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Lord Shitqueef

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Everything posted by Lord Shitqueef

  1. And I get to tend the rabbits? An' live on the fatta the lan' Le's do it now. Le's get that place now. *Wheez jarred, and then settled slowly forward to the sand, and he lay without quivering.*
  2. I guess this ended up being a bye week for me. Usually I don't like call-in episodes due to what the Germans call "fremdscham," however, you guys didn't f it up too bad. P good ep and excited for tomorrow's.
  3. I did like the Kornheiser bit. My D watches PTI everyday, so I did like the idea of him and Hayes hanging out, and denting a table like that would be p impressive. Edit: post #69
  4. [insert weekly post about being upset by the amount of sports talk]
  5. dope dope Where was the pcorn gallery? Were the callers too boring to include in the ep or did they record 2?
  6. Also, if you're a cop, you have to tell us.
  7. Go to bed Alan. I don't want you to be cranky in the morning.
  8. While I agree that 345 is underrated, 351 is the only way to vote. "The vibe between Cody and his own butt was immediate." Also, happy Thanksgiving everybody!
  9. I liked it a lot, but it did have a law and order: svu vibe that I'm not fond of. Definitely good, but very often not fun. Maybe spoilies: Hayes' gf is a real b-hole. I liked Daredevil more, but as with everything in the MCU, it is worth watching.
  10. It's really a Sean like if you think about it, and we all know that's great.
  11. 100 posts doesn't seem as big of a milestone as 69, so I'm going to do this: 69696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969 Very good ep. I felt like I couldn't possibly laugh as hard as it deserved. I think I'm going to relisten right now.
  12. Papa John's pizza is garbage, but when my family lived in Florida in the early 90's, they would bring a milk-bone treat for our dog. Did they do that for anyone else?
  13. I was knocked out by a cold for the past 10 days, and i'm still kinda feeling it. Pros of this ep: -Hayes and Sean are way older than they appear -Ghostbusters -Home Alone [i'm p sure HA2 is better than HA1] -DeGrasse is Greener [weed is hilarious] -NYC being better when it was objectively worse -Tramp and Bull talk -I had a few South Park T-Shirts -The 9/11 museum jokes were some high quality comedy Cons: -way too much sports talk. there is more than enough on TV and radio; keep it out of my podcasts. -who is hamilton?
  14. Iso is good for a lot of things. I prefer the decongestant version of any allergy medication. The regular versions ain't worth shit, imo. My preference is for wal-mart's generic zyrtec-d.
  15. p sure that was ep #26, "Freaks Come Out At Night"
  16. I wish there was an opposite of like button.
  17. It's so good to hear Hayes' voice through a real microphone again.
  18. Lord Shitqueef

    EPISODE 109 — The ScuzzMan Returns

    It's not that kind of show.
  19. Lord Shitqueef

    EPISODE 109 — The ScuzzMan Returns

    Wheez really likes this post [passes the bong]
  20. Lord Shitqueef

    EPISODE 109 — The ScuzzMan Returns

    I'm kind of hopped up on cold medicine, and I know this is the wrong thread, but how has Adam Scott not been a guest on HH?
  21. Lord Shitqueef

    EPISODE 109 — The ScuzzMan Returns

    I have a cold and I feel like the front of the the skull part of my skellington is going to explode through my face.
  22. Lord Shitqueef

    EPISODE 109 — The ScuzzMan Returns

    I've got a much smaller torch for that #710culture