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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 126.5 - Minisode 126.5

    Hey man, #9 out of an entire UNIVERSE is pretty good. Besides, Kit Fisto would have been #12. Although, I admit Admiral Ackbar would be pretty low. Nothing against him personally, but I think it would be pretty boring.
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 126.5 - Minisode 126.5

    The Fuck??? Lando? Maybe over Finn, but over Poe?? Look man, I don't want to start any shit, but c'mon! I'll give you this: Lando's going to give you a nice time. It's gonna be about you--he's a giver. There's gonna be candles and messages and satin sheets--the whole bit. But we're talking about a Resistance pilot, man! Sex with Poe would be off the fucking chain! It's going to be hot, it's going to be sweaty, you're going to go places you never thought you would go. And when it's over, you're going to look into those beautiful brown eyes, and you're going to thank him for it. And, incidentally, Poe would also be number one on my relationship list.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 126.5 - Minisode 126.5

    Also, you didn't really answer the question. The question was "is Ben Solo/Kylo Ren" hot, not is Adam Driver hot. And why does it just have to be a woman's opinion? I have no problem ranking some dudes. Let's get objectifying! As far as Adam Driver is concerned, I think he's one of those people who, while not traditionally handsome, can look good at the right angle. However, he must always stay at that angle. He's kind of like a fun house mirror in that way. I also have the feeling like he would be much better looking in person, if that makes sense. Now as far as Kylo Ren is concerned, personality is going to play a huge factor. He's needy, insecure, and a bit of a crybaby. So then I'd say, not attractive and absolutely not fuckable. No, in terms of the Hot Guys of the Star Wars (movie) Universe, the winner is, hands down, Han Solo followed closely by Poe Dameron. The correct order is: 1) Han Solo 2) Poe Dameron 3) Finn 4) Lando Calrissian 5) Young Obi-Wan Kenobi 6) Wedge Antilles 7) Luke Skywalker 8) Old Obi-Wan Kenobi 9) Chewbacca 10) Kylo Ren 11) Anakin Skywalker--Sebastian Shaw and Hayden Christensen (tie) Of course, this list is just based strictly on fuckability. Now if you want to talk relationship-wise, that's going to be a whole other list...
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 126.5 - Minisode 126.5

    You're a peach, Taylor Anne! But, but, but...Paul has WRITTEN for Marvel, he's going to be (or his likeness anyway) in upcoming issue of Ant-Man. He's even said on the podcast he's a "Marvel" guy. I'm not saying his geek card needs be revoked, I'm just saying I'm not sure if it should be renewed.
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 126.5 - Minisode 126.5

    Which is just one of the many reasons that I will never fear Skynet.
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 126.5 - Minisode 126.5

    Oh, I don't think you came off that way and I definitely think it was (and still is) a valid point. It was certainly on my mind while watching it. I might have brought it up myself, but I was really committed to my bit where each of my posts was "sponsored" by one of the companies that had ads in the Holiday Special. I really couldn't think of a way bring up such a sensitive subject as an actor performing in Blackface and somehow tie it into No Nonsense Pantyhose or Pillsbury Plus Yellow Cake without coming off like a complete shithead. Then again, not bringing it up for the sake of a dumb joke still makes me kind of an asshole, maybe even more so. Which, for me personally, is a harsh pill to swallow. Taylor Anne, you are a far better person than I.
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 126.5 - Minisode 126.5

    Ha! I'm waiting on my car to get fixed--so I've got nothing but time!
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 126.5 - Minisode 126.5

    Frankly, I'm still dubious. I just Googled, "Harvey Korman. Holiday Special. Black Face" and I turned up a number of articles and blogs that seem to agree with you. Also, I did an image search, and anything that looked remotely "silver" looked to be of worse quality, lighting or otherwise, than the special itself. Perhaps Paul didn't want to get into that controversy? Or perhaps he didn't want the people involved to be called out as or thought of as racist when it was just a stupid and ignorant mistake--which is what I think it was. I certainly don't think the makers were thinking, "Let's do Blackface." I think what most likely happened was they were going for something that looked "Alien" and settled on this weird brownish, reddish, shimmering color, when they should have just gone green, blue, purple or some other color, and when they were done didn't stop to think--perhaps due to the era in which it was filmed--"Wait a minute.. Do you think that this might come off as offensive?" I don't know, that's the way I see it.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 126.5 - Minisode 126.5

