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Viewing Profile: kingeater
Just now
Viewing Topic: Chip Gardner
Viewing Topic: Hold on, letters and numbers? homeless puppets? sesame seed buns? I think we might be on to something!
Viewing Profile: uh_tom
Viewing Topic: If I had known I would be beside myself today I wouldn't have worn this 'I'm with stupid' t-shirt
Viewing Topic: Apparently my password can't be "Life Goes On" because it doesn't have any special characters. Uh, hello, yes it did?
Viewing Topic: Color Out of Space (2019)
Viewing Topic: Rear Window
1 minute ago
2 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: Episode 157 - Grease vs. Hairspray (w/ Adam Egypt Mortimer)
Viewing Topic: Episode 3 - A Tarot-Flying Journey
3 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: So tasty, even a committed vegan will want to tear into this juicy meat.
Viewing Topic: Reign of Fire (2002)
Viewing Topic: I was sitting here holding a cigarette and I realized I'd rather be holding you if you were ground up and rolled up in paper. How's Saturday?
Viewing Topic: Sphinx
Viewing Topic: Their lips quivered with rage as the mice ate the entire Whole Foods Cheese Bar.
Viewing Topic: if you play Pac-Man backwards you have a lot of ghosts avoiding a pellet-spewing madman
Viewing Topic: Swerve in all swank cause my stature surely startles. A klepto and a klank with fractured metatarsals.
Viewing Topic: Homework - Tommy (1975)
4 minutes ago
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