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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 159 - Sleepwalkers

    Totally agree! I didn't totally enjoy watching the movie like I do with some of the others that are enjoyably bad watches, but everything about the ep was fucking wonderful. I love the change-up in the dynamic of studio eps; I love any time June is able to make it (although I'm 100% understanding of why she's had to be out a bunch over the last year or so); and I am SO happy that LL is finally on an ep. It all just turned into the perfect storm of amazingness.
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 159.5 - Minisode 159.5

    So, until it was brought up in this thread, I didn't know it was based on a Korean movie. So I am also going to try to get in a viewing of both versions. I love comparing that kind of shit, so I'm even more excited about this movie now!
  3. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 8 (Kateacola's Pick)

    Please feel free to stick around! If you want to just expand your knowledge of movie musicals, this is a great place to do it. It's honestly why I'm happy this has taken off. For better or (lookin' at you, Cakebug... ) worse, our Musical Mondays have made me watch musicals I probably wouldn't check out on my own. In fact, I have a growing list of musicals to either watch or recommend just because of this game. It also gives us something to do when the main threads are kind of dead during the off weeks, so that's fun, too, because I enjoy nerding out on stupid shit with all of the forums regulars. I'll be the Cameron this time and say that if you want to join the rotation to suggest a musical, we can add you to the end of it, but if you just want to watch the movies and bullshit about them with us, that's fun, too! Also, Frozen and This is Spinal Tap are both awesome, and I don't think anyone here would begrudge you liking them unless they are a monster (or if they are nerds who quibble about whether or not This is Spinal Tap is a musical, which is a thing that is likely to happen...)
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 159.5 - Minisode 159.5

    I usually try to wait until a day or two before the episode to watch the movie because I watch so many movies that I sometimes get June Disease and forget big chunks of stuff (I try to do the same with Musical Mondays). But I really, really want to watch this over the weekend because I'm dying to know what made Cam Bert that upset. Also, the trailer that Paul played is....something else. If the movie is anything like it, I feel like we're in for a treat.
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 159.5 - Minisode 159.5

    Between this and the 1989 Batman, I'm pretty sure Kim Basinger was my first celebrity crush.
  6. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 8 (Kateacola's Pick)

    I usually give it a rating but no review on Letterboxd because I don't want the whole conversation about the movie to be on Letterboxd rather than the forums (that doesn't really happen, but it's just my general practice)
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 159.5 - Minisode 159.5

    I laughed really hard when he said, "I'm terrible at this." Apparently, My Stepmother is an Alien is a bad movie? I remember loving that movie as a kid. But, you know...kids have shitty taste.
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 159.5 - Minisode 159.5

    Cam Bert, your day has finally come!
  9. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 8 (Kateacola's Pick)

    Cakebug RN
  10. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 8 (Kateacola's Pick)

    If you didn't/don't love the Muppets, you are absolutely dead inside.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 8 (Kateacola's Pick)

    Stop being such a NEVER
  12. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 8 (Kateacola's Pick)

    I was about to call you out for it being the wrong song before I read your note at the bottom.
  13. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 8 (Kateacola's Pick)

    I had to think about what song was called "Do You Love Me?" and was the one they were referencing. The one form the movie was about the fourth song that came to mind with that title (or with those lyrics featuring prominently).
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 159 - Sleepwalkers

    Such a for Dirty Dancing...
  15. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 8 (Kateacola's Pick)

    I totally hear you. I've already been thinking about my next pick, and there are a few "performance"-type musicals I was thinking abut (e.g., Sing Street). And while I wouldn't shoot someone down for picking them, I think my picks are going to be in the more traditional musical format, but that's mostly because there's a big gap for me in classic movie musicals that I either haven't ever seen or haven't seen since I was a kid and don't really remember.
  16. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 8 (Kateacola's Pick)

    Taylor's gonna be soooo mad at you.
  17. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 8 (Kateacola's Pick)

    It got great reviews from a lot of critics that I usually agree with. But that one baffled me. I'm glad we're watching the original so I can see if it's just my childhood memory being wrong, but I feel like Elliot was barely in the new one (which was one of the reasons I didn't like it) compared to the original.
  18. FisterRoboto

    Episode 159 - Sleepwalkers

    Also, the cop had two empty corn cobs on his plate, and the mom asked him if he wanted the last one. He was straight up eating corn, like, 20 seconds before Alice Krige came in! She stabbed him with a corn cob that was only empty because he had eaten it.
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 159 - Sleepwalkers

    Normally, I'm not a fan of crossover/shared universe theories... But I am 100% on board for this.
  20. FisterRoboto

    How Did This Get Made-ness

    No Fast and/or Furiouses, so i am unable to participate
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 159 - Sleepwalkers

    Okay, now that I'm done fucking around with stupid gifs, I want to dive into this because I had some initial thoughts along the same lines. Why does he need to make her fall in love with him when he can just sneak up on her and either kill her right there or kidnap her and take her back home for his mom to feast? But then I started thinking about it in terms of the vampire narrative. I wrote a kind of lengthy post about the history of the vampire narrative and how it correlates to the hagiographical accounts of virgin saints' lives in the Vampire's Kiss thread. I won't repeat it all here, but basically, the bite is a metaphor for sex. The way women became saints back in the day was basically this: A woman is devoutly religious A wealthy or powerful man tries to make her have sex with him She resists He tortures and/or kills her She maintains her "purity" She is canonized. The vampire narrative adopted this formula, and as I mentioned in the previous thread, Dracula is a great example. Lucy Westenra gives in to the bite, and is thus a fallen woman. Mina Harker resists and is eventually redeemed (she does give in at first, but she basically repents later and then helps them kill Dracula....SPOILER ALERT FOR A 120-YEAR-OLD NOVEL). So, the bite is a physical penetration that is a metaphor for the act of penetrative sex. The acts leading up to the bite are traditionally consensual (remember, it's a test of purity!), even if the bite itself is not. Now, I don't think King was thinking about this tradition or the history of the vampire narrative when he wrote this. More likely, he was following the pattern set out by a hundred plus years of western vampire tradition.
  22. FisterRoboto

    Episode 159 - Sleepwalkers

    Oh look. My Amazon rental still had 14 hours left, so I could make a gif of this:
  23. FisterRoboto

    Episode 159 - Sleepwalkers

    Did anyone notice that when homeboy tries to take her life force at the end of the movie, she talks for a second, and the beam shuts off when her mouth closes? Maybe just close your fucking mouth?