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Rob Thomas Wiseau

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Everything posted by Rob Thomas Wiseau

  1. Rob Thomas Wiseau

    Episode 79 — Mary Holland, Our Close Friend

    And no, I don't want to marry my cat. That's a girl thing, and I don't mean that in a sexist way.
  2. Rob Thomas Wiseau

    Episode 79 — Mary Holland, Our Close Friend

    I've received a bunch of PMs asking what I did with the bag of dog hair that I received in Sergeant Sean's Preview Bag. Well, I ended up making a beard for my cat.
  3. Rob Thomas Wiseau

    Episode 79 — Mary Holland, Our Close Friend

    Great episode! But mostly I wanted to mention that I received my Sergeant Sean's Loot Crate Preview Bag. It's just a sneak peek of what we can expect to receive in the full crate, but I have to say I'm really enjoying the hot sauce packets. I almost forgot how delicious Arby's spicy three pepper sauce is. Also, I drew a picture of Eddith Massey on my Preview Bag penny, and I keep it under my pillow for good luck. So far I haven't won the lottery, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I'm not sure exactly what to do with this bag of hair (smells like dog hair?). What are my fellow Sergeant Sean's Loot Craters doing with their hair? Suggestions would be most appreciated.
  4. Great first forum. When is HH Forum 2.0 coming out?
  5. I'm new here, so I need friends even if they are boys. Are you at least a boy with a cat?
  6. Wait, which one just said this? Jakel or Jakal?
  7. That is so true! Me and Brucie were hanging out the other day, and I took this quick pic.
  8. Rob Thomas Wiseau

    lets play a game

    I have two black friends, so I don't think I should play this game.
  9. Rob Thomas Wiseau

    What are forum for?

    takehomejoke, your solicitor just asked me out on a date. Thanks for giving him my number!
  10. Rob Thomas Wiseau

    What are forum for?

    You guys are really silly, but I still don't understand the point of all this. A: early 30s S: YES PLEASE L: I live in a replica of the UFO from Flight of the Navigator, buried deep in the La Brea Tar Pits