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Everything posted by Tehvin

  1. Tehvin

    EPISODE 333 — Pit Stop

    Whoa whoa whoa - you mean we can use the Internet for more than lobbying complaints against the things we love and not propel ourselves into a horrible cycle of needless negativity and subliminal self-hatred? Neat!
  2. Tehvin

    EPISODE 333 — Pit Stop

    I didn't know Mr Tompkins had passed I am sorry to hear that.
  3. Tehvin

    A forum for bears to post in!

    Actually I lied in that last post I am bear-adjacent. My father is a bear and I am hoping to ask other bears here questions re: my father bear's whereabouts so I am actually REALLY GLAD other bears are here right now.
  4. Tehvin

    A forum for bears to post in!

    I am neither bear nor bear-adjacent may I still post here?
  5. Tehvin

    EPISODE 333 — Pit Stop

    I just finished up the interview portion. I thought Scotty did a great job of navigating the conversation. Antonoff came off as someone who's kind of looking for answers, which is a weird place to be in for CBB. Though, I'm always interested when Scott reveals more of his own philosophy because it's usually pretty interesting. Scott kept trying to lead Antonoff into jokes ("oh like you never learned how to do laundry?") but I don't think Antonoff is probably versed in "yes, and" but Scott did a GREAT job of moving on when the jokes didn't take. Anyway. Kind of a weird interview, but I enjoyed it.
  6. Tehvin

    Jupiter Ascending

    Most of the performances I thought were perfectly serviceable but Redmayne - he whispered. His entire performance was an asthmatic whisper EXCEPT for the two times when he lost his shit and screamed one or two words like he'd got stabbed in the stomach in the middle of his line. It was really strange and really out of place (especially since the characters siblings were actually pretty good [and that Redmayne was pretty watchable in Pillars of the Earth])
  7. Tehvin

    Jupiter Ascending

    I saw this last night and as soon as I left the theater I thought about trying to explain my feelings about it to a friend and the best I could come up with is "classical science fiction with everything good and bad that implies." So. I think it's as great as it is terrible. I think it could be good for an episode of HDTGM with the right guest. But there are probably a million more movies I would rather see.
  8. Tehvin

    I interviewed Matt Besser!

    Awesome, this is pretty interesting. Thanks for sharing!
  9. The only thing this episode is missing is calling Tanya Yavichi's legs "getaway sticks."
  10. That is the most confusing compliment and/or dis I have ever read. Bravo.
  11. Tehvin

    Mission to Mars

    Aw I kind of like M2M even though it's not really a great movie. It was *just* believable enough to be interesting. But then again, I think HDTGM is more fun when it's a movie I have some attachment to than a piece of garage that feels completely disposable.
  12. Hnnn, I can't listen to this episode right now but the way you all are talking it makes me want it even more.
  13. Tehvin

    Episode IV - A New Hope

    Oh man this made me laugh so hard: "Did you get the gift certifi-" "Yeah did you get the gift certificate?" That was like every conversation with my mom from age 22-30.
  14. Tehvin

    Van Helsing (2004)

    I think this was the first movie I saw as an adult after I graduated college. It was a date and everything and I left the theater so ANGRY. And I love Hugh Jackman.
  15. I listened to all three episodes this morning and went from "uhhh" to "ooooo" with this episode. I thought the length was great and really enjoyed the way the interview was cut up around the other segments. A lot of fun, really looking forward to hearing more of it.
  16. Tehvin

    Super embarassing admission

    I got a Kickerbike 2 and my kid finally loves me.
  17. Man I really liked this episode, probably the most since the first. "I know God has a sense of humor because he allowed me to be trampled by a horse a second time," [paraphrase] made me laugh out loud and the new tarot was hilarious. So was the subtle revelation that maybe Mrs Kind was only in it for the money and not to be a spiritual guide. As far as criticism goes ... it's a tricky balance. Like Jacob C says when you love something you want to see its max potential and not just pump it up all the time. There's legitimate ways for the show to improve. On the other hand, I personally feel weird making those recommendations because, ultimately, it's just a stab in the dark for me because I've never done improv and don't *actually* know what I'm talking about. I know how I'd LIKE the show to develop but would that actually be good? I don't know. So I keep my mouth shut in that regard for the most part. But there is a healthy middle ground between spiteful criticism and unabashed love and suggesting changes does not a hater make.
  18. Tehvin

    Who do you Want to Host?

    At this point I would like to see some repeat hosts with different guests. If possible. I think it would be fun to see them bounce off different characters. Also, seconding Andy Daly and Benny Schwa.
  19. Tehvin

    Episode 331 — Secret Superlatives

    And we can't forget Richard Harrow as Slimer.
  20. Tehvin

    Episode 331 — Secret Superlatives

    No offense to the unimpeachable Pat Benatar but probably there's a reason nobody remembers the second video MTV ever played, huh?