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  1. You can't not love "Weird Al" Yankovic. We are lifelong fans and were more than happy to stamp his passport in Sklarbro Country. From his very first Jim Croce parody to his reception on Twitter, we loved learning about his three-decade-long reign as the King of Parody. Keeping in the theme of childhood heroes, we've invited Jesse Ventura to take a quick detour from his route to Mexico to hang out with us. Add live music from Jim Bianco, some Nickelback news, and the oddest stroke story we've ever heard, and you'll have an hour-and-a-half long vacation to amaze your friends with pictures from.
  2. This week's Professor Blastoff is 100% organic, homegrown, and hormone free. We have noted vegan Myq Kaplan on to discuss the ever changing world of food and food production: From the evolution of the grocery store to the adverse affects of methane and so much more. Plus we introduce a new segment: Weekly Vocabulary Lesson! Listen while you eat something raw and traded freely.
  3. We all know that The History Channel's "Ancient Aliens" is educational and compelling. Now we learn of its ability to inspire with Bob's newest poem, "Some Thoughts on The History Channel's Ancient Aliens."
  4. Threesomes, aliens, The Duggar Family, Oprah, this episode has everything! Seth Morris left his buddy Bob Ducca to come hang out with us and he so totally brought it! From dating in LA to trashy TV, we fly through the hour! Enjoy!
  5. With 100 episodes now under his belt, I think we can all agree that Bob Ducca is qualified to give advice to the listeners. Best of luck, Bill!
  6. It's not just for moistening cereal or stopping jalapeo burn. It's the lifeblood of the beverage industry and it's what we celebrate this week. Thanks Conrad!
  7. We were once bitter rivals, and now...best friends? Perhaps it's too soon to tell, but we definitely adore Tommy Dassalo and Karl Chandler, two of our competitors in The Earwolf Challenge. They came to the U.S. for a brief trip and we just HAD to have them over to talk Australia, sexualharassment, travel stories, and VEGAS! They couldn't have been nicer or funnier, so enjoy!
  8. Boy, what a fun episode of Comedy Bang Bang we have today! Our old friend Harris Wittels is in the studio with a brand new edition of Harris' Foam Corner. Our new friend Jon Heder makes a great first impression with an impressive round of Harris' favorite game What Am I Thinking?! To top it off, our new acquaintance (Ihesitateto call him a friend) Hank Williams, Jr. offers up some commentary straight from the zeitgeist and inspires a round of Alive or Dead as well as a ghastly rap battle. Making friends, cracking jokes, learning about each other, isn't that what Comedy Bang Bang is all about?
  9. What is there to say about love that hasn't already been said? It lifts us up where we belong? Nope, been covered. It will lead you back? Nah, I think Taylor Dayne already told us that. Michael Jackson can't stop doing it, Meat Loaf would do anything for it, and The Beatles think it's all we need. Where do Tig, Kyle, and David fall on the issue? Find out this week on Professor Blastoff!
  10. I don't know about you guys, but I've still got some bro in my system and I gotta get it out! Enter Todd Barry, Nick Thune, and Matthew Sweet who join Scott for an hour of songs, games, stories, Hot Topics, and bro time. I mean, what else do you need to know? Oh, that Matthew Sweet's new album Modern Art comes out tomorrow. A perfect soundtrack for bro-ing out!
  11. Let us all give thanks for another episode of Glitter in the Garbage! For trashy Christian rockers and people who are terrible at their jobs. For sad loners joining together during the holidays. For handbags. Mostly for handbags. I'm thankful for Drew, Tom, Chase, and George, and I'm thankful that Jenna Elfman doesn't listen to this podcast!
  12. Thirsty from an exhausting Scrabble tournament? Back a little sore from a rough encounter at Shea? Eagerly anticipating the new Magic Johnson musical? Drink up, stretch out, and calm down because Will Forte awaits you on the calming shores of Sklarbro Country. His Saturday Night Live resume is hilarious, his athlete run-ins are captivating, and his Raiders fandom is inspiring. Less inspiring but equally intriguing is Owen Wilson who makes his long awaited return to clue us in on his NBA lockout plans. This is a great episode so don't pull a Dykstra and miss it!
