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Posts posted by JenniferGrĂĽnwald

  1. Great ep guys!



    You seemed to have touched on how crazy the prison in this movie was but you didnt menyion that when they first get walked to their cells - the fucking hallway was on fucking fire! There was open fires and the guards didn't not only care but seemed totally cool with it.


    And when Kurt Russel met Teri Hatcher he asked her if she knew it was him and she said she pieced it together. WHAT!?!


    You mean your brother was on trial for murder and you never once went to the court to see what was happening or for that matter read a newspaper article about the trial or watched a news story on it.


    Oh and you never read one of the many articles just about his day to day exploits?


    I was totally going to say that about the fire! I was like "is this Judge Dredd again??" Just looked like a post-apocalyptic setting. Probably a leftover set. haha


    Oh and that's a great point about Teri Hatcher. Hilarious.

  2. 2) When Danny takes Sonny to his mansion, Danny says "They did things big in those days" in reference to his mansion. When Sonny takes Danny to see the building which will later become Xanadu, Danny says "Things are bigger now." I get that the second quote is comparing the small club he used to own to the place they're looking at; but I'm confused Danny! When were things big??? Make up your mind.


    omg YES. I noticed that too. Awesome.

  3. So assuming that waitress at the end was NOT actually Kira, this means that after Zeus finally allows Kira "just one more night" with Sonny, she spends it dancing and singing (and changing costumes) instead of actually spending it with Sonny. All he gets is a kiss blown at him before she turns into light, not even one actual kiss.


    PS I was very pleased to find out we have a copy of the Xanadu comic in our library (at Marvel)!



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