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The Bugle to Earwolf

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Hello All,

Apparently the Bugle, one of my favourite podcasts, has lost its host the Times. I think they would be a good fit here and they do have a dedicated fanbase.

How say you?

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It would be undeniably cool, but I'm not sure Earwolf has the time or money (yet!) to organise and pay for a recording every week in New York and London.

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Yes, this would be fantastic. I just logged into these forums to see if this was a topic yet. When I heard the news and read some of the details about the Bugle's current situation, my first thought was 'what a fantastic addition to Earwolf this would be'. Of course I know nothing about the actual budget of the Bugle or Earwolf's business realities, and understand that the show is pretty outside the production process for Earwolf. Maybe it's completely not possible, but so cool if it were.

I know they are throwing around ideas about subscription and maybe fund drives. Seems like the Bugle could get some kind of sponsorship just from the weight of John Oliver's name. But what do I know? (A: nothing)

So, I guess this is an unhelpful, unsolicited vote for making it happen. Somebody please make things happen that will make me happy without me doing anything about it. Yay!

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