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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. All those CGI basketballs straight up pissed me off.
  2. To match the meter, shouldn't it be...
  3. I kind of picture Taylor as a Kelsi. But that's because I couldn't really match her to any of the other characters, and Kelsi seemed the closest.
  4. Sooo is this your way of telling us your HSM analog? Come on, Cameron!
  5. I think it's in 2 where they have a shirtless scene for Efron just to show "Hey! He's got abs now!"
  6. FisterRoboto

    Trailer Talk

    Honestly, the thing I found most interesting in that trailer is Channing Tatum. Is this going to be a soft Indiana Jones reboot?
  7. Weird. I didn't notice a huge change in Sharpay, but to be honest, I quickly lost interest in HSM 3, so I was on my phone a lot during that movie. BUT, she's the only one that looks the same between HSM and HSM 2. And HSM 2 is supposed to take place pretty closely after the first. But ALL of the cast (except Sharpay) looks way older. But that's not really the movie's fault; these movies were released a year apart, and teenagers change quickly. The biggest change, though, is Chad in HSM 3. I had to IMDb it to be sure it was still Corbin Bleu. He looks like a completely different person between the first two and the last movies (part of that is because he and Efron both started beefing up in 2, and they're both noticeably more muscular by 3)
  8. I'm going to put this in spoiler tags because I don't want to "ruin" it for anyone that might plan on watching it... For. Real. The graduation scene was good for some laughs, though. It's like a high school dropout badly described a graduation to the writers in a language they didn't understand, and then the writers dictated it to their dogs. It's completely bananas.
  9. Yeah, I thought about that, too. Because even if he had a good summer job that paid a shitload (for a summer job), I seriously doubt he was going to afford a university just off of his summer job. So, assuming they're talking about New Mexico State University when his dad is pressuring him about the scholarships, it would be $11,791 for a year of school if he doesn't live on campus (I can't remember if they talk about his living arrangements or not). But if he DOES live on campus, that cost nearly doubles! How the fuck is this dude gonna earn $24k in 3 months at a summer job? Also, none of that matters because in HSM 3 (currently on Starz if any of you have that...), he ends up going to UC Berkeley, which is twice as expensive as New Mexico State!
  10. I've watched it at home a couple times. I skip all the parts where they are at the stupid farmhouse, and it's a much better movie.
  11. Haha! I thought the same when I read Taylor's post yesterday and was about to say something about AtU before I realized that wasn't what she was talking about.
  12. Also, the lack of actual baseball playing in this scene didn't bother me even half as much as the shitty practice in the first movie. They straight up danced around with bats (swinging them in close proximity to each other) for most of the song, and I was still like, "This is downright delightful."
  13. Fun fact: SEVEN of the songs from HSM 2 charted in the Billboard Hot 100. Which is crazy because I can only name the two we've talked about in this thread (but I like both of those songs).
  14. I actually thought Ryan was really charming in this scene. I like all the stuff with Ryan and the Wildcats better than anything else in this movie.
  15. He sings in that "I Don't Dance" song, right? Aka - the song where literally everyone is dancing....
  16. I think you far overestimate yourself. We all know you're really...
  17. The second one is on Netflix, and I actually found it enjoyable. So much of it isn't based entirely around Troy and Gabriella's relationship, which is the most annoying part of these (but, to make up for it, almost ALL of 3 is about them).
  18. Okay. This scene is fucking bonkers. For those of you who didn't subject yourselves to 3.5 more hours of HSM last night, the whole point of HSM 2 is that the Wildcats all go to work at this country club where Sharpay's family are revered members. They hold an annual talent show, and of course, Sharpay schemes to keep the rest of the Wildcats from performing so that she can win. This scene is right after Troy finds out about her scheme. He's in the kitchen of the country club with all the rest of the Wildcats (who currently hate him for a bunch of petty-ass reasons). Kelsi - the underrated lifeblood of these movies - tells him about the scheme, and he storms out of the kitchen. I totally thought the next scene was going to be him confronting her, but instead, he goes to the golf course and does a long angry dance song. I couldn't stop laughing. It's definitely the best part of the movie. (Also, "Petty-Ass Reasons" would be a good alternate title for this series)
  19. Sorry to bury the lede, but they caught him because he USED TO WORK THERE
  20. I was trying to figure out who I would be, and I think this is likely the closest.. Also, while searching for that, I found out that the actor who played that kid is named Dutch Whitlock, and he was arrested in 2008 for robbing a pizza shop.
  21. That's fair, but I don't know if that's necessarily the norm. However, I did graduate quite a few years before you did, and it's not impossible that those kinds of artificial social structures have changed even within my high school. But, again, most of the popularity in my school was relegated to being popular within your group. I don't know how large your school was by comparison (although if you went to public school in the North Dallas area, I'm assuming it would be roughly the same size as mine was), but I've always thought it was because we were a rather large school, so it was impossible to really know everyone, even within your own class. The idea of school-wide popularity was definitely more of a thing when I lived in Granbury where our school was MUCH smaller. Most of the cliques were established in middle school and carried over into high school, and if you were a nerdy band kid, you didn't really move into the social circles of the "popular" kids; you mostly just associated with other nerdy band kids. Or math kids. Or choirs kids. Or drama kids.
  22. I misread tomspanks' post and thought she was saying Sharpay WAS popular because everyone was too nice to set her straight. I don't think either Sharpay or Regina are "well-liked," but for various reasons, they are popular. However, I think Sharpay's popularity mostly doesn't extend beyond the drama club. There were kids in band that were "popular" among other band kids but wouldn't have been seen as "popular" within the realm of the rest of the school in the way that, say, a star football player or head cheerleader would be sort of stereotypically popular by nature of being a member of that group. And that's the kind of popular that I see Sharpay being: she's influential and popular in the drama club, but she's not either when it comes to the school at large.
  23. Add "too intimidated" to that, and she's kind of Rachel McAdams in Mean Girls...
  24. I watched 2 and 3 last night, so they all run together, but that dude wears a LOT of shitty trilbies. It's not okay. I think she might be queen of the drama kids, but the problem is just that they never really show the other drama kids. In the second one, she has a trio of girls that adore her and generally spend most of the movie trying to suck up to her. But I don't think that's because she's popular. I think it's because she's a rich kid that has a lot of influence at the school (or country club).