    Back in college, I used to go to the movies like this all the time. My friends and I would say, "Let's go to the theater, and whatever happens to be playing next is what we'll go see." If you have the right attitude about it, it can be very rewarding since you end up seeing movies you might otherwise not see. I kind of wish still I had the time to do that... However, I will never understand the attitude of a person who would complain about a movie to the people who work at the theater. That makes absolutely no sense. Unless your issue is either with the theater itself (e.g. bad sound quality) or the employees being rude or something, shut your stupid mouth. Caveat emptor, motherfucker!
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 126.5 - Minisode 126.5

    Ha! That video has a typo. It says "feat. B-Real," when we all know it's actually "B-Roll." Dummies.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 126.5 - Minisode 126.5

    "Not, Shazam--even though Shazam should have been the title. It's much easier: Shaq, Shazam. I guess there's a Marvel character...Oh brother. I guess that would have been a big problem..." He can blame it all on "mis-speaking" all he wants, but I'm starting to think the "Paul Scheer" we all know and love may just be a character a much cooler person is playing to fool us. Kind of how "Jason Mantzoukas" is actually Jeffrey Characterwheaties and "June" is actually Cillian Murphy. We're on to you, Mr. Hollywood!
  12. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    I just subscribed to Audible, and so far, I've downloaded A New Dawn and Aftermath. I can't say that they really spoil anything or really give any new details. However, I do listen to them at night in bed and tend to fall asleep with them playing. The result being I end up 6 chapters past where I last remember and have to keep going back--so I'm probably missing a lot of details. Also, despite having great production values, I seem to have trouble retaining information through Audible (something I'm very good with when "regular" reading)--I'm not sure if this an Audible issue, the books are just boring, or if it's due to the fact that I listen to them when I'm already tired... Once I catch up with the podcasts I missed from last week, I may try relistening to them at work and see if that's any better. EDITED TO ADD--BAD FATHER STORY: Last night I was listening to Aftermath, and there was a teenage character that was incredibly annoying. So, off hand, I said, aloud and jokingly, "That kid is a real jerk." The problem was, my son had just come in and I happened to be looking at him when I said it. Holy Shit...If you could have seen the look on his face as it scrunched up and the racking sobs that came out of him. I had to console him for like an hour and assure him that I was snarking on a stupid character in a stupid Star Wars novel and not him. It broke my fucking heart. I'm really just relaying this as a cautionary tale to all of you out there who don't have kids and hope to have them one day. Toddlers not getting jokes and context is really something nobody prepares you for. I've found myself putting my foot in my mouth more times than I'd like lately, not realizing how much he can suddenly understand and still not understand. Don't be like me, people. There are so many parenting landmines you can never be prepared for.
  13. Cameron H.

