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Episode 9 — Transcribing Into AAVE

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Yo, what up race cars and z-cast listeners! Jon Daly is here to figure out if it’s racist to transcribe conversations into African American Vernacular English with misspellings or is it racist to disregard these features and translate it to “proper” English. Ask us more academic questions at 323-389 RACE.

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there is something joyous that comes over me when I hear people talking about whether scenarios are racist or not makes me laugh every time haha

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Why is it okay to write/transcibe in AAVE if its academic sociology/some famous creative person like David Simon and not in other cases? These hosts aren't the best at explaining the reasoning behind something & making it make sense

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It seems like Andrew hates RaceCars. Male callers get insulted. Female callers get sexualized. Nice.

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I just want to give props to Ti for attempting to pull the plug on how seriously sexist that was getting for a minute there. I love Jon Daly, but yiiiikes.

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Why is it okay to write/transcibe in AAVE if its academic sociology/some famous creative person like David Simon and not in other cases? These hosts aren't the best at explaining the reasoning behind something & making it make sense


I'm assuming they mean it like:


David Simon/Scripts - People speak that way, and if that's how you want your script to be read you have to write in slang.


Academia - There are plenty of ebonics/vernacular/slang classes, and classes that study how language changes over time. Slang in a class like that is very important.


In the case of a court stenographer, or an FBI intelligence conversation logger. They should write in proper English. It'd be a madhouse if you wrote in slang because there is no Webster's defined spelling for certain words, and 50 year old white cops/judges/etc. would have to read and understand what happened.




Personally, I don't believe typing a certain way can be racist.

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I would love to hear Yo Is this Sexist? but part of me thinks that the episodes would be 3 hours long. That part of me, of course, is horribly sexist. I am a terrible person.

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