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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 5 (Cam Bert's Pick)

    This is the best story I have ever read. When I was in my early 20s, someone actually hired me to work in a day care. I have some pretty funny kids swearing stories (e.g., the time one three-year-old called another a "fucking idiot" because he didn't know that the baby ducks that had been born in a nest in the bushes in front of the day care were called ducklings). But this is so much better than any story I experienced.
  2. I've avoided the show for so long because one of the most annoying and awful people I have ever met was obsessed with it (and actually appeared on the show once). I had a feeling it was something I would like because Chris is hilarious. He's great on Broad City, I thought he was hilarious in Don't Think Twice, and he is one of my two favorite guests on the Blank Check podcast from back when they were a Star Wars podcast. But you know how someone can be so terrible they ruin things you should love because they won't shut up about them? That's basically what happened here. Anyway, guess I like this show now because I came home and immediately watched all of the first season. It's amazing.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 5 (Cam Bert's Pick)

    *ahem* Watch out, or I'm what your kid is going to turn into.
  4. So, Jason mentioned the episode of The Chris Gethard Show that he and Paul were on back in June, and if you haven't seen it, you definitely should: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwi_kE0gy94 I hadn't seen a single episode of TCGS, and now I might have to go back and watch all of them. It's 43 minutes of the two of them just fucking with Chris Gethard, and it's totally hilarious. Jason is exactly what you'd expect, but Paul really gets into it more than I thought he would. It's perfection. PS - Jason's expression in the preview frame is a perfect encapsulation of the episode.
  5. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 5 (Cam Bert's Pick)

