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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Trailer Talk

    More like Evangelion, but sure. This looks fucking terrible, though. I seriously was like, "Oh, is this for a video game?" the first time someone sent it to me. I love the first one so much, but I'm really worried about this now.
  2. FisterRoboto

    Trailer Talk

    I never read the book growing up, but I love Ava DuVernay so much, so I'm really pumped for it. Also, I kind of want Oprah to dress like that every day. All that said, I'm so tired of the "baleful cover of some 80s song" bit that trailers keep doing. We get it. Now please stop.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays - Week 16 - Krush Groove (1985)

    The Fat Boys busted out right around the same time, though (to combine this with your post from earlier about why they were in the movie). Their first album came out about two month's after Run-DMC's first. It was certified gold about a year later, while Run-DMC's album took 9 months to reach gold. However, Fat Boys reached #48 on the Billboard 200, while RUN-D.M.C. reached 53. Obviously, Run-DMC has had the longer staying power, but The Fat Boys were pretty big at the time, too (no pun intended). --- Anyway, this whole movie, all I could think of was Donald Glover's bit where he talks about old school rap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1bbBqnG_cg&feature=youtu.be&t=1m40s (The timestamp in the URL doesn't seem to be working; the part in question starts at 1:40)
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 166.5 - Minisode 166.5

    If you're making a BBQ sandwich, that is the best place for the slaw. And I would be so fucking angry if I bit into a raisin.
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 166.5 - Minisode 166.5

    I really want to hear that call...
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 166.5 - Minisode 166.5

    Why are you such a coleslaw raisin apologist? NVM. As I posted this, I saw the gif you posted of yourself above.
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 166.5 - Minisode 166.5

    Ummmm...I love oatmeal raisin cookies, and Raisin Bran was my favorite cereal as a kid (my mom didn't let us eat any sugary cereals, so it was the sweetest thing I got; also, I love raisins). But even I wouldn't eat raisins in cole slaw. That sounds fucking disgusting. I do dig carrot raisin salad, though.
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 166.5 - Minisode 166.5

    Taylor RN
  9. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays - Week 13 - That Thing You Do!

    It's pronounced "too-chee"
  10. I've only seen the first one, and it was years ago, but I remember really enjoying it. I just never got around to the others (which I'm sure have diminishing returns). Now....Nightmare on Elm Street, on the other hand, I have seen all of. Because it's the best.
  11. Question to the headache folks: do you wear glasses or contacts? Just curious because I wear glasses, and I'm not sure if that factors into why I get headaches from 3D. But also, the images with 3D aren't all that crisp, which really bothers me. Like, the reasons to shoot on digital are resolution and cost, but 3D just shoots those both to hell.
  13. FisterRoboto

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    Definitely. Even though I have all these new, unexpected free time, my weekends are usually booked up unless I make an effort to not do so. A week's notice is usually plenty. But, again, if I can't make it, I'm just gonna shitpost at the end of the thread whenever I get a chance. I imagine they'll be like the MM threads that just keep going even beyond us talking about the movies. Also, I'm Team New Thread. I think it makes the most sense since they're going to be their own thing, and we won't have to worry about it looking weird for someone reading it when we mention something that was posted in the original thread. I'm down the 2nd Friday idea. Let's give it a try and see how that works for people, and if we want to add a second weekend per month later, we can do that. (And thanks for all your kind words about the job sitch.)
  14. FisterRoboto

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    It sounds like a lot of others are going to be able to make it, so I wouldn't want to mess it up if others can't go next weekend. I could do next Friday (although it sounds like Cameron can't), but I couldn't do the 28th. Worst case, I can watch and post in the thread afterwards. I'm sure the conversation will continue for a while.
  15. I thought it was pretty good. I was a bit let down that - despite all of the talk about it bit being an origin - it still followed the Marvel origin story formula to a T. And I didn't like how much they recycled from the Raimi movies. So there's a lot of Spidey Plays the Hits in it. But overall, I enjoyed it. I thought Tom Holland was great. And all of the supporting cast was good, too.
  16. FisterRoboto

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    Same. I might have lost my job on Friday, and some friends are taking me out that evening to...celebrate? I'm not sure; they seem far more festive about it than I am. So I don't know if I'll be able to make it or not. I would recommend again that - in the future - we give at least a full week's notice to make it easier to schedule things around.
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    Ew. Balcony trash.
  18. FisterRoboto

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    I have also not seen Burlesque, but I have almost rented it multiple times. I'm in favor of starting there. Also, this will give me inspiration to go back and listen to the early eps again.
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    Tangent: my favorite C&Os are when Paul reads our back and forths (although it's usually me disagreeing with someone and then he's like, "Oh, Fister, you got fucking told!"). I think the discussion nature of things is more interesting than one-off attempts of people trying to be funny or, say, chain-posting their stream of consciousness as they listen to the ep. Edit: If I call the EHL and dedicate a slow jam to Cameron, will Paul play it?
  20. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Week 15 The Fantasticks (1995)

    He just didn't strike me as devious enough. I like the suggestions of Kilmer or Denzel. But I was looking through an E! slideshow of the big stars of 1995, and I think I know who would have nailed it. This person didn't start acting until about 5 years later, but let's say the film was released the same year it was produced. Then I would have loved to see....
  21. FisterRoboto

    HDTGM Classics - Live "Posting" Group

    I'm definitely down with the idea. I'd say we should give at least a week's notice before we watch a movie. Or if we're going to do it monthly, either announce the date when we pick the movie OR always do it on, say, the third Friday of the month or something. That would make it much easier for me to make sure I don't have plans on a particular Friday night. But I definitely love the idea of going back and watching old HDTGM movies and getting a chance to discuss them with you guys.
  22. FisterRoboto

    Episode 165.5 - Minisode 165.5

    I might have been making dinner and singing to my dog while listening to the Baby Driver soundtrack (which is the quite possibly the best soundtrack ever)...