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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 123 - Lifeforce

    Maybe, because she was filming, they postponed the episode to give her time to be there, but filming ended up running over, so rather than delaying any longer, they just decided to do it without her...Just a shot in the dark. BTW-Lifeforce is 100% reasonable.
  2. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    I'm guessing a lot of us are MST3K fans, so I thought I would ask what everyone's feelings about the MST3K Kickstarter campaign. Personally, I'm kind of torn. On the one hand, a world with more MST3K is great, but on the other hand without much of the original cast and writers it seems like kind of a cheap grab by Joel. I kind of feel like MST3K had it's run, and with over 200 episodes, a very successful run at that. He seems like a smart guy, I feel like he should be trying to do something new, or at least, from a different angle. I don't know, it just feels kind of reductive to me... Regardless, it appears to be a foregone conclusion since they have 28 more days and have already almost met their goal. And for those who don't know what I'm talking about, click here.
  3. I agree with a lot of the suggestions here, but here are my (current) top five: 1) Airborne (1993) 2) Monster Squad (1987) 3 The Haunting (1999) 4) Blank Check (1994) 5) An American Summer (1990) Granted--aside from Monster Squad which I watched on Halloween--I can't tell you how long it's been since I've seen any of these, so maybe my memory of how good/bad they are might be skewed, but I think they'd each make for good episodes. And since I'm the only person in the world who remembers An American Summer, I'm attaching the trailer below. For those who don't know, it's an update of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer starring a young Brian Austin Green as "Finley."
  4. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    Wow, Landolph, Fister, and I were all over that Rambo thing... Stay out of my head, guys!
  5. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    100% accurately, I'm sure. I never saw Rambo until a couple of years ago. I bought all of them on the cheap from a Blockbuster that was closing. I haven't watched the sequels yet, but I did watch the first one, and if your only exposure to them is from UHF and Hot Shots, I think you, as I was, will be very surprised. I'm not going to try and convince you that it's good (although I enjoyed it), but it was nothing like how I imagined it would be. The premise is less "one man army fighting a war" and more "A Bear Grylls-esque drifter suffering from PTSD walks into town, and the Sheriff wants him gone." I think the sequels are where they go off the rails. Maybe this weekend we should all just say "fuck it" to Lifeforce, and each of us choose a movie we "need" to see and report back here with what we thought of it...
  6. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    I can relate. Personally, I can't stand Casablanca. In my opinion, as far as Bogart goes, African Queen and The Maltese Falcon are the superior movies. I also own The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, but I've never made the time to watch it. Also, long ago, I rented Plan 9 From Outer Space and Citizen Kane in the same evening--I enjoyed Plan 9 much more.
  7. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    Yeah, I get that. I think I've just grown impatient as I've gotten older and much more discerning of the media I absorb. When I was younger, I was much more apt to give a thing time to grow, but nowadays, it drives me crazy when I hear people say shit like, "Sense8 is great...if you can make it to episode three..." Motherfucking, fuck that! I only have so much free time, so if I'm going to spend time watching/listening/reading this thing, you better grab me from the first moment. If not, you're done. When I was in college, I took a couple of Creative Writing courses, and often, when I would bring in whatever I was working on, my professor and I would spend an hour or more just on the first sentence--even going so far as to ask, "Why start this sentence with 'the?' That's a boring word, it doesn't mean anything." At the time, I didn't really get it, and frankly, it pissed me off a little bit. But now, I live by that shit.
