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  1. For the first time, Jeff records an episode from his apartment and without guests. He monologues about trying to survive a rough week at Earwolf, why you should pursue your passion and how to afford titty bars. He also plays messages from listeners about what they like about Earwolf and what can be improved. He even discusses his thoughts on inappropriate laughter in lactation rooms. Enjoy this weird episode.
  2. It is time once again for one of Bob's guided meditations. Find somewhere cozy to sit, put on some soothing music, and relax!
  3. What better way to end the week than with a poem? Today's poem is called "Don't Squeeze" and I'm sure it will speak to many of our listeners. Have a great weekend!
  4. The challengers have three-and-a-half minutes and no introduction to get our judges on board. How will they fare when Matt, Jordan Morris, and Kulap Vilaysack "commentate" on their mini-episodes? Learn who makes the bottom three and who is going home tomorrow on The Earwolf Challenge.
  5. Drew brings Glitter in the Garbage to a live audience for the very first time and boy is it a tit party! His guests Edi, Stephanie, and Julie delight the huddled masses with tales of crappy jobs, a bizarre mommy hangout, and of course The Actor's Little Corner. If the response from the room is any indication, you will love Drew's rant on The Alcove. Pour yourself a gin and tonic and enjoy!
  6. NBA Lockout got you feeling down? Sad about getting kicked off of your high school football team? Did a member of the U.S. Ski Team recently urinate on you? Well we have an episode sure to cheer you up featuring the delightful Rob Delaney. The Twitter superstar charms us with the unbelievable story of how he went from Sir Lancelot to accountant to television writer all while finding time to sing at Fenway Park! Rob's unstoppable positivity even wears off on Bruce Jenner who seems to be in great spirits for his daughter's wedding. Not even a frivolous Village Person lawsuit or ridiculous Ron Artest news can get our mood down! Don't forget to watch Rob's Ma Men video and tell us what you think on the Earwolf Forums!
  7. That's right, it is time once again for one of Bob Ducca's product reviews! This week Bob turns his critical eye to a personal hygiene product that can't quite live up to the hype.
  8. Pee shyness effects countless individuals all over this great country, including listener Joel. If you are similarly affected and are tired of the stigma, tune in and find out how you can urinate happily once again.
  9. Take a summer of mediocre movies, combine it with the death of a legendary actress, and heat it up in the July sun and you get this: An episode of Glitter in the Garbage that has Drew, Scott and Eileen giving each other sex advice, work out tips, financial advising, and homemade business cards made out of lent! It gets pushy, sweaty, sexy, embarrassing, and most important, hilarious. Enjoy!
  10. With the competition now cut in half, we return to a trusty old challenge: Concepts and Content. Only it's a little bit different this week: They can't pull from the archives, and they don't get to introduce the clip! This week's coaching session takes on a different tone as Matt emphasizes marketability to the contestants. We're taking your suggestions to heart so leave feedback on the Earwolf forums and join us tomorrow as we bring in guest judges Kulap Vilaysack and Jordan Morris.
  11. Today's Glitter in the Garbage is for our rebellious fans! If you aren't afraid to take a stand against a prudish librarian or break the rules to quench Snoop Dogg's thirst, you'll know where Drew, Jillian, Charlotte and Taran are coming from. If you're the type who has an answer for everything, be it about the Renaissance or tits, maybe just stay home and watch The Cider House Rules this week. This episode is for thrill seekers only, so get out your surf boards, take off your clothes, and let's get to it!
  12. Maybe the most important message Bob has for you all is the message of Highest Self. I honestly can't express enough just how important it is that he get this point across to all of you. You cannot miss this episode!
  13. We started the competition with ten podcasts and after today we will have whittled it down to five. Hear how the chat shows fare and if the sketch shows proved themselves in today's elimination episode. Leave your comments here on the forum and on our Facebook page.