    Yes! I'm really excited about this one (although I still think you should have made us watch Tokyo Tribe...). I know very little about this one except that my super religious parents wouldn't let me see it when I was younger because it was "blasphemous."
  6. If it's any consolation, Keanu is a big ol' teddy bear. He came to Fantastic Fest two years in a row and almost seemed amazed at the fact that people were there to see him. I may have told this story before on the forums, but I was working the swag table my first year, and John Wick was playing (he had been there the year before for Man of Tai Chi). He showed up and did the whole red carpet thing. He walked in with a security detail, but he just kind of looked around the lobby and slowly took everything in. If it was me, I'd be bee-lining to where I needed to be, but he was just so chill about it all. He went in and introduced John Wick. Then he came out once the movie started and went to the bar. He ordered a drink and then went to the various tables in the lobby and thanked everyone for being there. Then he went outside, and this is where things are a little strange. I saw a woman come up to him. He gave her a big hug, and he took a picture with her. And then as he started walking off, I saw her start crying and kind of losing her shit. He went back and gave her a big hug, and then he went back inside. I talked to a close friend later and just mentioned that Keanu had been there and that he was such a friendly dude and had taken the time to come around to the volunteers and be cool as fuck. And he told me that the woman I had seen outside was actually his coworker. She was at the theater for karaoke at the bar that's attached to the theater, and she saw this dude standing out there alone smoking a cigarette. She said she felt like she recognized him, but she couldn't put a finger on who he was. So she went up and talked to him. She told him she knew he was a famous person, but she couldn't place him and would be really mad the next day when she figured out who he was. And, according to her, he was very sweet, and he took the picture. And then when she said, "I'm so sorry, but what was your name?" He said, "Keanu Reeves." And that's apparently where she just fucking lost it. Then Keanu hugged her. She apologized profusely for not recognizing him, but he was so chill about it and was just like, "It's okay. There are a lot of people here." Ever since then, I've been a devout Keanu fan and will see anything he's in, because he is straight up as polite and friendly as everyone says he is.
  7. I also feel like "realism" is right out the door with as many times as John Wick is hit by cars and gets right back up. He's a superhero.
  8. According to the best source I could find, Ruby is 58 kg or 127 lbs/5'7". Reeves is 175 lbs/6'1". There's a size difference there, but by that argument of "he's so much bigger than her," the large Asian man at the park (or the hulking dude in the opening sequence) should have destroyed Reeves. He definitely starts with an upper hand, but both pretty much only exist to show Wick's situational awareness and his ability to adapt to the person he's fighting. If he can take on those dudes, there's not much reason Ruby can't be as formidable. Btw, Palicki is taller than Ruby at 5'1", but she weighs slightly less than Ruby at 57 kg.
  9. Spoken like the True June of Our Group.
  10. I'm trying not to turn this into a JW2 appreciation thread, but I totally agree about the sign language part. It's a testament to her performance that she was able to convey so much while not being able to use her voice. Her face when she delivers the sells everything in that scene. And, of course, my comments aren't a reflection on her at all; I just REALLY want to see her being badass more in that movie. Common gets two REALLY long fight sequences (and don't get me wrong; they're both awesome - especially in the subway terminal), but I want to see Wick fight her like she's a real adversary. All that said, I love that they do present her as a real threat. One of the things that a lot of action movies do is try to sideline women. If you look at Lettie in the F&F franchise, for example, she's usually relegated to "cat fights" with other women. In Fast 6, she really only fights Gina Carano, and in Furious 7, she only get to shine in her (admittedly awesome) fight with Ronda Rousey. One of the things I like in Deadpool is that Carano is presented as a badass that can hold her own against Colossus, and it really takes Colossus + Negasonic to take her down. There's definitely a needle to thread because you don't want a movie where dudes are just beating up women, but I did appreciate that both with Ruby and with the violin busker in JW2, the women got to fight on par with the male characters.
  11. I thought she was totally wasted in John Wick: Chapter 2. She spends most of the movie just walking around with her gun drawn. Then she gets one fight scene that lasts, like, 45 seconds. I wish they had given her a lot more to do because she's so under-utilized. It's weird that xXx actually uses her much better. I don't think she's ever revealed what movie it was or who the 55-year-old was, but it was in an interview with The Wrap: http://www.thewrap.com/maggie-gyllenhaal-on-hollywood-ageism-i-was-told-37-is-too-old-for-a-55-year-old-love-interest/
  12. It could have been worse. Cakebug could have made us all watch Across the Universe again.
  13. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    You cut me deep, tomspanks...
  14. Those are age differences and not their actual ages. ETA: bella_008 has beaten me fucking twice in this thread. I'm sure you're a great person, but I will destroy you.
  15. "I did not realize he was an extreme sport..." Oh, June. You are perfect in every way.
  16. So, another podcast I really enjoy covered Saving Private Ryan this week. And they had a good conversation about Vin Diesel (for those who, like me, hadn't seen it in years, he's one of the company that goes to save Ryan). So, Diesel was cast as the role in Reindeer Games that eventually went to Donal Logue. Allegedly, he butted heads with John Frankenheimer about his character, which led to him being fired. There are two versions of the story. In one, Frankenheimer asked Diesel to take his shirt off, and in another, he asked Diesel to wear just a muscle shirt. Depending on which story you believe, Diesel either said, "I only take my shirt off..." or "I only show my guns in a Vin Diesel film." That story is most likely apocryphal, but I really, really, really want it to be true.
  17. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    Haha. I don't have that problem. Doing the DLM Challenge last year put me at Top Brass by, like, March. It also got me addicted to spending Saturdays marathoning 3-4 movies every few weeks. There were other people, but the ones sitting directly behind me were shitty kids. And it reminded me of being a shitty kid in high school and going to see Wing Commander with my friends. For those of you who don't remember it, that movie was a giant piece of shit starring Freddie Prinze, Jr., Matthew Lillard, and our friend Saffron Burrows. Anyway, my friends and I were being awful and talking and shit through the trailers. Then the movie started, and we kept laughing and being obnoxious. And this dude who was probably in his early 30s that was there seeing the movie by himself turned around and said (in a voice that sounded like the comic book guy from The Simpsons), "Could you please be quiet? Thank you." My friends and I laughed and laughed about that dude for months. We were like, "What kind of loser is going to see fucking Wing Commander on a Saturday night BY HIMSELF?!" Yes, we were assholes. Cut to 18 years later, and here I am seeing fucking xXx: Return of Xander Cage on a Friday night BY MYSELF. I get you now, dude, and I hope the little shits I told to shut up will one day have a similar interaction that brings it all full-circle back to me.
  18. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    Ugh. They only played it here at one theater, and it was the one way up north, and they only seemed to show it for, like, a week. I ended up going to a non-Alamo theater for the second time in about 5 years, but they served beer, and I got to yell at some kids to shut up, so that was cool.
  19. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    Do it! But go to an Alamo or somewhere that serves alcohol. It's much better after a drink or two.
  20. The beginning of that scene is her setting up the silks as a sniper's nest. It's fucking wonderful, and her in that scene is by far my favorite part of the movie. I haven't finished listening to the episode, but I can't believe they didn't mention her once, because she is fucking phenomenal (and, from what I hear, used MUCH better than she is in John Wick: Chapter 2). Also, all this love for Nina Dobrev. I thought her character was boring and trying too hard to be the comic relief. That scene they played with her was soooo cringey and was the moment I got up to go get another beer from the concession stand. I will say that I TOTALLY agree with their assessment of Toni Collette, though. I absolutely love her in everything she's in, and she really seemed to embrace the cheesiness of the movie, and her performance was all the better for it.
  21. The Avengers literally have a dude that just shoots a bow and arrow. Their standards can't be that high. (PS - you know I love Hawkeye, Taylor Anne. Please don't hurt me.) Beat me to it, ya jerk.
  22. FisterRoboto

    Episode 155.5 - Minisode 155.5

    I didn't know it was possible for me to love Denzel more than I already do.
  23. FisterRoboto

    Trailer Talk

    Is that Andrea Savage and Lennon Parham fighting each other? I don't think this looks all that great, but it's got an amazing cast.