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  1. It's Valentine's Week and we're here to seduce you on Who Charted?! This week Old People Be Lovin' with the lovable and hilarious Moshe Kasher. Moshe cracks the code on making a country music hit in our music chart, plays a rather competitive round of Chart Darts, and answers the age old debate: Who is sexier, Justin Bieber or Adam Sandler. You'll learn a bit about Jewish culture, Laotian cuisine, and find out if you have what it takes to be Moshe's valentine. Be sure to check out the show page at Earwolf to hear an exclusive bonus chart full of classic hip-hop!
  2. Doug loves movies, poker, Julio Iglesias, marijuana, and CHARTS! Mr. Benson is no stranger to the podcasting world, and we are lucky to have his expertise this week on Who Charted?! Hear about Doug's interesting Super Bowl Sunday, his thoughts on the previously mentioned 'rumble seats,' and why his Last Comic Standing experience was so unique. Chart Roulette is back better than ever, and with the return of the pop music chart, we get our first glimpse of a Chart Mutation.
  3. Sometimes even the intrepid Mike Detective needs a break from all the chaos around him. Fortunately Mike has great friends ready to help whenever they are needed...or when he just has other, better things to do. Learn what the Lord has to say about all this Kelsey Grammer bullshit this week on Mike Detective.
  4. With Mike Detective lost at sea who knows what he'll run into! Maybe some water, or fish, or more water, or comedian Zach Galifianakis. Learn where Mike's ocean adventure has taken him, and how Zach prepares for an acting role, this week on Mike Detective!
  5. In the dark and seedy world of Mike Detective, you never know where you might find yourself! A horse track? A doctors office? An old-fashioned speak-easy? Only time, and this episode, will tell!
  6. This week the world of Mike Detective gets even weirder. I mean, real Al Yankovic level weirdness! See what happens when Mike finds himself on the wrong side of the tracks...the racetracks that is!
  7. Andy Richter joins us this week through the water slide of emotions that is Mike Detective, PI. It's too bad he can't help Mike and Tawny find the lost Stephanie....or CAN he?
  8. Does Stephanie Client have a bad case of amnesia? Will Mike ever complete the case of her missing sister? Will we bring up Kelsey Grammer again? All of these burning questions are answered this week on Mike Detective!
  9. To shoot or not to shoot, that is the question we left you with last week! Hear the sexy, scary, and silly continuation of this bone-chilling tale!
  10. At How Did This Get Made we love explosions, ridiculous dialogue, bad acting, and film franchises that go on way too long. Therefore we present to you our ninth selection: Fast Five. Write in with your title ideas for the sixth Fast & Furious film, and vote on our Facebook Poll to help decide on our next movie.
  11. We read your emails, and it sounds as though a lot of you have been Sucker Punched by Zach Snyder's latest foray into slow-motion nonsense. Join us next week for an in-depth discussion of Sucker Punch and all it entails, from lobotomies to molestation . You can help us out by filling out the following analogy: Sucker Punch is to Female Empowerment as [blank] is to [blank]. See you next week!
  12. At How Did This Get Made we're all about bad movies, sort of like how Sandra Bullock is All About Steve! Although, that's not the best name for this Bradley Cooper rom-com is it? If you have a better idea, leave it on Earwolf, on our facebook, or email it to us. Happy stalking!
  13. We feel a little guilty having done two Nic Cage movies and only one John Travolta flick. Taking that into consideration, we have chosen the 'classic' sci-fi thriller Battlefield Earth as our next film. When you can take the scripture of Scientology and make it boring and obvious you have truly achieved a rare feat. If you are as impressed with this interplanetary suckfest as we are, tell us which award you wish The Razzies had bestowed upon it either on Earwolf, at HowDidThisGetMade@Earwolf.com , or via Facebook.
  14. Listen, we're sorry about that last movie. It was admittedly terrible beyond belief. But if there is one thing we can count on over at How Did This Get Made, it's the work of Nic Cage. Won't you join us for Drive Angry? It was shot in 3D! Here is your assignment: Pitch a Nic Cage film using the following guidelines- Nic Cage is a [bLANK] who is [bLANK]ed by [bLANK]s. Now he must [bLANK] before [bLANK] in [TITLE]. See you in a few!