  14. If you haven't asked yourself this question yet, you will after listening to this episode! Part political activist, part social media innovator, and one-hundred-percent hilarious, Baratunde joins Jeff this week to discuss the evolution of entertainment platforms, the creative mindset, and the power of The Thank You Economy. This is a guy who is funny enough to work for The Onion, but is sincere and thoughtful enough to create of one of the only non-ironic or cat-based "viral videos" that I can think of! When you're done listening, go to Baratunde's website to learn about the million other things he's created that we didn't have time to address.
  15. Food and drink cleanses aren't just for fancy starlets and insecure Midwestern moms. Listener Kristen wants to know what cleanse is right for her, and Bob has all the answers she needs!
  16. You might call this episode verbose, perhaps even bombastic. You might find yourself wayward in the expanse of grammar and syntax. We're talking about talking this week on Professor Blastoff and our guest is our old friend from the Evolution episode, Dr. Martin Cohen. Learn what distinguishes "meaningful utterances" and how language has evolved through the course of human history. Enjoy, dig in, relish, savor, and luxuriate in it!
  17. What if a pill could make you talented and hilarious? You probably still wouldn't be as funny as Tom Lennon who graces the Chartlands with his presence this week. Tom seduces the Heatseekers Music Chart, giving way for Kulap to perform a dramatic reading of an important message about boning. Being the Hollywood star that he is, Tom uses the Movie Chart to talk about his best oral-sex-acting, and plays a round of Chart Roulette that will keep you on your toes! Pop some NZT, put on your favorite party jam, and enjoy your weekly allowance of Who Charted?!
  18. You came here for daily affirmations and that is exactly what you'll get! You can walk away from today's episode with a bevy of positive statements to get you through the rest of the week!
  19. Bob Odenkirk is taking a rare break from bicycling and taking care of his children to find out Who Charted?! Following an insightful and hilarious round of Chart Chatter, Bob gives us his take on British boy bands and his history as a DJ as we gallivant through the UK iTunes Singles Chart. Our good friend Charles the Chart Seagull makes his second stop for this special guest, but not before Bob gives his wise, mature opinion about the week's top movies. Be sure to pick up the new Earwolf apps and send in your Chart Chatter on Facebook and on the forums.
  20. Bob was recently the recipient of some emotional and physical bruising. And what do we do when we are hurt? We write poetry! Enjoy!
  21. Marc Maron and Howard Kremer both use guests in a unique way on their podcasts. Let's hear what they think of our seven remaining challengers. With the competition thinning out we have longer submissions to judge and harsher critiques for the remaining shows. Hear who did the most poorly tomorrow on our elimination show.
  22. The Wolf Den is finally back! In exchange for the several week absence, we have a great episode for you all featuring Jeff Rubin of Collegehumor, Nerd Alert, The Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin Show and more. He explains the complicated (yet awesome) science of "enhanced podcasts" and sheds light on the podcasting community on the east coast. There is an economy lesson stuffed in here as well regarding the expenses and complications of selling tee shirts. Sorry once again for the break, and enjoy!
  23. We don't love doing it, but we have to eliminate yet another podcast. Matt, Howard, and Marc call the three lowest performing shows and one must leave. Keep up with our eliminated contestants on the Earwolf blog, and join in on the discussion on our forums.
  24. Got a case of the Mondays? Start your week off on a positive note with a workplace-specific guided meditation courtesy of Bob Ducca. And just to show that you aren't alone in your anxieties, he'll join you!
  25. The Earwolf studio is experiencing a British Invasion! They're coming to Attack the Block and we're too Spaced to call the Hot Fuzz. It feels like Earwolf Vs. The World and hopefully we won't end up (Shaun of the) Dead (okay, I'm done now). Joe Cornish and Edgar Wright are our special guests who earn their keep in a heated game of Hollywood Facts and a rousing round of Would You Rather. Representing for the US of A is songwriter and entrepreneur Martin Riley who helps us with the creative process of penning a tune for a special occasion. Go see Attack the Block and check out Martin's friend Matt Besser on Earwolf's very own competition show The Earwolf Challenge.