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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    It'd be nice to get a mix, though, so that people that prefer the live ones are happy and the ones that prefer studio eps are happy.
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    It's been that way for a while, and I imagine it's probably going to stay that way. I miss them just being a few friends hanging out in a room and shitting on a movie. (I'm also kind of disappointed with these two picks, both of which look boring AF. I hope the Austin picks are much, much better than this)
  3. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 6-Jesus Christ Superstar

    Who are you again?
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    Nope. Here's what I was looking for: In the scene where they are about to surf over to the other island, EVERYONE is wearing one of these headbands. Even Tone fuckin' Loc gets one. And so does Kelly Hu! They just give these things out like candy.
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    You son of a bitch, you're going to make me rewatch this scene.
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    I thought it was a headband for Patusan warriors and both he and Adam got one because they had proven themselves as warriors EVEN THOUGH IGGY WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO DID A FUCKING THING in the previous scene. And speaking of the previous scene (when Iggy is throwing dynamite), the explosion from the dynamite is WELL in front of the vehicles. Then it cuts back to the surf dildos and then back to the trucks. The giant truck comes through and runs over a battered door from the wreckage of the two jeeps that weren't even at the blast.
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    I wonder if he's a big fan of MUSIC BAND
  9. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 6-Jesus Christ Superstar

    Soooo, I finally started listening to Hamilton because of a combination of my RL friends and Cameron convincing me that it works well enough on its own. Anyway, I was kind of like, "This is interesting, but I'm not sure I really love it" until I got to "What Comes Next," which is absurdly hilarious. And it immediately reminded me of this post from back at the beginning of this thread: So, yeah, Jesus is a crybaby fop villain just like King George.
  10. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    Speaking of "Airborne," when they kept talking about the ridiculous steps in Patusan, I was just thinking about how someone should have rollerbladed down them.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    Speaking on motosurfing, when the cop pulls over the other car for motosurfing in the opening scene, he shows them the oar and says quite dramatically, "I wish I was wrong just once." At that point, this movie should have turned into a hardboiled, gritty police drama thriller about a lone cop trying to bring down underground motosurfers. I would have watched the fuck out of that movie, and it would have been a billion times better than fucking Surf Ninjas.
  12. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    True, but he had a pretty small role in The Adventures of Ford Fairlane (similar to Ice-T in both Breakin' movies). I like to think he was convinced Surf Ninjas was going to be his breakout.
  13. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    I wanna talk about Tone Loc for a second. First off, the song about the mosquito on his dick that Nicolas Cowan talked about is actually called "There's a Skeeter on My Peter," and it's an old song (according to Wikipedia, it dates back to at least 1927) that's sung to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It" But more importantly, who the fuck cast him in this movie? This is ostensibly a children's movie. Who was like, "You know who we HAVE TO get for this? The guy that sang a song about date rape drugs." But also, why did he say yes? Was he trying to get into acting? Like, Ice-T broke out a few years earlier with his role in New Jack City. Did he think this was his NJC?
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    It wasn't my fault! My version cut off. That's what happens when they pick movies that aren't available to rent online. I almost ordered it off of Amazon, but they only had it as a $5 add-on to another order or $30 for the DVD from 3rd parties. And I wasn't down for either of those. I did see y'all talking about the Barbara Ann scene on Letterboxd, and I was almost curious enough to check that out. But I just didn't care by that point.
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    I am totally and authentically upset about this.
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    So it was basically Bejeweled? And the reason it was so battery hungry was really because it was ahead of its time. The Game Gear games were incredibly similar to the console games, whereas Gameboy games were often completely different games with the same title (e.g., Mortal Kombat was a 100% different experience on the Gameboy). But you could play the Game Gear while it was plugged in, so it was great for long car trips because you could just plug it into the cigarette lighter and play for hours. THAT'S REALLY CLEVER, TAYLOR ANNE! I wish I had said it on the last page or something!
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    WTF? I didn't even catch this, and I love that dude. I'm going to blame it on the fact that the only YouTube video I could find that seemed to have the whole movie had that big bright oval in the middle of the screen, so it was often hard to make out anything if it was at night. It also cut off about the last 5-10 minutes, but I'm confident I didn't miss anything I regret. Anyway, there seemed to be some confusion at one point about the brothers. They totally knew they were adopted the whole time. The adoption thing comes up because Ernie Reyes is trying to figure out an excuse for not doing his homework. It's like a "my grandmother died" but he's using the fact he's adopted instead (and it's also to set up Rob Schneider's stupid joke about being adopted last night). It's not like they thought this old white guy was their bio dad the whole time. And speaking of that scene, his homework was to come up with the intro welcome thing for Baba Ram. He clearly blew that off, but he had time to coordinate a perfect a capella rendition of "Barbara Ann"? Are they in an a capella surf group? How did they already know the song and all the harmonies and everything?
  18. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    Also, Taylor Anne, how much did you lose your shit when you found out who the second guest was?
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    I wrote down all their ages, too! The youngest brother is 14. But compared to these adults, he looks about 8. And Rob Schneider makes a joke about being 37 when he's dressed up as the uncle. But he's much closer to 37 than he is to being in high school!
  20. FisterRoboto

    Episode 156.5 - Minisode 156.5

    *Ernie Reyes, Jr. But yeah, was he this bad in TMNT 2? Maybe his horrible sexism just made me blind to his acting? Or maybe they gave him less lines?
  21. FisterRoboto

    Oscar pool 2017

    This year had a lot of upsets in the tech categories (and obviously the big one) that evened the playing field in a lot of pools, so good on you for still coming out on top!
  22. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 6-Jesus Christ Superstar

    He looks like someone hit Luke Evans in the face until his soul died.
  23. Oh, also, I'd LOVE a button, JammerLea! Cameron just distracted me with his wily shenanigans.
  24. Do I have to use the word "dope"? That might be a deal-breaker.
  25. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 6-Jesus Christ Superstar

    Yes! That's the EXACT problem I had with it. I couldn't put my finger on it, but you nailed it.