  15. When The Razzies, Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB, and 9 year-olds all agree a movie is bad, it's time for us to dig in! The Last Airbender is the universally despised M. Night Shyamalan film adaptation of a successful children's show. Interested yet? You can rent it on Netflix and iTunes, and once you do, send us your back-handed compliments at howdidthisgetmade@earwolf.com
  16. You've waited patiently and after much deliberation, a second movie has been chosen! It's the new medieval thriller Season of the Witch! Go get your ticket now so you'll be ready next week to discuss this disaster from Nic Cage. See you then!
  17. AttachΓ© bitches, it's time for Glitter in the Garbage! The guests this week are Stephen Guarino and Jonny McGovern from Logo's Big Gay Sketch Show. Under the influence of 4/20 (the date, don't get any ideas!), we bring you bold tales from former prisoners, Aubrey O'Day concerts attendees, reluctant nudists and more. Listen, it's either that or you can watch a Tyler Perry movie! Have your servant bring you a glass of buttermilk and enjoy the insanity that is Glitter in the Garbage.
  18. So you guys, the Earwolf studio is being inspected for mold! Fortunately, Drew and his friends Mindy and Karen have big plans while we wait for it to be available. They'll all do some scene study and get to know themselves better as an actor. They can catch up on the latest episode of The Actor's Little Corner. Oh, they might even take a trip to Hawaii! Who are we kidding, they're just going to sit around and watch Youtube videos. But while they wait, could you maybe take care of their pets?
  19. This week's Glitter in the Garbage has sort of a 'wet granite' aftertaste, best paired with buttery almond pastries. Drew, Mary Elizabeth, and Artemis are on a Discount Cruise to Hell, dodging the likes of Faith Ford and soulless porn stars. Try as they might to stay out of trouble, after a few glasses of Chablis and Espresso Martinis it gets hard to avoid the principals office. But be warned: If you choose to imbibe like the girls do, watch what happens to your drink or else your night might end in MURDER!
  20. Love is in the air, and glitter is in the garbage! This week Liam Sullivan and his lovely wife Ilana Cohn join Drew for a discussion of Stand By Me, Star Wars and Souplantation. If your grandparents don't understand how email works, or you like to celebrate America by flashing your best friends, than light up some dank shit and listen to Glitter in the Garbage!
  21. Want to join us for happy hour? Drew, Selene and Calpernia are going out for drinks and you're invited! Warning, they may get drunk and declare their love for Carol Burnett. After a few shots they might get a little randy and call for some phone sex. Oh, and sometimes with enough vino they start to forget what spaghetti is. But if you get lucky, Calpernia might pull out her harmonica and treat you to a tune and it will all be worth it. Hope you can make it!
  22. Sometimes it's nice to throw the sparkling glitter of California right in the garbage! To get away from the tacky probably-murderers and porno producers with Roku players and meet some real people of substance. People who pray away their sinful daughters, and do coke with their mistresses at bars. Fortunately for Drew, Wendi, and Andrew, no matter how far you are from L.A. you will always be a click away from Orange County and the tramp stamped blob-fishes that reside there.
  23. Sometimes it's nice to throw the sparkling glitter of California right in the garbage! To get away from the tacky probably-murderers and porno producers with Roku players and meet some real people of substance. People who pray away their sinful daughters, and do coke with their mistresses at bars. Fortunately for Drew, Wendi, and Andrew, no matter how far you are from L.A. you will always be a click away from Orange County and the tramp stamped blob-fishes that reside there.
  24. It's a wet, smelly, awkward orgy here at Glitter in the Garbage, and you're invited! Drew tells another telling tale about his lovely friend Seth and the horrors of hard drug use (unless you're a comedian and can pass it off as such). Paul Rust and Michael Cassady join the fun by pitching Lucky Charm mascots, busting minds game-show style, searching for missing children, and waxing nostalgic on the classic film Books. We'll see you next week, and remember; if you wanted to make out with us at a party we would TOTALLY let you!
  25. Friends, we've been getting to know each other for thirteen weeks now. Can we finally be real with each other? No? Awesome. Instead, let's play pretend! Drew, Ted and Brian play pretend being boxcar hobos, astronauts, mommy and daddy (and therapist), and the old stand-by, racist drunks. But if you are looking for realness, look no further than the tragic story of how Shakespeare mangled Drew's arm. Feel free to get real with us on Facebook and leave your comments on Earwolf.