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Everything posted by zoankkambie

  1. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 365 — Bongo vs. Bongos

    Just checked the website, he comes in after 1:14:00.
  2. Add Odie and Jon to the mix and you almost have Party of Five going on!
  3. Some great trickery from Scott and the engineers on this ep, when it clearly was recorded on 3 different sessions. Leo Carpazzi surely didn't disappoint! I knew what was coming and when it was coming, but still I laughed and laughed to maybe the laziest version yet of the Monster Fuck saga. All that was missing was Scott yelling "Swamp Thing?!" in the middle of the song, even though he brought it up afterwards.
  4. "Have you been working on something? No, haven't you've been working in a location?" Thankfully Scott keeps booing to the Boogie Woogie Avenue every boo, even though last boo it seemed like it was booing to be the last time we booed from the Suicide House. What a pleasant booprise!
  5. zoankkambie

    Judy Greer Wears A Navy Blouse and Strappy Sandals

    Fixed that for you. Benny yelling "It's been a while" at Scott's crotch (cock) was so funny and unexpected, truly an A+ bit.
  6. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 382 — Doing It The Savage Way

    Someone should play The Offspring's - The Kids Aren't Alright to Matt.
  7. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 382 — Doing It The Savage Way

    "E.T no homeowner."
  8. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 382 — Doing It The Savage Way

    Wayne's Worldman?
  9. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 382 — Doing It The Savage Way

    "Womens, they make me suffering."
  10. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 380 — A Colinary Journey

    OH, thank God for comedy police! Please assign grades for every guest so that we know how you truly feel.
  11. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 381 — Kitchen Stand-Up

    Holy shit that first segment of the episode was so great! Nathan is the ultimate straight guy and Scott and Anthony played on that perfectly. Bleeping the "shocking" comments and Nathan seemingly getting mad at Scott and Anthony was very good content. More Nathan for us please!
  12. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 380 — A Colinary Journey

    "I yelled at a lot of jews once."
  13. zoankkambie

    does lauren lapkus really hate cats

    Because she is the wicked man.
  14. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 378 — Mailer Daemon

    Also don't forget to add a "We see what you said there" -segment.
  15. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 378 — Mailer Daemon

    You should have just responded: "oh fuck, oh fuck, ohhhhhh fuuuuck! "
  16. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 378 — Mailer Daemon

    According to the photos, this ep was recorded first of Sep, so I'm pretty sure it was before the Rannazzizizizi stuff.
  17. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 378 — Mailer Daemon

    "Back in action! Let's get our fingers in some pussyholes, pussyholes, stink stink stinky or pussyholes. Jason Mantzoukas back on the show!" ^That should be the theme song for Talkin' 'Tang.
  18. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 378 — Mailer Daemon

    2 minutes in and Scott has already called Jason a motherfucker, we are in for a great ride.
  19. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 377 — Good Night In The Morning

    Tsk tsk, Belissima made a classic Would you rather? blunder when she asked a question about an option without chicken dicks when voting! Unfortunately it went unnoticed by other guests. In other news I just started watching Orphan is the new black and it has been pretty great so far!
  20. Dogs are cats now? Thanks a lot Obama.
  21. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 377 — Good Night In The Morning

    "I feel like I sound too much like someone else. And it is a bit of a problem. "
  22. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 377 — Good Night In The Morning

    Tatiana Maslany, Paul F. Tompkins AND Lauren Lapkus! Is this real life?
  23. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 376 — Romantic Tommy D

    Aren't you gonna veto that procrastination? (^sick Review reference)
  24. zoankkambie

    EPISODE 376 — Romantic Tommy D

    I'm just gonna Chuck Berry duck walk on outta here!