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About groovynatalie

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  1. groovynatalie

    Men, Women, and Children

    This movie just came out in theatres and oh boy, it was bad. There were a lot of (nonsensical) (unrelated) plots happening on top of each other, mediocre actings, and factually incorrect statements being made about the internet. I feel like it's the kind of movie that June would love and Jason would really hate. It would make for a great episode. I mean, man. It was bad.
  2. groovynatalie

    HDTGM?-like Podcasts

    A HDTGM-esque podcast about bad movies that I love is called "FilmSack" on the Frogpants Network. It's four friends who watch a movie every week and then review it together. It's actually quite similar in format to HDTGM and since it's been going on since 2009, there are plenty of episodes in the archive to keep you listening before you'll ever catch up. And they mostly focus on movies that are streaming on Netflix so that more listeners have the ability to watch the movies their watching before the episode posts. They also occasionally do commentary tracks so you can watch along and listen to the commentary in real time, which is super fun too. It's hilarious and just a lot of fun.