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Elektra Boogaloo

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Posts posted by Elektra Boogaloo


    Here you go!

    I got Yasmin. I don't know what that means but if any man called me any of the nicknames on this quiz, I'd punch them.


    Why is Jon Voight in "Bratz"???


    i think this is the most shat upon movie (pre-episode) ever. and deservedly so. i'm still angry about it. who ever picked it needs to sit on the naughty step for a while.


    also ...




    it's on tubi tv: http://tubitv.com/vi...the_jazz_singer

    Oh no, that''s the show I'm going to. Now I have to watch it. Shit. I was hoping for Ladyhawke!

    • Like 3

  2. Very excited for this show, though I hope the woman in the trailer getting a gun aimed at her head isn't Maria Castle, as that would be an egregious break in continuity.

    I'm sure we can expect more than one woman to be brutalized. Yay?

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  3. Re IF showrunner - Maybe. I guess we'll see since they got a new show runner for Season 2. ;)/> I'm not trying to say Jones is solely responsible, but I don't think he's got a good handle on the character, either. (Or able to get into a lotus position without looking like he's struggling).

    I think there are a lot of problems with IF and it's not just that Finn Jones isn't as an experienced actor as, say, Krysten Ritter.


    sycasey 2.0 pointed out there was a problem with the show-running by Scott Buck. I don't think they had a real "take" on the character. I think they wanted him to be a "grittier" version of Iron Fist (since that's Netflix's aesthetic) but it didn't work. He sounded too silly spouting the Kun Lun stuff. And in order to do the whole "Danny learns that killing people is bad" arc they had to take away much of what is good about him in the comics, which I think Cameron H is noting, that he is pure of spirit.


    They also seemed to think the "Colleen was secretly raised by the Hand" would be a cool plot twist, but that was also really against her comic book character. There were a lot of bad decisions.


    Plus the NEVER acknowledged the problem of racism with the character, which was also a problem in DOCTOR STRANGE. They wanted another white ninja but never stopped to think, "Well what makes him not a pale imitation of Daredevil then?" Nor did I think Finn Jones responded to the criticism well which was annoying.


    Our friend Lewis Tan also pointed on in the Bruce Lee podcast that Jones didn't get to spend much time in the gym for stunts. He complimented Jessica Henwick's work ethic with the stunts, but said you could tell Jones wasn't really doing his stunts. And I also think THAT is a big problem. Because you have to BELIEVE that Iron Fist could take out a dragon. I am not sure if that was due to scheduling (it's difficult to do a lot of stunt training if you are in most every scene) but I think between seasons Jones needs to really work on that. And also acting.


    I mean when you see Finn Jones in interviews he seems like kind of a silly, happy guy. I don't understand why they don't lean into that.

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  4. Defenders Talk [spoilers]

    Are we sure that he didn't just kidnap a bunch of people from the Home for the Ugly and convince them that they are aliens by means of Stockholm Syndrome?


    Also after finishing The Defenders, can I say that I am honestly shocked that

    Claire wasn't this teams version of Phil Coulson where her apparent death would cause the team to come together and fight against a common enemy, as that's what it seemed to be leading to with each season of the four prior shows.


    Cuz they knew I would've hunted down everyone involved in the show fucking Arya Stark style if they did that. [/spoilers]


    Charlie and Krysten have so much natural chemistry together that all of their bickering just really blossomed and made me all heart eyes. Then seeing Luke and Jess reunited was a heart filler. I love how natural Claire and Luke are together but GOD DAMN do I ship Luke and Jessica.


    I saw people saying they ship Matt/Jessica now and it made me wonder if Melissa Rosenberg will go the way ALIAS did. Which was Jessica was in a relationship with Scott Lang/Ant-man when she got pregnant and it wasn't his kid, it was Luke Cage's. (They just had a drunken one-night stand.) And she had to make the decision to keep it nor not.


    It's weird because in the comics now they are the Cages are the big happy family, but they weren't dating when Danielle was conceived. And I think Jessica kind of lost her edge in the comics when she became "the mom" of the New Avengers. And obviously the closing of the MAX line meant they couldn't really keep her an unwed mother.


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  5. So in an attempt to bring this back to Garbage Pail Kids (when doing the C&Os for this, Nate is going to wonder why so many of them are about the Defenders).


    If this is a world where the STATE deemed Abraham Lincoln "too ugly" and had him smushed, then is this a world where the Confederacy won the Civil War? Is this that HBO show?


