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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Ummm...that sounds like the best part of it, honestly.
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 158.5 - Minisode 158.5

    I think it was in the Theodore Rex episode, but we've all changed our names back, so I don't remember what any of them were. It was Cameron's idea, and all I remember is that we picked difficult dino names just to hear Paul try to read them.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 158.5 - Minisode 158.5

    Remember when we tried to do something like that with dinosaurs, and Paul just completely ignored our fun? ETA: Did Paul read Ryan Sz's name as Ryan Sx?
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Aaaand now I want a Terry Crews Little John.
  5. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 7 (Cinco DeNio's Pick)

    I don't think I care for this... I got Angel when I took the Buzzfeed quiz, which is better, but not really accurate at all. Maybe I'm Benny? Because I remember being like, "Y'all should grow up and get jobs" when I watched it. But I also feel like Benny is way more responsible than me. So I don't know. Maybe I'll re-evaluate when I watch it over the weekend. ^^This. (except for the last bit)
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    For the record, I would have watched THE FUCK out of an Iron Fist series if Steven Seagal was the lead.
  7. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 7 (Cinco DeNio's Pick)

    Oh yeah! Angel is really good, too! And if Tom Collins is the guy I'm thinking, I have a lot of thoughts to share about him. Idina, tho.
  8. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 7 (Cinco DeNio's Pick)

    I forgot everything about his character from my last watch except that he's a musician, I think? Idina Menzel and Tracie Thomas are the only ones that really stuck firmly in my brain because I remember liking the tango song Thomas did with the filmmaker dude about Menzel and the song that was their fight at the engagement party.
  9. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    And I'm sorry, too, y'all. I may have blown it a bit out of proportion. It's been a shitty morning, and I definitely was getting upset over something stupid. Still, though....I'll take F&F over Doctor Strange or Iron Fist any day. We do show our love in strange, abusive ways.
  10. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    I brought it up as good-natured ribbing, and then everyone basically started with the "Oh, well here's how few I've seen." Sorry, I'll just not bring it up again.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    No. But they are still making stuff like Doctor Strange, which is the same, boring origin story we've seen over and over. And while I liked Winter Soldier, Civil War and Age of Ultron were self-important nonsense. Fast and Furious is a silly franchise and one that delights in its own silliness. I call out Marvel specifically because every time a new Marvel property comes out, everyone here goes on and on about it (e.g., the ongoing six-page tangent about Iron Fist). But I do think the Marvel movies take themselves too seriously in terms of building their universe and things like that. They want to pretend like they're doing something different, when they're really just making the same stuff over and over. It's basically the peak tv model applied to cinema. Again, I'm not arguing these as High Art, but I don't understand how people can fall all over Marvel in one thread and then rush each other to brag about how few F&F movies they've seen in another, when I consider those to basically be the linchpin of this podcast.
  12. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    I wouldn't call them High Art, but they don't pretend to be anything beyond what they are. They've leaned into the ridiculousness of their franchise, and that's kind of their brilliance. Marvel movies and series, for the most part, take themselves way more seriously, and that's where I'm just like, "Ugh...get over it. You're just here to punch things, too." (Note: there are exceptions to this, and those are the movies that I can still deal with, like Ant-Man, Iron Man 3 or Guardians) Also, the F&F movies at least heighten with each film. Yeah, it's all ridiculous shit, but it's NEW ridiculous shit. I've seen the same Marvel origin story at least 6 times now.
  13. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    It's not that they are better. It's that they are completely different movies. They've gotten away from the car porn and street racing, and now they're just straight over-the-top ridiculous action movies. Also, "character arcs." (When you hit "Quote" instead of "Edit," you get a double-post)
  14. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    You guys are all philistines. I'd rather watch 43 more F&F movies than one more uninspired Marvel movie or Netflix series.
  15. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    I know some people don't like when they do movies that are still in the theater, but I really hope we don't have to wait until September for the Fate of the Furious ep. I need it noooowww!
  16. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    As someone who likes Blade Runner, I'll say that the worst thing about the movie is its fans because if you don't like it, it's because you haven't seen this one version of it (there are, like, seven different cuts of the movie), which will just make you fall in love with it. (I realized after I wrote it that that sounds like I'm talking shit about your boyfriend - a person whom I have obviously never met and have no reason to judge. I assure you that wasn't meant to be that pointed) But I will say that not liking F&F is crazy talk. Isn't that right, Dom?
  17. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    *gasp* Tokyo Drift is the wooooooooooorst. I can't stand that main kid in it. But at least it gave us Han. 5, 6, and 7 are the best, but that's because I care less about them racing and more about them doing completely ridiculous shit. But I also have to admit that half the reason I love the movies is because I love hearing Adam Scott and the gang talk about them. Edit: forgot to add a gif
  18. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    Kateacola diving out of this thread like (The rest of this thread will just be me posting all the gifs I made for the Furious 7 thread)
  19. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    It made me all like...
  20. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    We're just dicking around waiting for the week to be up so we can talk about the movie, so I feel okay posting this here (since someone didn't write a review so I could start shit on Letterboxd). You're dead to me, kateacola
  21. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

  22. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    I've always imagined Cakebug as a trash forager.
  23. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 7 (Cinco DeNio's Pick)

    Oh wow. I watched this in December last year for the first time. I had some friends that were obsessed with the stage musical in high school, but I really didn't know anything about it. I hope our stage nerds are ready to fill us in on the differences next week because I'm really curious to know why it's so beloved while the movie got a pretty "meh" reception.
  24. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    An American Tail uses music to move the plot along, though, and I certainly wouldn't call the songs "incidental." And I'd rather watch all of Disney's musical catalog (of which An American Tail is not part, since it was Amblin/Universal) than see another rock opera. But, I'll watch one if someone suggests it. When we were coming up with this idea, we left the category intentionally broad so we could have a wide variety. Unless something came up that was clearly not a musical (e.g., someone tried to push Zootopia for the Shakira song or Back to the Future because of "Johnny B. Goode"), I'm fine with not being super rigid in our definition. But An American Tail is definitely a musical