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Everything posted by Agracos

  1. Heart breaking. I'm sorry, I had to stop listening after 6 minutes because I'm tearing up at work. I'll get drunk and listen to it on the weekend.
  2. I'm a relatively new listener to Improv4humans, so I've been going back and listening to all the old episodes, simultaneously working my way up from episode 1 but also listening to the new episodes as they come out. So it’s funny that I just listened to episode #76 yesterday, where one of the suggestions was also ‘assassin’. Andy Secunda had a story about playing a game of ‘Assassins’ around New York, where he waited for hours outside his target’s apartment block waiting for him to come home so he could take him out. I thought it would be crazy if both he and Joel Spence had been playing in the same game and then ended up on different episodes of the same podcast to tell similar stories…. But alas, I went back and re-listened to that episode and Andy mentions the game he played in was in the last few years (since he got married) and the game Joel played in was in the early 90’s. Is there some sort of crazy ‘Assassins’ craze that I’m not aware of? Because it sure does sound like a fun game (kind of like D&D/LARPing set in the modern era mixed with a scavenger hunt). Apparently if you want to be a guest on the best podcast in the universe, you should take your games very seriously. Love the podcast, and Andy Daly always cracks me up. I’m hard pressed deciding which of the latest bunch of episodes is my favourite, they’ve all been really funny!