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Everything posted by NathanielParker

  1. NathanielParker

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    The only explanation I can think of for #1 is that must have been part of the editing to get it down from an X rating. With how liberal they were with the gore on the other truckers getting shot, Bubba's was probably even more gruesome and then just badly edited in the end result. As for #2 I think it goes more to how they were saying how all of the characters were basically assholes, so if you kill any one of us, we're then going to rocket launcher your ass! After listening to this show I'm literally pulling my hair out over here at how much the gang missed or didn't understand. I feel like this is what Jason must have felt like with Con-Air. You can point at all these things but it all adds up! I love this movie! Out of all the 80's "horror" movies, I've probably seen this the most. But that might have more to do with they were always showing it on HBO or wherever.
  2. NathanielParker

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    I want to come to this great movie's defense again. Emilio clearly specifies how he wants to get a sailboat to get to the island, not a motorboat. As for how the drifter girl knows so much about comet times, we first see her tuning in the radio trying to get information. I can only assume that the entire planet being in a comet's tail for a week or so would be a pretty big news event, so she most likely picked all that up from the radio.
  3. NathanielParker

    EPISODE 119 - Maximum Overdrive: LIVE!

    As a cocaine-inspired correction as to why some things were coming alive while others weren't, I think there's one sentence about how the comet (that ended up having nothing to do with it?) was affecting things at different rates. I don't know why that would happen, but there is that one line to brush over any questions about what's going on.
  4. NathanielParker

    EPISODE 118 - Furious 7: LIVE

    During audience questions, with everyone doing the Vin Diesel "We're family." line; was anyone else just waiting for someone to go, "WE are Groot!" ?
  5. NathanielParker

    Episode 101 — Xanadu: LIVE!

    I remember being fascinated with this movie when I was a dumb kid. I don't think I ever liked it, or ever hated it; it was just one of those movies, that, whenever they came on HBO I had to stop and watch. But I hadn't seen it since then, so with the gulf of time between viewings, and now that I'm a dumb grown-up, there were a few things I noticed: Maybe they mentioned this in the show and I missed it, but did anyone else think it was weird that ONJ didn't have a single song until the last 20 minutes? And then they crammed about 3 or 4 songs in there for her. I'd have thought if they gave her a song right at the start, letting her explain to the audience who she was and what she needed to do there, that would have gone a long way to lessening the madness of trying to follow the nonsense going on. And the only thing I can come up with for the ending, where she doesn't seem to recognize him is that maybe as a muse she could take on the appearance of anyone? And she choose that form because that's who he was ultimately supposed to be with? Or maybe going from an immortal to spending the moment/eternity with a mortal just scrambles your brains for a while or something, I don't know. Maybe it's the 30+ years of hindsight, but it just seems like everything was there for this to be a good movie, even with it starting as a 30 page script, (or whatever it was,) but all the cocaine just addled everyone's brains at the time so they couldn't see the obvious flaws and correct them.
  6. NathanielParker

    Episode 99.5 — Minisode 99.5

    Just a correction to one of the corrections from the mini episode: Walken's character in Batman Returns was Max Schrek (a reference to Nosferatu) not Zorn.