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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. I spent far too long trying to figure out which one was supposed to be Tisdale before it all clicked.
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 162 - My Stepmother Is An Alien: LIVE!

    Spy is REALLY great.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 162 - My Stepmother Is An Alien: LIVE!

    Unpopular opinion: I don't find that movie all that funny. The only part that I would have found really funny was ruined by Imgur, like, a day before I saw it And it's a shame because I love EVERYONE involved with the movie, but it just didn't do it for me. Taika's other movies made me laugh a lot more (especially Hunt for the Wilderpeople).
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 162 - My Stepmother Is An Alien: LIVE!

    Of all the songs in the movie, what a horrible pick.
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 162 - My Stepmother Is An Alien: LIVE!

    YES! I loved this movie! I got to see it at an early screening that was followed by a Live Q&A with Andy, Jorma, and Akiva. (My friend was briefly dating a local morning show dude here in town and even got to go to the studio and meet them when they appeared on the show. I was totally not jealous or anything...) The marketing was ubiquitous on YouTube, and Andy appeared on whichever singing show it is that the Maroon 5 dude is on. But otherwise, there was almost nothing for it. The studio is totally at fault for the box office performance. Story time: I was rewatching it right after I moved into my new place. My AC broke in my apartment, which is unacceptable in Texas at any time. So the maintenance guy came to fix it right as they were starting the Bin Laden song. He came into the apartment and there was a lull in our conversation right as the line "gotta terrorize that pussy" came on. I was mortified.
  6. A tip for people that weren't able to snag tickets to the Alamo show: Keep checking periodically. Alamo has a pretty good refund policy, and people often tend to flake as shows get closer, so if people's tickets get refunded, the seats will be relinquished on their site and available for purchase.
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 162 - My Stepmother Is An Alien: LIVE!

    That movie was so far ahead of its time. I rewatched it a year ago or so, and it's one of those situations where it's like, "Oh, remember that time a decade ago that the Wachowskis were doing stuff everyone does today?"
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 162 - My Stepmother Is An Alien: LIVE!

    Your image isn't working for me. I agree about Cowboys and Aliens, though. I think it's a largely underrated gem (note: I have only seen it the one time in the theater, but I had a great time). There are some obvious box office flops that went on to greatness (e.g., The Wizard of Oz, which barely made back its budget, or Blade Runner, which fell a bit short of that). But most of my favorite movies from the last year or so have been "flops": Green Room - budget: $5M; BO: $3.8M Midnight Special - budget: $18M; BO: $6.2M The Nice Guys - budget: $50M; BO: $57.3M Colossal - budget: $15M; BO: $3.2M (I just realized how pretentious and indie my list is, but IT'S A GODDAMN CRIME THESE MOVIES WEREN'T MORE WIDELY SEEN)
  9. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 11 (Maximiliano's Pick)

    And Cameron H is basically a cartoon character.
  10. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 11 (Maximiliano's Pick)

    As long as it's not fucking All Dogs Go to Heaven. That movie has NOT aged well at all.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 11 (Maximiliano's Pick)

    I remember much more about Fievel Goes West than I do about the first movie. We had that one on VHS, and my sister and I used to watch it a lot. Also, the sequel featured Jimmy Stewart's final performance, and we definitely will be talking about it, so fucking strap in!
  12. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 11 (Maximiliano's Pick)

    I believe you mean .
  13. FisterRoboto

    Episode 162 - My Stepmother Is An Alien: LIVE!

    So I don't normally love Whitney. Clarification: from my (admittedly limited) exposure to her, she's just not in line with my type humor. I can appreciate the structure of her jokes, but what I've seen of her comedy doesn't line up with me. And I realize I'm probably not in her general demographic. That said...#imwithher This movie was gold growing up. I might not have been raised by a VHS copy of this movie, but it was on cable A LOT when I was a kid, and I totally loved it. It was up there with another HDTGM-worthy movie - Spaced Invaders. I watched a lot of shit growing up, and Paul is partly right about how kids were excited just to actually be watching a movie. But more than that, both of these movies hit a crucial genre for my development. Since I was a kid, I loved cheesy alien movies. I loved any movie where an alien comes to Earth and befriends (or awkwardly fucks) a human. I didn't rewatch the movie for the ep because my week has been really crazy with work and personal life (also part of the reason I haven't been as active in the Musical Monday thread as usual, despite having tons of thoughts about that delicious disaster), but I can recognize that it was probably bad. But I kind of don't want to rewatch because it was such a formative part of what I like now. Like, I can recognize everything that everyone has said, but I also know that without shitty movies like this that played on cable ad nauseum, I probably wouldn't love the kind of genre movies I do now. For me, it's like hating Hank the Cowdog even though those books set up the aesthetic that makes me love Cormac McCarthy (although Hank the Cowdog is still the shit). I don't know if that makes any sense. But basically, the idea is that you like shit-tacular works when you're a kid, but you can recognize that those films were formative and bad entries into the genre were what made you find better versions of that genre. But - again - I don't disagree with any of the criticisms of this movie. I just appreciate what this kind of schlocky "family" movie did for me developmentally as a movie lover. Edit: I got distracted halfway through my post with talking more about the movie, and I want to be clear that I totally felt the same way that Whitney did when movie was announced. I haven't rewatched it, but I bet I would have the same response she did.
  14. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Guys...I think it goes higher than that. I bought a car on Wednesday after 2 years of being a bike commuter. I connected my phone to Bluetooth to the new car, and this started auto-playing:
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 162 - My Stepmother Is An Alien: LIVE!

    I mean...it was famous enough they remade it in 2003.
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 162 - My Stepmother Is An Alien: LIVE!

    I only got to listen to the first couple minutes on my ride into work, but I would totally listen to an entire podcast dedicated to Paul and Jason riffing about being a couple. (I would also totally watch a tv series about them as a couple - but only if Jason was in a blonde pixie wig)
  17. I wish could go, too, but I'm actually going to be out of town that weekend
  18. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Week 11 Repo! the Genetic Opera

    I could definitely see that.
  19. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Week 11 Repo! the Genetic Opera

    You should have put the movie on. I bet it would have helped you focus on other things...
  20. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Week 11 Repo! the Genetic Opera

    As far as Sorvino's singing goes, I think the inconsistency is what bothered me the most. When he was going full-blown opera and was playing to the rafters, he was great. Literally every other time he wasn't, it was kind of awful. But, yeah, what everyone else has said - that's probably more a testament to the material not playing to his strengths than it is a lack of talent on his part.
  21. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Week 11 Repo! the Genetic Opera

    Can we make a musical called Rockabilly Grandma?
  22. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Week 11 Repo! the Genetic Opera

    Yep. I watched it all yesterday (after I watched Lincoln, which was quite a strange double feature). Also, I had seen it quite a few years ago when some friends and I used to do bad movie nights, but I didn't actually remember much of it outside of the general plot, that Paul Sorvino sings (kind of horribly), and that Paris Hilton is in it.
  23. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Week 11 Repo! the Genetic Opera

    So....I never got into Buffy, so I didn't have a frame of reference for Anthony Stewart Head as Giles. My first thought when he came on screen was that he looked like a Bobo James Spader. And now I want a version of this with Spader as the Repo Man.
  24. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Week 11 Repo! the Genetic Opera

    I thought about that part the whole time. And that segment was a mini-musical...