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Posts posted by teeth



    Yes, having listened to hours and hours of Horatio on both Comedy Bang Bang and Improv4Humans, I am often blown away by Horatio's willingness to suddenly (and without warning) completely switch characters at the slightest provocation, totally disregard any established backstory/narrative without any real attempt at reconciling any huge logical inconsistencies that may result, or just suddenly become "Horatio Sanz" for a while before finally returning to being a character of some sort. I, for one, love this about him. It gives his appearances an anarchical, unhinged quality that I almost always genuinely enjoy. I've never seen or heard any other improv performer operate with quite that level of chaotic fluidity. As I said, I really like that about Horatio, but I could also certainly see how that could lead to moments of bafflement or confusion for both his fellow performers and the listening/viewing public.





    If anyone hasnt listened to this...

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  2. Was I the only one who thought Horatio was supposed to be doing a different character but then Kroll started calling him kayne because he stole the mic and he just went with it and became kayne?


    Horatio always seems most-willing to go in a different direction as soon as someone suggests it, so I wouldn't be surprised. Sometimes it's gold, sometimes it's confusing, but I love it either way.


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  3. I would like to say thank you to Scott, I would like to say thank you to Chelsea, I would like to say thank you to Adam, I would like to say thank you to all friends of the show, I would like to say thank you to all of you in the forums, and finally I would like to say thank you to you, Harris. You made this motherfucker laugh.







    Btw, in this episode you hear the Foam Corner theme being made for the first time. Magical.

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  4. Very hard to accept that this is the last time we will hear from Harris. I wanted to laugh more but that's all I kept thinking about. I had been walking around laughing all weekend, listening to his old appearances. But with this one, it's like having to realize the finality of it. :/ Now I can only listen to old appearances and never anticipate new ones.

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