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About Snickolus

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  1. Snickolus


    Really enjoy the concept of this show and thought it was a great interview. I actually found the personal journey of the host Jessie just as fascinating as the interview with Martin. She starts out at the same place the majority of the population is, that this Shkreli guy is an evil greedy sack of crap. She then does her own extensive research into the guy, and finally sits down and has a human face to face interaction. This seemingly leads to her reaching her own conclusions, that he isn't the villain that he's been made out to be, that maybe he actually is a reasonable and sensitive person not out to kill people. Then shockingly her peers, family and coworkers more or less bring her back down and gaslight her into believing that she was fooled by him, that he tricked her into thinking he isn't a super villain. Her producer even driving her to tears over the phone for being friendly and not ripping him to shreds, as if the world really needed yet another take down interview of "Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli". I found it pretty sickening that she was made to not trust her own instincts and feelings, but instead was convinced she was some easily manipulated amateur. There were some Schmucks revealed on this podcast, but their names aren't Martin or Jessie...