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Elektra Boogaloo

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Posts posted by Elektra Boogaloo

  1. My guess is - by the end of her movie - she'll be stuck in space in some kind of suspended animation situation.

    Or they could say flying through space actually takes time and stuff! Or she could've been living with the Kree, and learning how to use her powers, or saving people throughout the galaxy.


    Now that I think about it Mar-Vell spent a lot of time trapped in the Negative Zone. They could do that.


    I'm pretty excited about the idea that she is older than the actress playing her, much as Captain America is. Because I was worried Brie wasn't old enough to be a Commander of the Air Force. I want to see her ordering people around. And also punching. All the things I love.


    I'm now wondering if they are actually thinking of leading to the Secret Invasion storyline, which could really alienate fans if it's revealed that characters we've followed for years are Skree. The timeline is what I'm wondering about most because people freaked out big time with Homecoming because there were some inconsistencies in the timeline with the intro of Spider-Man in the MCU. The one thing I hope they don't do is call SHIELD SHIELD rather than Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division, because that might be the canon-breaking error that could cause nerd WWIII.

    I also hate Secret Invasion and hope Carol thoroughly punches all the Skrulls in her film so we never have to see them again. Although my current working theory is that Nick Fury, former director of SHIELD, is now off forming SWORD. That would allow him to appear in Infinity War at least somewhat prepared for alien invasion, though I'm sad they are saying Carol isn't in Infinity War now. Boooooo.


    Also wouldn't Captain America: The First Avenger still be the first film chronologically?

    • Like 2

  2. They just announced at SDCC that "Iron Fist" is getting a second season and Simone Missick (Misty Knight) will join the regular cast.


    Like I *love* her in "Luke Cage" but they're going to make her kiss that wormy asshole. I need all the alcohol right now.

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  3. the garbage pail kids was never really a thing here. or maybe i was too young to care. i remember the cards but i've never seen the movie. and i have no idea what hard ticket to hawaii is.




    there's a version of each of these on youtube but the GPK one seems short compared to the IMDB runtime. does anyone if it's the peoper version?

    Not excited about the Garbage Pail Kids. I hated the cards, didn't know there was a movie and did not care to know.


    You know you listen to HDTGM a lot when you listen to a new episode, hear one of the audience members ask a question, and think, "Wait...isn't that the same Brie (sp?) from the Furious 7 episode that 'likes that Groot guy'". (Pretty sure it is. Went back to listen to Furious 7 again and that woman's name IS Brie (sp?) as well...)

    Probably? There are regulars at the Largo shows. There's Tim (who would sing the Second Opinions them, asks a question in this one and answered Jason's nerd questions in My Stepmother is an Alien), Aarthi the Knitting Girl, Tim Curry guy/Robert, and some other ones. Anyone have a fave recurring audience member?

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  4. Kinda bummed that I have to wait until the end of the year to see it as A24 is looking at an award season release in the hopes of pumping up the chance of Franco getting a Best Actor nomination for the Oscars. If that happens, please dear god have Franco bring Tommy up on stage with him. so that he can make an Oscar speech and break the final seal in order to unleash the apocalypse.

    Wow. It's been taking forever for this to come out. But I can't wait to see Paul, June and Jason!

  5. Did Alan Cummings play the Emcee before or after Burlesque? Do you think one lead to the other?

    I am positive before. (I only know this because he was doing it before X2--I relate everything back to comic book movies.) I just looked it up and Wikipedia says he first did it in 1993. And then moved to the US around 1998.


    And despite the fact that this movie feels very early 2000s to me, it was released in 2010.

    • Like 4

  6. Clearly, you guys don't get burlesque...

    Maybe the song at the end (How Do You Burlesque) is a question about how you get to your seats? You come in, pay, go down the stairs to the bar, and then you go up two flights to your balcony seating which is now higher than the street you came in off of, to watch girls singing in the basement.

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  7. There's also a large staircase outside where Xtina saw the first dancer whom I assume was hanging out backstage? Like having a smoke break? So maybe the stage itself is in the basement and they build up to the 2nd floor (because there are balcony seats) and then back stage goes up two stories?

    There are balcony seats? wow


    ut then when Alice first meets Alan Cumming, he tells her "We may not have windows, but we do have the best view on Sunset Strip." I guess Cher's office windows are purely decorative???

    There are windows everywhere. The BAR has windows that are apparently part of the stage because Christina sings there. So I think those are decorative too.

    • Like 4

  8. Did anyone else find it weird that you had to go up a flight of stairs to enter the club, but then once inside the building, you had to go down a flight of stairs to get to the performance area?


    Okay, I have REAL questions about the club. Because I recall Christina going DOWN a flight of stairs to see the show when she first shows up. So I thought the club was a basement club. But Cher's office had a LOT of windows. So I was like "what are these windows opening up to? Dirt?" But then later there is a windy staircase up to Cher's office. But also there is a staircase down from the dressing room.

    • Like 5

  9. Is this because a woman wouldn't have felt the need to have lengthy shots ogling Christina Aguilera? Even though the movie has an intended audience of women who probably don't have much need or desire to ogle Christina Aguilera?

    There were a lot of shots of Christina where I thought she looked terrible, and she's quite pretty. And they dressed her in like leopard print and stuff. I thought she looked pretty cheap.


    I went to the IMDb and saw Cher, Christina, and even Kristen Bell each had their own makeup artist. I bet they brought them from like stage shows, and that's why they are so heavily made up.

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  10. I'm very scared of OLD DOGS. I don't want to remember Robin Williams that way. Ha ha.


    I have no idea how to define Burlesque from this movie. It just seems to be singing, except when Kristen Bell is doing it.