    And if it's the pilgrims theory, what happened to the original Kun Lun citizens?



    The portal to Kun Lun is supposed to open every few years or so. And they take assholes like Danny in, so I assumed they were pilgrims who intentionally went to learn their ways. (Alexandra even says she had a daughter in her first life, so I assumed she went specifically to learn how to conquer death.) And I think Madame Gao is supposed to have been born there.) Then the monks kicked them out for abusing the substance or whatever and things were fine.


    The Iron Fist is supposed to protect Kun Lun from the Hand. And it was revealed at the very end "Iron Fist" that while Danny was goofing off in NYC, they were all slaughtered.


    Basically they lived in some kind of alternate universe utopia for thousands of years and then Danny Rand becomes Iron Fist and it all goes to shit. The nightmare Danny has on the plane is supposed to be it.





    think they just booked Chrissy Teigen for one of the November live shows via the magic of Twitter!

    As if I weren't bummed enough I can't go in November. Damn my sister for having a baby.

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  6. "Really what acting ability has Lewis Tan shown anywhere gives you an inkling he would have been good? His scene was the worst of the series"

    What acting ability has Finn Jones shown?!?


    I also wished they do Heroes for Hire and agree these aren't really "the Defenders." They also never use that name in the show, so like, maybe just call it what you will.


    I really hope "Trish" can become Hellcat at some point. She only got to do that one cool fight scene in "Jessica Jones" and I loved it. I was like, "Scratch his eyes out!" The new Hellcat series has been one of the bright spots in a very depressing year at Marvel.

    • Like 5

  7. They're all working at Ninja restaurant.

    Also, Frank Bruni's restaurant review is one of the funniest things I've read from the food section of the nytimes.

    True story: One of my boss's clients was coming into NYC and wanted to go to Ninja. And my boss asked me if I wanted to come along and I said no. I turned DOWN free food, which is the opposite of my general aesthetic.


    Here's my only follow up question - why is Karen such a bummer?

    I don't know. I liked that actress when she was on True Blood (confession: I stopped before things go weird.) But all they let her do is just like, cry and be afraid. She's there to cry. It's very unfair.


    I was actually kind of upset when I learned she'd be on "Punisher" too. Because I was like "Oh great what horrible things will she have to endure with TWO superhero male friends/possible love interests."


    I put up my non-spoilery review of THE DEFENDERS if anyone cares.

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  8. I'm on episode 5 and enjoying it but I'm seriously lacking backstory because I only watched half of S1 of Daredevil and Jessica Jones. But maybe that makes it more enjoyable since I'm not worried about whatever their personal stuff is? I do get a little bored at parts too, but whenever the Defenders are all together or their personal side characters hang out it seems to be more engaging.

    Those are the best parts. There should've been a whole episode about all the side characters interactions at the police station.


    The backstory I gave to my sister, who hadn't seen Iron Fist or Daredevil was "basically they want to to believe NYC is lousy with ninjas but I've never seen one and I lived here for 11 years. Also Danny Rand is the worst."



    I did the same thing as,Tom (clicked the Spoiler). I'm also only 1 1/2 episodes in and haven't been too impressed. I found the first episode to be terribly done. So far, the second is a bit of an improvement. I'm glad to hear it gets better!


    ETA: Finn Jones is the worst! IF is problematic as it is, Jones doesn't help - at all!

    It was stupid to decide to come up with ways that each character becomes involved with the fight. Why not just have the earthquake or some large event and everyone comes running? It makes the first episode (and everything up until the end of 3, I think) very choppy and slow. I mean, obviously I liked the Luke Cage and Jessica Jones parts best because I love those two characters but every time it cut back to Iron Fist I was like "damnit."


    If you don't like Iron Fist, like me,

    Jump to episode two when Cage and Rand fight. And then to the beginning of episode six when they find out Alexandra needs the Iron Fist alive and Danny acts like an asshole so the other three (who are the real defenders in my mind) team up and fight him.


    Then Stick tries to kill him too, which is the only time I really root for Stick because he annoys me.


    It's basically confirmed that he's the worst Iron Fist ever and he doesn't know what he's doing, which I appreciated. But at the end they act like he's learned a lesson (?) and is going to protect the city like Daredevil did. And I question his ability to do that. Like sure you WANT to protect New York but you also were supposed to protect Kun Lun and everybody died so...