  8. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    I agree with you a bit, but also disagree with you. For instance, I don't think it's so much that they gained cult status through Hot Topic, the Internet, and DVD. That may have played a factor in it, but in many cases, I think one of the main reasons these things become cult hits is just through repetition and timing. I guess I'm a little younger than you, so your experience with, say, Labyrinth is different from mine. I'm too young to have seen Labyrinth in the theater, but I do remember my first exposure to it was in Middle School. I'm not sure how schools are now, but when I was a kid, at the end of the semester (especially the end of the year) the teachers would take a week or so to do everyone's grades and we would show up to class and just watch movies. For whatever reason, Labyrinth always seemed to be the movie of choice, and as we would goof around, it would be just running in the background. It wasn't until years later that I actually sat down to watch it from beginning to end--and years after that before I grew an appreciation for Mr. Bowie--and I loved it. I'm pretty sure a lot of my enjoyment of it comes, not from the fact that it's a good movie (which I kind of doubt), but because it brought back that association of being a kid and that feeling of "it's the last week of school." It's the same reason A Christmas Story and It's A Wonderful Life, both flops when they were released, resonate with so many people. The fact that they both flopped made them cheap to put on TV. Therefore, they can be run ad nauseam during the Holidays, and when we watch them, they bring back (hopefully) happy memories of spending time with our family and loved ones. I would also include The Shawshank Redemption as benefiting from this "Holiday bump" as I think TNT always does like a 24hr marathon at Thanksgiving. As far as movies like The Big Lebowski, I think a lot of times it's that they are genuinely good movies that flop simply because they are hard to sell. Once they are available to cheaply rent, especially in the old Blockbuster days, people would give them a shot just because. From there, word of mouth takes it the rest of the way. For me growing up, that movie was So I Married An Ax Murderer. Nobody saw that shit when it came out, but by the time I was in college, everyone I knew was quoting that fucking movie. P.S. I've never seen The Big Lebowski and I have no plans to rectify that.
  9. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    I've always liked her, but Galaxy Quest is where I fell in love with her. Galaxy Quest is, no joke, one of my favorite movies of all time. I would say my pop culture kung fu is pretty strong. Anything I missed when I was a kid, I caught up with at a young enough age to still appreciate it on some level. The only movie I can think of that I've never seen that people might think is crazy is Blade Runner. Ugh...I just can't express how little I care if I never see this movie. I mean, it should be in my wheel house, but I could honestly give a shit. If for nothing else, it just feels like too much work. Which version do I even watch? "Well, you got to see this version..." Let me stop you right there. I don't give a shit. I will say I tried to watch it a couple of years ago. I gave it about five minutes and turned it off. No, but in his defense, most of these movies he's just watching with a stony gaze on his face, but there were a couple of times during Crystal Skull where he raised his eyebrows and rubbed his face like, "What the fuck is this?" He did not seem to be enjoying it at all. I think he's watching Holes right now, and when I just checked in, it looked like he was kind of into it--which I can understand. I wonder what his reaction to the Even Stevens Movie was...
  10. Cameron H.

