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  1. We begin the second year of Sklarbro Country with the most relevant and important topic concerning sports: Which players should and shouldn't be made into bobbleheads? It's an important issue and thankfully we have Paul Scheer on the show to help us figure it out. In addition to discussing Human Giant and The League, we get to the bottom of thephenomenonof homeless joke theft and Paul uses his knowledge of MTV to help us understand Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari's relationship. Also in the studio is Kevin Seccia who reads a passage from his hilarious new book Punching Tom Hanks. Music is courtesy of Langhorne Slim & The Law who not only play beautifully, but offer up their own opinions on Deputy Butterbean. San Francisco fans, don't forget to pick up tickets to see The Sklar Brothers this weekend at thePunch Line Comedy Club!
  2. At some point between Selena and American Idol, JLo began to fancy herself a comedian. This revelation blessed us with awful films like The Wedding Planner, Monster-in-Law, and this week's movie The Back-up Plan. Don't start making up excuses to miss this movie, unless of course you're going to send them in to be read on air. Enjoy and see you next week!
  3. How did the world come to know Bob Ducca? Well, I think his parents take some responsibility for that. In this excerpt from Bob's unpublished autobiography, you'll learn how Mr. and Mrs. Ducca came to be the parents of a beautiful baby boy that would go on to grow into the guru we all know and love.
  4. The Apple Sisters have left their cozy den in Los Angeles and have ventured off to the seedy city of sin: Las Vegas! Distracted by shiny hotels and fancy breakfast buffets the girls are caught off guard by a very sensual beagle and his ties to a secret society. Can the sisters survive this scary situation? Listen in and you'll find out!
  5. After all the goofing around of the previous hour, the guys get some business done the second half of the show. Not only do they play What Am I Thinking?, Jukebox Jury, and Would You Rather?, but Dame Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber sings his greatest hit from Starlight Express and he and Scott double up on a new Jeremy Piven themed Would You Rather? theme. Dillon Campbell once again contributes some lovely songs, and we get the Plugs that were skipped during the first half. Don't forget to check out the Earwolf store, and pick up your very own Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast t-shirt.
  6. It's a packed house in the Earwolf studio today! We have musical guest Ugly Duckling live in house who open the show with one of the best (if not THE best) Sklar-themed ciphers we've ever heard! They help us understand the Phillie Phanatic and freestyle a theme for Sklarbitration before we bring in Brian Unger to get political up in this joint! He offers a rare glimpse into the early days of The Daily Show and explains Crossfit to a confused and cynical room. Then you know how it is: Some Ron Artest chat, Woody Allen bits, Charlie Sheen revelations, and a final segment with our good friend and Haiku poet Tiger Woods. Why celebrate the long weekend with noisy fireworks or sweltering barbecues when you can spend it listening to Sklarbro Country?
  7. It's time to liven the show up with a boost of potassium! Thus we present The Banana Brothers, three handsome men who join the girls this week to discuss, well, men! What to do when you're around them, why they get to go to war and ladies don't, and all your other burning questions about the opposite sex will be answered. If you're in Los Angeles tonight, July 25th, be sure to see The Apple Sisters perform at Largo at the Coronet. If you think their dancing sounds good on the radio, wait 'till you see their moves on stage!
  8. Marc Maron: Comedian, Podcaster, Country Singer-Songwriter? Marc joins us this week half to discuss country music and movies and half to impress his girlfriend. I think between his story of tearing up during Chopped and reflections on his time spent in Graceland he proves his worth, even if he isn't the best Chart Dart player in the world. He even sticks around for a bonus chart honoring Kulap's proud heritage (sort of). Pop in a lozenge and enjoy!
  9. This feels like a watershed moment for Sklarbro Country. Why? Because the great Amy Poehler stops by. And after her performance on the show, she should be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Not only does she own 5 yachts, but she is well versed in the rhymes of the Wu-Tang Clan. Scored by the LIVE music of The Henry Clay People, Amy shares some of her experiences on SNL and demonstrates her ability to yes-and without saying a single word. If, like most people, you are fooled by the massive Hollywood lie of Judaism, Jesse 'The Body' Ventura is here to set you straight. Be sure to see Randy and Jason this weekend at Gotham Comedy Club in NYC, and if you are inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit of the UCB go incorporate your business at Legal Zoom.
  10. Mike is rested and ready to finish up the Client case once and for all. Hear what happens when Mike finally gets face to face with the sinister Kelsey Grammer, and the far more friendly Adam Scott, this week on Mike Detective!
  11. There is no better way to start the day than a hot cup of coffee and a fresh poem. Recline your Lazyboy and get out your nicest quilt to warm up with some word jazz.
  12. [gallery link=file" orderby="title]Like Cristian Vasquez Martinez returning from the Dominican Republic, Randy and Jason are here to import high quality, uncut comedy from the calming shores of Sklarbro Country. Unlike Cristian the guys aren't putting all their eggs in one basket (or pair of sneakers): We have THREE excellent guests this week! First, listeners can get their Cheap Seats fix with a call from Michael "Waxy Lou" Floorwax who tells us how he and Steve Garvey came to work together. Next up is Myq "The Linguist" Kaplan who offers up the most impressive list of Sklar puns since the show's inception one short year ago. Finally we have possibly the most impressive guest to date, Michael "Victory" Caine who, if we can be honest, should have coached the U.S. Women's Soccer Team. I know this is a lot to look forward to, so be sure to use the restroom BEFORE you listen!
  13. It's time for yet another listener letter. Listener Johnny has been experiencing something odd when he walks. Should he go to the hospital? Dr. Bob doles out medical advice that I think we can all take to heart, or at least to knee.
  14. If you downloaded this podcast, you either own or have access to a computer. But how does it work? Is your tower full of mythical creatures who make everything work, or does it have to do with quarks and other subatomic particles? Professor Blastoff's resident researcher and computer expert Aaron Burrell joins the gang to discuss clouds and hard drives and F1 and everything else computer science entails. But don't be too scared of all the binary talk and java-script, Kyle will lay out all the facts for you with yet another of his classic riddles.
  15. admin

