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Posts posted by NathanielParker

  1. Does anyone else feel like the oral history stuff is starting to take over? Like, they're choosing which movies to do based more on who they can get to talk about them than how crazy or bad they are?


    I literally don't want to listen to How Did This Get Made to hear how these movies got made!

  2. Y'know...I find it kind of surprising that with as much emphasis MedTech places on reproduction and human sexuality in the movie, when Spangle unleashes her high level, government approved, seduction techniques on Sam it pretty much amounts to "stand there awkwardly in your underwear." I don't know, with all that training, I guess I just expected something a little more...interesting.




    I took that more as she had all this knowledge but this was the first time she was putting it into practice and was a little unsure about herself.


    Then by the time she was dancing for the three snakes she had it down pat!

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  3. Also, if anyone's looking for some fun stuff on the Holiday Special til HDTGM one is up, Red Letter Media did a great review show for it last Christmas. This is part 2, if you like them I recommend watching part 1 first. It's mostly just a hilarious preamble, with the actual review in this video.

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  4. Who remembers MonsterVision with Joe Bob Briggs on TNT? It was definitely the best interstitial movie show of the 90s. Well, here's all the stuff from the Maximum Overdrive show. Check it out.




    Marla Maples as the screaming woman in the opening. That's got to be the oddest role of someone that was modestly well known later I've ever seen.


    I forgot about Joe Bob being on TNT but I used to love watching his show when he was on The Movie Channel.


    - The atrocity appropriated for the short story is slavery. King cringingly had a black character say, "You want to be their slaves? That's what it'll come to. You want to spend the rest of your life changin' oil filters every time one of those ... things blats [sic] its horn? Not me."

    Just a nitpick, but I think "blats" is correct.

    • Like 1

  6. C'mon guys! Don't make me be the guy to defend this flawless movie's logic...




    I assume that since he was hit head on by a truck into a ditch and has been suffering from exposure for the better part of the day, they aren't sure what condition he will be in when they get to him. If he can't walk, they can put him in the sleeping bag and carry/drag him back to the truck stop.




    I get where you're coming from, but I don't think that is something that particularly interests King--coke or not. I get the feeling he doesn't want to show us aliens being fought tooth and nail by hardened military guys. He wants to show how some strange, paranormal, apocalyptic event would effect the normal person. You see, in King's mind, we're the inbred, sexist, dummies trapped in the truck stop. How would we handle the situation?

    All these random characters stuck in a small place during an outrageous phenomenon. This movie is King's attempt to do Night of the Living Dead.

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  7. I always found Yardly Smith (spelling?) upsetting in this movie. That whole relationship felt like watching a child bride being kidnapped.

    I think it's harder to watch now because her voice is so much exactly 8 year old Lisa Simpson.

    But back in the day, they were just supposed to be a couple of dumb,goofy kids that got married and one of them had a weird voice.

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  8. One (strange) thing that's not included in the oral history:


    Blake: How did you decide on the look of the Happy Toyz Truck? At what point was Marvel contacted about the design? Or were you guys approached?


    Martha: It wasn’t at all. In fact, Giorgio Postiglione, who was the production designer, he just designed it. And, you know, Stephen also—obviously his input with how it should look like and the happy face—this demonic happy face. I don’t think it was a Marvel comic, was it? Did we rip that off?

    I love this so much! 30 years after the fact, "Did we rip that off?"


    Cocaine is a helluva drug!

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  9. The one flaw I see that can't be explained away by cocaine is the passage of time. I always saw the gas pumping scene as taking place over 1-3 days as to why it was wearing them out. It takes quite a while to fill a truck up with a couple hundred gallons of gas and they ended up going through maybe 1,000+ trucks? They even had the scene with the gas truck coming for them to refill the underground tanks to fill up more trucks.


    But then the end card tells us it's only been around 2 days from the ATM calling King an asshole to them getting on the boat.


    Forget cocaine, you're going to need bathsalts or something to get away with that leap.

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