    Jem and The Holograms (2015)

    I'm starting to feel really bad for the people involved in making this. Nobody, especially young actors, would want this on their resume. Honestly, I'm pretty torn about it. On the one hand, I have zero desire to see it, but on the other hand, I think the gang almost HAS to do it just based on how spectacularly it failed. Maybe they could do a live episode where they pair this and the recent Fantastic Four movie... I wonder--and I'm honestly not trying to be hyperbolic--if HDTGM chose to do this movie, could the amount of listeners that would then rent or buy it just for HDTGM double its total gross? Someone at Universal should really get on that...
  11. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    I love all your picks for most underrated episodes. I think I would qualify one or two of your picks as straight up classics, but there's really no right or wrong answer. On another note, has anyone been checking in on this Shia LeBeof livestream thing? Holy cow, it's pretty amazing. I think my blood pressure has dropped a few points in the couple of minutes I checked in on it--it's like a freakin' lava lamp. If you have a minute today, and wish to improve your quality of life, I encourage everyone to check it out. I believe, as of this post, he is somewhere in the middle of Crystal Skull. What are you all waiting for?
  12. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    Kind of quiet in here today, so I thought I'd throw this out there for the forum to discuss... When that scary, old Howl app was initially announced and our futures were oh-so-uncertain, I went ahead and downloaded a bunch of my favorite episodes. I figured that if I didn't subscribe to Howl (I did) I would at least have access to them all before they went behind the paywall. The upshot of this was when I downloaded all of these shows, including the entire HDTGM catalog, they all appeared on my phone as "unplayed." Well, as you can imagine, I couldn't have that. So, instead of just marking them all as played, I've been listening back to all the old HDTGM episodes (including mini's). Consequently, I'm hearing episodes that I haven't heard in a long, long time and I've been really enjoying it. So here's the question: We all have our favorite episodes, and all of them have been great, but what--in your opinion--are the most UNDERRATED episodes? To clarify, this isn't the episode or episodes you'd point to to get a novice into HDTGM, but the ones you feel are great, but maybe don't get as much love as they deserve. Currently, (and I'm working backward so this could very well change as I re-listen to these over the next couple of weeks) I would have to say my "hidden gem" would have to be Episode 83 Winter's Tale (w/ Andy Daly). When I re-listened to it, I realized I had totally forgotten Andy Daly had already been on HDTGM. When he was the guest for Maximum Overdrive, I remember thinking, "Well, it's about time..." Listening to them try to wrap their heads around the plot is so hilarious and the fact that the first ten minutes or so is devoted to Jason wanting to discuss the trailer for Blended (maybe the closest they'll ever come to covering an Adam Sandler movie) was a thing of beauty. The only real drawback was that it was a June-less episode, but I found it to be no less entertaining for her absence. I promise never to watch Winter's Tale simply because I don't believe it could ever live up to the expectations set by this episode. So what did you guys think? What's the most underrated episode of HDTGM?
  13. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    Unfortunately, I don't have anything to add regarding the Star Wars comics. I'm more or less waiting for the inevitable collected edition--which have been my jam recently. Currently, I'm reading Avengers Omnibus HC Vol. 2. Granted, the stories are pretty facile when compared to modern comics, but the letters columns are a thing of wonder. Not only do you see letters from future comic book writers like Kurt Busiek (Astro City), but you really see how little and how much has changed. For instance, the letter writers complain about decompressed storytelling in 1967 because a storyline stretched TWO whole issues! Also, there are multiple letters from people who wanted to dump Hawkeye for being too much of a hothead and not a "hero" enough and how they would have liked him to be replaced by Spider-man--an event that finally happened during Bendis' run of New Avengers 30 years later to fan uproar. It's just amazing how these comics were so progressive (for instance, the Serpent Society, whom Fox news just recently had issue with, was first introduced during this run) and so backward ass (The Black Widow wants to retire so she can get married to Hawkeye and have them babies) at the same time.
  14. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    I don't remember--was there nudity in this movie? I must have tuned out for a minute or two. Oh well, how much could I have missed?
  15. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    Patrick Stewart is only in Lifeforce for 18 mins?!
  16. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    I believe he's going to be on the next James Bonding as well. At least, he was supposed to be going to see Spectre w/ Matt & Matt, so I can only assume...
  17. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    Stupid double-post. I guess I have to fill this space with something... So for Halloween I went through a bunch of movies, and one of them was the Rifftrax VOD for Rock and Roll Nightmare. Subsequently, as any discerning music lover would, I had to download the songs. This is currently my 3-year-old's favorite song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8_t8UxIri0 As a parent you look for those moments when you know you're raising your child right, and I have to say, I'm nailing it! And if you don't think hearing a toddler requesting Jon Mikl Thor by name isn't the most adorable thing you'll ever heard, you're dead inside.
  18. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    Just in case my original post was mis-leading, I didn't mean "save a couple bucks" as in, "it's so bad, don't watch it," I was saying, "save a couple bucks," because it's on YouTube (in installments) for free. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm looking forward to it!
  19. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    Why do you think he was in Pittsburgh? Now turn around...very slowly.
  20. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122.5 - Minisode 122.5

    Hey everyone! Save yourselves a couple of bucks...
  21. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122 - Death Spa: LIVE!

    Wow, Nate, that really sucks. The fact that you didn't smack him in the back of the head should be enough to qualify you for sainthood. I can only imagine how obnoxious it would be if you were actually in the audience. I live in Atlanta, so the likelihood that I'm ever going to be at one of their live shows is pretty minimal, but if I ever do have the chance, and some fucking guy is whistling like an idiot just because he wants to be the goddamn center of attention, Ho-lee Crap... To future audience members: if there's ever a time where a host/comedian/entertainer asks you to shut the fuck up, just do it--the first time.
  22. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122 - Death Spa: LIVE!

    Awwww...Taylor Anne, I may not be Paul "Mr. Hollywood" Scheer, but you're aces in my book!
  23. Cameron H.

    EPISODE 122 - Death Spa: LIVE!

    I think I have an answer for that... You know what I'm excited about though? For the first time in what feels like forever, I have no idea what the next movie is going to be. They've already released all their banked live shows, and they aren't doing another one until December, so Friday's announcement will be a legitimate surprise. This is filling my body with joyful anxiety. I'm hoping we'll get at least one "guest free" episode. Also, didn't Paul say he was looking for suggestions for new mini-episode segments? Has anyone given this any thought?