MUUUSICAL GUEST, DAAAANIEL ROSSEN. I know Scott has mentioned Grizzly Bear on the podcast and Daniel's solo stuff would really translate well to the format I think. I don't know about you, but for me, I would love to hear Daniel do double duty as guest and musical guest.
Dave Chappelle (Came back and saw I forgot the second p. My b.)
More Heidecker ASAP.
And this could be the wrong place, but a Beatles Bros podcast hosted by Scott and Scott with regular appearances by Mall McCartney and John Lennon needs to be a thing. I'm sure the other band members -you're definitely going to need to go over the band members and their names- would want to come along for the ride. Maybe Stu Sutcliffe could tell John Lennon a little bit about himself and the early days of those...uh, lovable lads from Liverpool? IT'LL BE A WHILE before another honest to goodness U2 album for the guys to not talk about after the upcoming live UTU2TM podcast.