    Earwolf Guest Listing To Non-Earwolf Podcasts

    We've considered adding TV/podcast appearances, although it would be difficult to keep up with long-term. It might happen if we can get the performers (or their reps) more involved in keeping their profile current.
  16. If Sklarbro Country had a Vice President, it would be Chris Cox. His contributions to Sklarbro Country are consistently hilarious and have garnered the love of Sklones everywhere. You've heard him as Tiger Woods, Sam Elliott, Racist Vin Scully and more, now hear him without all the voices (okay, there are still some voices thrown in). Get to know his past as a writer on projects like Small Shots and Swing Blade and find out which impressions have yet to make their way to the calming shores. The guys talk music, Saturday Night Live, sports memories and more. It feels like you're hanging out with friends, only your friends' Owen Wilson impressions aren't as funny. Framed by the A.V. Club Undercover song series, this episode gracefully brings Sklarbro Country into it's second year as a podcast.
  17. admin

    Episode 115 — The Plug-In Drug

    Frank - that was incredible!!!
  18. Bob's poem therapy has been picking up steam as of late and he is back with yet another of his brilliant writings. We should all be so lucky to find a friend like Wrinkles the Hairless Cat.
  19. We've got yet another product review for you today. Bob recently had an experience with Erdogyne ProFlex Soft Cap Elbow Pads and, well, just listen to what he has to say. Remember folks, elbow pad density is no laughing matter!
  20. We love all our Earwolf listeners and are impressed by their contributions to the network as fans. This episode celebrates those listeners by speaking to three of our biggest superfans: Dustin Martian, Julia Hays, and Mike McCawley. They all started listening at different times, for different reasons, and with different preferences, but they all make our jobs at Earwolf so much easier. Learn who your fellow listeners are and how they've developed relationships not only with Earwolf, but with each other as well. We'd love to hear your Earwolf stories in The Wolf Den forums!
  21. It seems like every time you click refresh on the Nerdist website there is new cool stuff happening. What started as a blog and transitioned into a podcast is now a television pilot, a live performance space at Meltown Comics, a podcasting network, and even a book! Chris Hardwick is here to try to discuss all of that as well as his partnership with Geek Chic and the economic difficulties of doing a podcast live. We even get Chris' opinion on our new Earwolf Live App and a stellar suggestion for a new, simpler term to replace "download." Listen to the episode and, as always, let us know what you think over on the forums!
  22. Now that Matt has coached our wonderful contestants, let's check in and see what they come up with! Our guest judges are Jason Sklar from Sklarbro Country and Jimmy Pardo from Never Not Funny who join Matt to see which theme songs work, which intros are too long, and who have the contest in the bag. Check in tomorrow to hear the bottom three podcasts and to learn who is going home.
  23. Listener Mike has recently gone on one of life's scariest roller coasters: Breaking up with a loved one. If you are also dealing with the rejection and pain that comes along with lost affection, take solace in Bob's advice and hopefully you can begin to heal.
  24. Today we give our listeners yet another guided meditation led by Mr. Bob Ducca. Put on your comfiest orthopedic pajamas, pour yourself a warm cup of tea (but not too warm!) and relax.
  25. We begin our second week of The Earwolf Challenge with our first elimination round. We've asked all ten of our contestants to send in the opening of their podcast, be it a theme song or spoken introduction, and the lowest ranking competitor will be sent home. We start the week off with a coaching session so be sure to join us tomorrow to hear the resulting intros with special guest judges Jason Sklar and Jimmy Pardo.