    Lucky for those of us who actually live in NYC, we will get season 3 of Daredevil before season 2 of Iron Fist so we won't have to rely on him. ;)


    • Like 3

  9. i saw this trailer when i went to see baby driver but the movie only came out over here this weekend. i'm not saying this is a movie worth watching but i wanted to comment on the trailer. i've moaned before about how bad trailers are now and how they show you too much but this takes it to a whole other level. i know i haven't seen the movie but i'm pretty sure they basically showed you 90% of the movie. i'm guessing there's a nicolas sparks type twist at the end but this is ridiculous.




    I have to rant about this book for a little while because I really like the author and the premise is the lead character has the "bubble boy" disease that so often gets made fun of. And I thought, "How great to show what living with illness is actually like!" when I first heard about it. I have a chronic illness, not anything as bad as that, but like it's difficult to accept that your days are just never going to be like you see on TV or whatever.



    But the Nicolas Sparks-like twist you refer to is that the mother made it up to "keep her safe" and she doesn't have the disease at all. Then they go to therapy and stuff is fine (because the father and brother died and she was like too distraught about that and didn't want to lose her daughter too?). BUT THAT IS CHILD ABUSE. I wanted her to be arrested! I was so mad.


    I also thought it kind of encouraged teenagers to do stupid shit against medical advice but that's lessened by the TOTAL LIE OF THE PLOT.



    I'm excited to see Amandla Stenberg get a leading role but I wish it was any other book really.

    • Like 4

  10. Omission: I was really hoping for extended discussion of the fact that one of the creators of the Garbage Pail Kids is Art Spiegelman, creator the famous graphic-novel Holocaust memoir Maus:

    This is more horrifying that my Gomez Addams thoughts. That man has a Pulitzer Prize. This feels wrong.


    P.S The Defenders came out today...

    P.P.S. How are you today, Elektra?

    I'm doing very well, Cameron! "Defenders" did come out today and I binged it all.



    I think it was a gift to me personally that Elektra 2 kicked Danny Rand around like a little bitch at the end.


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  11. I have to say, Gomez and Morticia Addams are one of my favorite fictional couples. (They are both weird but they GET each other instead of looking for someone "perfect". And I also know the cartoon didn't have much personality so Astin invented much of what we know of Gomez from TV and the films.)


    The idea that Gomez Addams couldn't save his son from this makes me deeply, and profoundly sad for some reason.


    I mean, he's also Patty Duke's son and she was president of SAG at the time this was made. So where was she on this trainwreck?

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  12. I'm listening to this episode and enjoying it, but I'm quite happy that I didn't watch this movie. I'm really excited about how much everyone hated it. I said in the minisode thread I was excited to hear what June had to say, but since I listen to "Pod Save America" and "Lovett or Leave It" and know Jon is also fastidious (if you haven't listened there was a whole side story when they read the ads about John F. picking out suits for his wedding and Jon L. calling them "hetero-normative blue") So obviously he was a great choice for a movie so much about fashion.


    The Cyrus the Virus in the audience is the actual murderer from Con Air, right?


    eta: Oh! Tim is back singing the second opinions song. HI, TIM!

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  13. I'm really happy to know Jason drinks wine and June drinks Bud Light. (I picture it as girly wine.)


    The dentist lady should be my friend. I listen to the old podcasts when I'm anxious. I like when PFT goes on the rant about typewriters in "Lake Placid" a lot. I don't know why it always makes me happy.


    8 is too young for THE ROCK. I'm pretty sure Nick Cage is having sex in his first scene in that? The first PG-13 movie my parents let me watch was TWINS. I think that says a lot about me as a person.


    My thanks to the guy who watched all those Sidaris movies. I think he wins the week.


    I will not be watching the Garbage Pail Kids movie. Interested to see what June thinks.


    my first shout out was actually in the old facebook Q & A(ids) section ... and of course paul got my name wrong (alex instead of alan). it made me laugh then and it made me laugh when i listened to it again yesterday.

    If Paul got your name RIGHT the first time, I think you should leave.

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  14. Date for the Now Hear This show was announced today! It is THURSDAY which surprised the heck out of me. I thought it'd be Friday.


    It's a testament to how much I love Paul, June and Jason that I am going to the Javits Center on PURPOSE. (It's the worst you guys; it jinxed Hillary Clinton's presidental run for sure.)


    Anyone else going? Are you going to sing a second opinions song? I feel like New York has to bring it or we will be mocked.

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