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marshall mellow

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Everything posted by marshall mellow

  1. marshall mellow

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    Some side effects are known to occur including Nose-Out-Of-Joint.
  2. marshall mellow

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    Hottest ticket in all of H-Town.
  3. marshall mellow

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    Oh, whoops, sorry boss. You know what us newbies are like. Points for the insider info.
  4. marshall mellow

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    I can't speak for all the new people, but that's actually funny and smart of you because i'm actually a 'Jo' when not on forums but in real life and points for noticing. And the doggie is 'Flash'. She is a very good dog that also lives with 3 bossy cats and is very patient and nice with them and they all like her alot.
  5. marshall mellow

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    Great three hundred and fifty seventh post boss !
  6. marshall mellow

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    We've had bosses, engineers, listeners and hosts ........ isn't it time for our close friends, Administrators (of all rankings). That would surely be worth a few loffs.
  7. marshall mellow

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    Also, glad that guy is banned ! That hurt my heart.
  8. marshall mellow

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    I love Betsy Sodaro, seen her imrov live and she's wildly talented and one of my faves. So, it was really a no-brainer to splurge on the Pro version this week, and boy was it worth it ! Thanks Betsy (and Engineer Brett). You sure gave me something to think about and keep me warm at night in my parents basement.
  9. marshall mellow

    Episode 68 — Erin Gibson, Our Close Friend

    Yeah, c'mon, throw us a friggin' bone ! Woof.
  10. marshall mellow

    Episode 68 — Erin Gibson, Our Close Friend

    Oh, she's a real beauty ! Happy B'day.
  11. marshall mellow

    Episode 68 — Erin Gibson, Our Close Friend

    First discovered HH: Betwix 2 Ferns => Scott Anchorman => CBB TV => CBB Pod => Earwolf Forums =>HH Listener since: Sept 2014 Initial reaction: These guys legit crack me up ! Aftermath: Is podcast better than Movies ? Hhm, yes.
  12. marshall mellow

    Episode 68 — Erin Gibson, Our Close Friend

    Dear Betsy, On the TV show "Review", Andrew Daly did steal your million dollar idea ! Do you have a new one and won't you share ?
  13. marshall mellow

    Episode 68 — Erin Gibson, Our Close Friend

    Dear Betsy, You are great at improv but when is it a bad idea and instead you should tell the truth ?
  14. marshall mellow

    Episode 68 — Erin Gibson, Our Close Friend

    yes, you should all do this Crew. Don't forget to pack your Scoop Troop Notebooks!
  15. marshall mellow

    Episode 68 — Erin Gibson, Our Close Friend

    I'll speak on that. Driving along Mulholland Drive at night is kind of nice and cool.
  16. marshall mellow

    Episode 68 — Erin Gibson, Our Close Friend

    Okay, here goes with my first post ... Registered to say that I saw a post for a live HH here: https://sunset.ucbtheatre.com/performance/36745 Maybe you guys already saw this ??