    I listened to the episode again. I think it was June was asking why we spent so long with the wedding DJ and Tucci. I have a theory, actually. When he and Cher were dancing at the wedding I thought, "It'd be interesting if it turned out Tucci was in love with her, and that was the meaning of the don't make the same mistakes I did. She married the dude with money (I think?) and missed the possibly gay guy who was her friend."


    And since I think we're all in agreement that Cher and Tucci had more chemistry than Christina and Bobo. I think they had to go back and be like, "No, really guys, he's gay." Maybe?

    • Like 3

  11. I watched this earlier on Freeform streaming. Here are my notes.


    ~~~ Bang Talk with Elektra~~~


    Christina's wigs drove me nuts. First she has no bangs. Then when she's in LA (at the club) she has very short bangs. Whenever she's in the apartment, she has medium bangs. Then when she starts singing, she has no bangs again.

    -- she mysteriously has bangs when she is in LA. Did she stop to get her hair done? (Wig done.) Stanley Tucci suggests she wear a wig and I'm like "no shit."


    I felt bad for the dancers who had to learn these routines. Particularly the ones of color because only the white ladies were allowed to have stories or personalities. (Or get pregnant.)


    I don't understand Cher's financial situation at all. Does she own the club? Or is she renting? I think owns because she sells the air rights. I'm assuming she's heavily mortgaged but why couldn't she show them the paper about their new singer and say, "Look, we're more popular now!" to get a loan? And firstly, why would Jack hire a new person if they are having financial troubles? All she does is stand and stare at the show. She should pay them.


    -- good on Stanley Tucci for getting paid twice to do one character.

    -- how did Christina know where the bartender lived? Creepy. She gives the flattest delivery of "I'm glad I don't have to be alone tonight." There is no chemistry.

    -- how dare they do the training montage to a Madonna song.

    -- they are wasting money on putting makeup on AFTER THE SHOW IS OVER.

    -- Cher has to be in complete darkness when she cries. Ack.

    -- I don't see how everyone stops dead when she sings, she is not micced. Unless they are hiding the mic pack in her butt, like in Running Man.

    -- Alan Cumming was clearly on set one day. All of his reaction shots are in the little ticket booth. Like he has been trapped in there for weeks on end. Then they let him out to sing, but before Ali they never sang? So maybe his life was just like a horror show and then he was like, "Tess, I can sing too! Please let me out!"

    -- Nice of Eric Dane to just reveal his evil plan. Why would he come to the club all the time he if just wants the air rights?

    -- is anyone else getting Bobo Chris Evans from the bartender?

    -- Stanley Tucci has more chemistry with Cher than Bobo Chris has with Christina.

    -- I don't think Kristen Bell and Cher were together for their confrontation. Because Bell is enormous and Cher is not moving her face.

    -- hen did the couch become chaise lounge with blankets? It's probably bad that this is what I am wondering about during the sexy times.

    -- "John was my mother's name." Only time I laughed. Love you, Stanley Tucci.

    -- Two days!?!

    -- okay, real question. Isn't this a basement club? Why are there so many windows?

    -- did Barbara sell James Brolin to Cher for a day?

    -- Jack's song is the worst of the movie.

    -- oh that's it?

    • Like 2

  12. Isn't a raisin basically an undead grape? A zombie grape if you will.

    I am so happy at the direction this thread has taken. I came to ask who the eff puts raisins in coleslaw, and more importantly, who ASKS ABOUT IT. Like who even thinks, "There might be raisins in this coleslaw." And was she pro or against? I have questions. Because, like, maybe she just went to another barbecue where someone had gross raisins in their coleslaw and she was calling to ask, "Hey, you don't put raisins in your goddamn coleslaw do you?" That's okay. But if she WANTED raisins in the coleslaw, then we have a problem.


    I think that girl who went on that date needs to ask herself, "Does this man look like Paul Scheer? Do I want to do that to June?" Because Paul was pretty defensive.


    Hello person in the Peace Corps!

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  13. Also in case you haven't seen this here's the music video for the closing credits song "Time Won't Let Me" featuring a shirtless JVCD rocking a harmonica.



    I couldn't make it all the way through. When they turned into Civil War soldiers, I had to to stop it. Is it me or is JCVD listening to a different song? Because he is ROCKING OUT to the slower parts, not even the guitar solo.


    Also is that Street Fighter hair I see?

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  14. So the guy in the audience who suggests Trump saw this movie and "Time Cop" is real. Does that mean if JCVD does a sequel in which he defeats Trump (because fiction is now real), then Hillary will have won the election in the past? I don't want to get political, but I think we should try it. What's the worst that could happen? MORE SPLITS.


    I was also just about to mention "Tango and Cash" but Cameron beat me to it. (How are you today, Cameron?)

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  15. I love that panel, especially now that Brie Larson will be Carol. It's meta all over.


    I think more so than that it can be chalked up to including Inhumans in Agents of SHIELD. Daisy Johnson is practically the lead character now and Quake is pretty damn badass to see go at it on screen.

    Yeah they clearly wanted the Inhumans to be the new mutants since Fox owns the rights. Quake wasn't even an Inhuman in the comics before the show. But--besides Kamala--I don't really think there is an Inhuman that people are really fired up over. Maybe that's just me. The fact that their LEADER can't talk is just awkward for film.


    I think the show looks terrible and it makes me feel bad for the actors who are in it. I hope it dies quickly so they don't use Kamala. I want her to get her own movie. (And I totally was fancasting her father with Kumail's dad in "The Big Sick" when I saw it this weekend.)


    Has anyone seen "The House"? I was going to maybe try to go sometime this week to support Jason but the reviews have not been great and my roommate doesn't want to see it. Anyone in NYC need a friend?

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