  13. We've got celebrity on the brain this week on Totally Laime! Maybe it's because our guest is Keith Powell from the coolest show on television, 30 Rock! Keith tells us about his run-ins with Sidney Poitier and Meryl Streep, his recent baller car purchase, and the tricky world of dealing with fans. Keith doesn't disappoint as he kills it at The Oprah Game and Lame or Totally Rapid Fire! We had a blast, so we hope you enjoy!
  14. Oh, hello there! Please, sit down and make yourself comfortable. Would you like a glass of wine? Mmm, I thought you might. We're dimming the lights in the hatch and talking about sexual attraction this week with the absolutely beautiful and hilarious Sarah Silverman. From pheromones to cologne, we discuss the science of seduction and the perfection of breasts. Enjoy it with a loved one, or at least a super attractive one.
  15. The President is coming! The President is coming! We have so much to do before he gets here! We have to choose topics to discuss with him, catch up on our American history, and we must get Gobbly ready for our big performance! If you want to help us out, you can donate to The Apple SistersPledgeMusic accountand come see us TONIGHT in Los Angeles at theElephant Lab! Gobble gobble!
  16. Oh, hi there! One of the most requested, most beloved, and most revolutionary bad movies of our time has to be The Room. We've finally decided to tackle it and we're going to do it right! The Room will be the latest How Did This Get Made? Director's Edition as we bring in Greg Sestero, aka Mark, to talk to us about the production of this "black comedy." Your assignment for this week is simple: WATCH THIS MOVIE!
  17. Bob Ducca has tried his hand at scream therapy, art therapy, and even more experimental forms of self-help like gourd therapy. This week he takes it old school with an attempt at music therapy.
  18. The political climate is red hot right now, but it seems as though no one is talking about the important issues! From the unfair business practices of Tim Gunn to the cruel world of Hollywood catering, the voices of the people are not being heard! The raspy voices of smoking college students, the carefree voices of disenfranchised language arts teachers! The voices of Drew Droege, Patrick Bristow, and David Jahn! Make your voices heard, and listen to Glitter in the Garbage!
  19. Doug Benson: Consumer of cannabis, lover of movies, Broadway aficionado, and an absolute master of the charts! Doug makes appearance number two this week and we have prepared for him the Weekend Box Office Chart, the Billboard Country Music Chart, and a sticky icky bowl of Chart Cheeba. Seattle: Don't forget to come see us tomorrow at Chop Suey for the FIRST EVER WHO CHARTED? LIVEwith special guest Sir Mix-A-Lot! Woot!
  20. There's no reason for you to suffer-gette, because we've got a brand new episode of The Apple Sisters for you! Our fellow Americans, if you want more calypso music, silly turkeys, and mail rooms in podcasting, vote for The Apple Sisters! And if you're a woman who can't vote, just give it a listen. That should suffice.
  21. Steven Seagal is acting crazy, celebrities are buying basketball teams, and Philly fans are booing the fight against cancer. This can only mean one thing: It's time for Sklarbro Country! Andy Kindler has finally reached the calming shores and his luggage includes great advice for young comics, insights into the music industry, tips on microphone protocol, and aburgeoningcareer in color commentary. Also joining us is Bryant Gumbel whose latest showbiz idea tops all his previous efforts. Check out The Sklar Brothers this weekend inNashville, listen to the Sklarbro CountrySpotify playlist, and go punch a waterfall!
  22. There's no reason for you to suffer-gette, because we've got a brand new episode of The Apple Sisters for you! Our fellow Americans, if you want more calypso music, silly turkeys, and mail rooms in podcasting, vote for The Apple Sisters! And if you're a woman who can't vote, just give it a listen. That should suffice.
  23. According to Ben Gigli of 5 Second Films, making friends with your fellow content providers is imperative to having success online. We took that advice before he even gave it and had him on The Wolf Den to discuss Youtube monetization, understanding content platforms, and the impossible task of predicting merchandise success. Joining him is Dave Mancherje, our financial guru, who helps us understand Amazon Affiliates, AdSense, and everything else intimidating to industry newcomers.
  24. After the outrageous success of the last tone poem, Bob has once again put quill to scroll. Turn off your anxious thoughts, tell your worries to come back later, and let your brain soak in the nectar of Rattle Crackle Crunch Tang.
  25. We'll probably never know how this crazy world came to be, but it's still fun to theorize. Big Bang Theory, Multiverse Theory, Bubble Theory, it all sounds confusing and complicated to us so we've brought previous guest Robert Ike back to simplify it (as much as possible). It's a real baryon of a show!