Creature babes?
  3. TVsFredSavage

    Best HH clips?

  4. TVsFredSavage

    Episode 42 — Sinbad, Our Close Friend

    Beatles crossing the street John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson pointing guns to the left Bob Ross being arrested at gunpoint black-light reactive tiger
  5. TVsFredSavage

    Episode 42 — Sinbad, Our Close Friend

    Get Toy First is the second best Winter movie ever produced, number one being Hurt Burglars 2: NYC Rampage.