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Tommy Wiseau's "The Room"

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It's perfect for the show. It's been called the Citizen Kane of bad movies.

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Thoroughly seconded, and I'd recommend the HDTGM crew also check out one of the monthly midnight screenings of it over at the Sunset 5. It's an experience akin to Rocky Horror Picture Shows, only better and frequently attended by Wiseau himself.

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This one needs to happen. Some of the weirdest line deliveries of any film I can think of...

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I don't think it's the right kind bad movie for HDTGM....Because I can tell you exactly how this got made: Small budget, terrible script, horrible acting, and a complete disconnect from the realm of reality on Tommy Wiseau's part. The best part of this podcast is that the movies have big stars, over inflated budgets, and often times a lot of hype (Battflefield Earth anyone?). The Room is fitted more for the Rifftrax crew (which exists, if you go to their website and purchase for like 2 or 3 bucks. It's worth it). Going into the theater watching your favorite big time commercial movie stars only to see them crash and burn in a terrible movie while you pull your hair out in disbelief and yell, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?" is what HDTGM is about.

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If you ever do this movie as an episode, I'm sure Greg Sestero(Mark) would be willing to record with you guys. He's writing a book about his experiences with this pile of crap.

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