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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157.5 - Minisode 157.5

    I just see this; Edit: I may have hit quote originally instead of edit. Sorry for the weird double post. I just wanted to be like Cam Bert.
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157.5 - Minisode 157.5

    I'm really rooting for it, too. I love that they got Patty Jenkins for it (also that it's not a Snyder-bro directing), and Gal Gadot was by far the best part of BvS. My biggest concern is that it feels a bit too similar to Captain America: The First Avenger, which is my least favorite of the Phase 1 MCU stuff.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157.5 - Minisode 157.5

    God, I wish they'd tone down that orange/teal filter shit, but at least it's a DC movie with color in it.
  4. He comes to Fantastic Fest every year and is just the sweetest little old man in the world. He's one of those people that's so nice that you'd probably let him get away with just about anything. Anyway, reviving the World's End discussion a couple days later: after rewatching, I disagree about the message of the film. I still stand by what I said earlier about friendship changing people, but ultimately, the film isn't about getting so caught up in ephemera that you lose sight of who you really are. It's actually about not progressing as a person because you're so busy clinging to the past. For the whole movie, Pegg wants to be the leader of his group of high school buddies and is developmentally stunted because he's trying to relive their "glory days." He sees that as his pinnacle, so he tries to prove that he's still that same person. Of course, that doesn't work as an adult, especially when your friends have all moved on and grown up. In the penultimate scene, he talks to the alien leader, who offers to put his consciousness in his younger body where he can relive his high school days with his friends for the rest of his life. But he refuses, and this is the moment where he actually becomes the leader that he has been trying to be for the rest of the movie. He's spent the whole movie trying to lead his friends by clinging onto the past. But when he instead looks to the future, he becomes a real leader. So I don't see the ending scene with him and his posse of blanks as a reward for Pegg's shitty behavior. I see it as him having finally earned what he's been claiming he was for the whole movie.
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157.5 - Minisode 157.5

    You're just thirsty for that like from Paul....
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157.5 - Minisode 157.5

    I went back and re-listened when he said "Ryan" because I was like, "Didn't he say his name was Mike?" (a name that would stick in my mind for reasons) And then I did the same thing by switching tomspanks and kateacola....
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157.5 - Minisode 157.5

    Not only did Paul call me out in the thread, he brought it back up in the forums. Unrelated: when Paul mentioned "Mister" tomspanks' C&O about the batteries, he said it was like one of those movies where he discovers it was inside him all along. Then he said, "I don't know what movie that would be..." It's literally this one. That's how they get the surf boards is the kid discovers he doesn't need the Game Gear because he had the power the whole time.
  8. Dude, Nordic people don't fuck around when it comes to licorice. That's literally the worst place you could have started. My aunt married a Danish dude, and he has a little pouch of licorice he carries with him to chew on after meals. When I was a kid, I was like, "Oh, is that candy?" And he was like, "Yeah, man. Try some." And then he laughed his ass off as I tried to get the flavor out of my mouth. Now I like bitter things, so he gives me licorice partly as a joke to remind me of when that happened and partly because he has the hookup on really good licorice and he knows I like it. (Also, I didn't grow up with Willy Wonka, and I don't really get why people love it so much)
  9. Licorice is awesome. Get your life together, Cameron. (BTW, I'm still only halfway through The World's End. Work apparently decided I needed to do stuff on my work from home day and not just fuck around watching movies.)
  10. Well, that's certainly a thing that NEVER happens around here...
  11. Hold on, y'all. I remember the ending having a different meaning for me, but I'm going to rewatch it to be sure my theory holds water. See y'all on the other side...
  12. I think I like it because it cuts both ways in The World's End. Both Frost and Pegg have a character arc and have to change as a result of what's going on around them, whereas Frost has a pretty flat arc in both of the first two movies. He just kind of stays the lovable manchild in both of them, and while that's fun to watch, I find letting them both have a character arc to be enjoyable. Because that's what I feel like adult friendships are. It's rare that one person changes into a whole different person and is suddenly responsible or suddenly learns how to appreciate the fun in life. Instead it's often a meeting somewhere in the middle between the two personalities. Our friendships change us, although usually in far more subtle ways. All of my adult friendships (especially the ones I cherish most) have challenged me in ways I couldn't expect. Sometimes it's learning not to just say the first asshole thing that pops into my head. Sometimes it's hearing another person's perspective on things and putting myself in their shoes. And sometimes, it's just that being around a person that isn't you and doesn't have your same history, thoughts, and feelings makes your life different. And other times, it's just arguing with your friends about stupid shit like movies. And that's my biggest takeaway from The World's End. I don't take as being about losing sight of who you are as much as I see it being about two people whose friendship changes them.
  13. But it was supposed to be a parody of alien invasion movies. That's kind of the whole point of it. SotD was zombie movies. Hot Fuzz was buddy cop/action movies. And The World's End was sci-fi/alien invasion movies. There are so many great references to movies like Aliens, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers that the reveal of the aliens shouldn't be a giant surprise. I actually liked what they did with his character. I thought it was fun to have Nick Frost be the semi-responsible adult in this one and have Simon Pegg be the stunted manchild. Yeah, he's totally annoying and selfish, but so is Frost in Hot Fuzz and SotD.
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    This. Just don't be the dude that comes in and posts stream of consciousness in a dozen back to back posts with a different font per post and then never contributes to any of the conversation. My feeling is that as long as people are engaged with the group for the most part, a double post every now and then isn't a big deal.
  15. Here's where I make you all hate me: I like The World's End. It's my least favorite of the three (Hot Fuzz being the best), but I still think it's absolutely great. And I think Christopher Moore is a terrible writer.
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    Sssshhhhh...he only emerges from the shadows when you least expect it (or are kind of being a dick). He is...the Scheer-dow.
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    OMG Cam Bert. I've loved all of the naming histories so far. But this has been my favorite by far just for this ridiculous-ass cover.
  18. "Cat in a tub" is a fun phrase to say quickly. And loudly. And with a melody behind it. Guys, I'm just scream-singing the phrase "cat in a tub" to my dog. Everything's okay.
  19. Sorry, y'all. I'm allergic to cats, so all I've got is a lazy strumpet of a beagle.
  20. Yesssss! I am very excited about this pick! Cabaret is one of the ones on my shortlist for picks, so now I can cross that off. I've never seen it either, but it's one I've been meaning to check out for a long time. I also would have been happy with Fiddler on the Roof because I watched parts of it as a kid because my parents really liked it, but I never sat down and watched all of it. I know many of the songs like "Tradition," "Matchmaker," "Sunrise/Sunset," and "If I Were a Rich Man," but I really couldn't tell you anything about the movie's plot. So I wouldn't be disappointed if someone else picked this soon either.
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    Is that a problem because both of those look like hot garbage?
  22. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    They wouldn't have even had to do that! Homeboy straight up creates surfboard-shaped trees out of NOWHERE with his mind. So they weren't even cutting down existing trees. But even if they were, he could have just created more!
  23. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 6-Jesus Christ Superstar

    This is cool and all, but I'm really disappointed that it wasn't a jaded mandarin.
  24. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    Their grandfather isn't Pat Morita (aka - Mr Miyagi). He's played by Victor Wong, who is perhaps best known for his role as Egg Shen in Big Trouble in Little China.
  25. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    I'll get you one day, Scheer....