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Cockney Mackem

The Visit (2015)

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M Night Shyamalan's new film The Visit has inexplicably got good reviews on its release and is apparently a return to form for M Night (although given he's made two good films, two iffy ones and the rest were terrible I'm not sure what "form" means here). It's less of a surprise it's doing good business as so many piss weak horror movies make money these days.


But seriously, this film sucks and is full to brimming with WTF moments. It's a perfect storm of serious flaws, gargantuan plot holes, unhinged madness and things for June to explore in more detail.


Make it happen, HDGTM!

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I thought about seeing this but when I was reading a review of it the bastard reviewer spoiled the twist, which didn't sound that bad in comparison to other M. Night twists, to me it came off like a vintage Tales From the Crypt episode. Yet if any M. Night movies are to be done by the show it has to be The Happening first.

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I thought about seeing this but when I was reading a review of it the bastard reviewer spoiled the twist, which didn't sound that bad in comparison to other M. Night twists, to me it came off like a vintage Tales From the Crypt episode. Yet if any M. Night movies are to be done by the show it has to be The Happening first.


The twist is reeeeeaaaaallly badly done in the film. It's like a shit campfire tale.

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Ah okay, also is this movie funny because I keep seeing people say that this is a horror comedy?

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Please do this movie!!


-A white kid rapper (with a lisp)

-A stash of dirty adult diapers

-A giant oven


It's bonkers. Not next-level bonkers, but bonkers.

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