    Top 10-15 Movies of the Year

    I've been wanting to respond to this thread for days... Honestly, most of my movie watching these days are the HDTGM movies, but I did manage to watch a surprising amount 2015 movies--many of which are due to me renting a bunch over the New Year's Holiday. Unfortunately, this means I have not yet seen Creed, Hateful 8, Ex Machina (on Netflix now, just have to find the time), or The Martian yet. I suspect once I see those, it could alter my list dramatically. But from what I've seen so far... 1) Inside Out (Not gonna lie--I probably started crying at about ten minutes in and then it was a battle to fight back the tears for the rest of the movie. That's right, I'm nothing if not a sentimental lunkhead.) 2) Love and Mercy 3) Ant-Man 4) Hunger Games (Not really great as a stand alone, but a satisfying wrap up to the series.) 6) Jurassic World 7) Star Wars 8) Mission Impossible 5 9) Furious 7 10) What We Do in Shadows 11) Spy 12) Tomorrowland 13) Jupiter Ascending (Guys, I've come to appreciate it.) 14) Home (Rihanna did a surprisingly good job, but the gratuitous use of her songs was nearly unbearable.) 15) Mad Max Biggest Surprise likes (in no particular order): 1) San Andreas 2) The Scorch Trials 3) Strange Magic Most disappointing: 1) Avengers: AoU 2) The Kingsmen 3) Trainwreck (To be fair, I think I only gave this about 15 minutes. I've heard it gets better. I just get impatient with movies these days. Maybe I'll give it another go... Worst (again, no particular order): 1) Fantastic 4 (I went into it with an open mind, but it's even worse than what they say. Not even good on an ironic level.) 2) Insurgent 3) Minions 4) Cinderella (Couldn't even get through it. So worthless.) 5) Terminator I'm still not sold on my "best of" list. I'm second guessing some placements, but I guess this will do for now.
  14. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    I would hate for that to happen. I think, and here's some wild speculation (and I'm probably wrong), And some other Rey points I forgot to add to my earlier speculation. These arguments may not be as strong, but they stood out to me. ETA: And, yes, I recognize I am now "Correcting and Omitting" The Force Awakens.
  15. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    Fair enough. I guess I'm really hung up on the fact he says the line, "I will not be seduced" which seems like a really lousy way of saying that. I think that's a total red herring. I'll give you all my speculation if you want so uncover the "spoiler" tag at your own discretion. This will probably be long. Hopefully I can articulate it well... Sorry, for the bullet points. I'm not sure if that made it easier or harder to follow my train of thought. However, I went into my second viewing of TFA with this in mind, and it made it so much better for me. I'm not saying it's true or not. I guess we'll just have to wait and find out. I think Abrams is straying away from the prequels, but I also don't think he's ignoring them either. I think we'll find out, eventually, that all Star Wars, across all media, are all going to be related. Which makes sense from a business standpoint. If you want the WHOLE story, I guess you'll just have to pay for it... (Sorry, for any typos. I'm rushing to get back to work and don't have time to proofread)
  16. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    With all due respect, I kind of agree and disagree with you on this. I felt TFA almost gave us too much of the villains and I would have liked more Rey, Finn, and Poe (by far my favorite parts of the movie). To me, A New Hope is about three unlikely companions blundering into a bad situation for which none of them are prepared. In that movie, Vader and Tarkin are more like vague threats, which I feel makes them far more frightening. In fact, aside from Leia, none of them even has any direct contact with either Vader or Tarkin in that movie. I feel like a good analogy for V and T is like the shark in Jaws--you know he's out there, but seeing less of him makes him more effective. In my opinion, they gave away too much too soon. I would have liked Ren to have been more of just an evil presence. And while I think, done this way, the event that happens at the end might have felt too derivative of Empire--although, why should that have stopped them at this point?--had they not revealed that relationship when they did, and left it as a reveal on the catwalk, I think it would have been more effective. As it stands, I feel like I have a pretty good idea where the trilogy is going. Yes, it will be different than the OT, but I feel, as far as the main story beats are concerned, there are very few surprises in store. I fervently hope I'm wrong, but at this moment, that's the way I feel. And they idea of However, I did like the movie, and I'm very much looking forward to Rogue One because I have a feeling that the Anthology movies are going to be a lot more connected to the main trilogy than we've been led to believe. For instance, I think But I'm glad everyone seems to love it, as any world with more Star Wars movies (even just "good" Star Wars movies) is definitely a world I want to live in.
  17. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    THANK YOU!!!! Lately, not necessarily here, I feel like whenever I tell people that I "liked" it, I then have to sit through a lecture about how I'm wrong for not "loving" it. It's actually starting to sour my opinion on the whole thing....
  18. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    I just got back from my second viewing of The Force Awakens, and found that the things I liked before, I liked more even if it still doesn't work for me altogether. I'd place it in my top seven Star Wars movies. My biggest gripe I think has to be the villains. They are about the most toothless group I've every seen. Hopefully, we'll see some added threat to them in the future, because, right now, this is what I see... Kylo Ren: Admiral Hux: Snoke: Captain Phasma:
  19. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    But personally, I prefer... Or...
  20. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    Also, it's amazing how consistent Paul has been this year with HDTGM releases. I mean, with him fighting crime in Miami with Ant-Man and all!!!! What the hell, Scheer? Why do you get to be so fucking cool?
  21. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    100% LOL--no, but I'd love to see another Holiday Special with these characters and Lumpy's triumphant return! I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday (I think Lando had brought it up in the mini-sode thread), and while it can't fix issues like poor acting and bad dialog, it makes for a much more coherent story. If you are ever going to re-visit those movies, I highly recommend it. Honestly, I'm not going to get into my theory here, since I'm not sure if a speculation that turns out to be true for a movie that hasn't been filmed yet can be considered a spoiler. Suffice it to say, I didn't come up with it, so the question is already out there. Moreover, I'm sure a lot of you already came to the same conclusion on your own and I'm just the dumb-dumb playing catch up. Oddly, in retrospect, I kind of wish I had read some of the spoiler filled reviews before going to see it. I think my expectations would have been better met knowing exactly what I was in store for story-wise. A big reason why I'm going to go again tomorrow is that one of these reviewers basically said all the same things I was thinking, but updated it to say he saw it a second time, with a less critical eye, and liked it more. I'm hoping I'll feel the same way. (****FOR REAL SPOILER***Don't reveal unless you've seen the movie or just don't give a shit.) When I left the theater I was thinking...
  22. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 126 - The Star Wars Holiday Special

    You'll all be relieved to know that I may have "thunk" my way into enjoying The Force Awakens. I'm going to see it again tomorrow, with a theory that I've heard in mind, and I think it's going to turn the whole thing around for me. And, to be clear, I liked a lot of it. The new characters were great--it was the "not so new" stuff I had a problem with.