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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    I haven't cared for Tyrese in past movies, but he's definitely better in this one. I think it's because he's not the butt of EVERY joke and all of his scenes aren't stuff like him flying the wrong way with his parachute while everyone else is fighting. Even the car thing on the ice ended up setting up a cool sequence for him to be badass. I know y'all were talking about hotness, but I just thought this was as good an opportunity as any to say that I thought Roman was actually pretty good in this one. Also, they said in the episode that there weren't any foot chases in other movies, but in Fast Five, they have that whole sequence where they are running through the favelas in Brazil.
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Do they ever show that? Because it was weird for me that in the early scenes they were just talking to each other between cars, and then in later scenes, they were using walkies again.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    That's fair. I think it might have played better. But a lot of the comments I've seen (both here and in other places) have acted like there's no reason for everyone to accept him when there totally is. But my favorite take so far has been Joanna Robinson from Vanity Fair who was on a podcast talking about F8 last week. She basically said, "People keep saying, 'Why would Toretto's gang embrace him if he's responsible for the death of Han,' and I'm like, 'I actually don't care.'" I'm not totally invested in the "family" theme of the movie. If plot contrivances need to be made to make more things explode in the most ridiculous way, I'm cool with that. I'm here to see them race a car bomb and fight a nuclear sub.
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Definitely reminded me of Shoot 'Em Up, too. But without Clive Owen's dead eyes ruining everything.
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    And why did no one notice that it had a flashing red fucking light in it? I don't remember the chronology of everything because I've only seen it once, and that was two weeks ago. He puts it there in the scene where Elena gets killed, right? I think he only put the tracker in it right before he hung it up in front of her glass cage thing. The only reason it had a tracker in it was so that the Shaws could find the plane and his son.
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Because it's awesome. I go with 5, 8, 7, 6, 4, 1, 2, 3. Seriously. The only good thing about Tokyo Drift is that it gave us Han two movies later. I want to ask everyone that complains about Han: did you not pay attention to the movie? It's revealed that Cipher was manipulating them the exact same way she was manipulating Dom. Shaw did what he did for his family - the same way that Dom does. And in the end, he rescues part of Dom's literal family. The team is definitely not totally cool with him for most of the movie. It's only during the final scene after he's rescued Dom's son that he is invited to be a real member of the gang. But he and Hobbs totally wanted to fuck for the whole movie.
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Yeah, it's called fridging, and it's absolute bullshit. It's the main problemI had with the movie. Everything else is pretty much perfection.
  8. We had block in middle school, and it was kind of like college, where you have different classes on each day (except, unlike college, it would be ABABA one week and BABAB the next). But in high school, we did block where you just took four classes in the fall and four classes in the spring. That was FAR less confusing.
  9. I mean...they are all a bit old to even play college kids now. They're all 30ish now (except Taylor, who is 36). Oh wow. So...they got one thing right?
  10. How about the fact that in HSM 3, a couple of randos are just "understudies." They're never "Troy's understudy." Darbus just announces, "You are understudies." Do they have to learn EVERYONE's parts just in case someone can't perform? Also, HSM 4 is apparently in the works (although this article is over a year old): http://www.mtv.com/news/2748210/high-school-musical-4-officially-happening/
  11. Let's talk about their parents in HSM 3. They're the worst kind of rich white people... Look at this cultural appropriation bullshit. Now, they DID just come back from India. BUT WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY STILL WEARING THIS? First off, most people that go to India just wear their normal clothes. But even if, for some reason, you decided to slap on a bindi, some gaudy-ass bracelets, and whatever the fuck kind of sash their dad is wearing (they couldn't at least find a kurta?), surely you wouldn't still be wearing that shit for a seventeen-goddamn-hour flight.
  12. I hope that includes all three HSMs...
  13. My understanding is that this is 100% accurate to theater protocol. Right, Cakebug?
  14. I like it best in text format like this because I can read it in Jason's voice.
  15. To be fair, Hermione did that for all of the Harry Potter books and movies, and it was more than anyone else was willing to fucking do.
  16. That's because Kelsi is the second best part of this series. Behind her hats.
  17. Oh, the interface on the computers they use in these look like they would have been outdated when I was in high school in the 90s. (And nothing is more important than liking animals)
  18. He did flake on them a couple of times, which I could see being irritated by. But yes, there's nothing that should draw the level of ire he's getting from everyone else. Petty. Ass. Reasons.
  19. I do want to stress that really hard, though. We know each other pretty well at this point, and sometimes conversations might get a bit intense (and I can often be the one to take it to that place). But there's never any real animosity. And even when things do get intense, there's never any real animosity (unless y'all have a PM thread about what an asshole I am that I don't know about ) because we're really all just passionate about movies and enjoy discussing them.
  20. Nah, but Short Round is....
  21. Yeah, come fight about stupid shit like Indiana Jones and Jurassic World with us!