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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    I'm 100% positive you've seen this, but I just never pass up a chance to post it:
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 155.5 - Minisode 155.5

    I call it by both names. My uncle took me to see it in the theater when I was 13, and it was billed as The Professional, since that was the US release name. Over about the last 10 years or so, Lรฉon has had more of a resurgence, and people recognize it by either/both names. Also, I Was There Too kind of ruined that movie for me. Fuck Luc Besson's creepy ass.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    In this case, it's definitely LESS weird. It's just something I pay attention to because men get to play young a LOT longer than women do. One of the most egregious ones recently was The Edge of Seventeen (which is a really excellent film), but Hailee Steinfeld (20) has an older brother in the movie played by Blake Jenner (24) who is still supposed to be in high school. Maybe it's because I had seen the awful Everybody Wants Some!! last summer and that clouded my perspective, but I was like, "There's no way that dude is still in high school." So then I went to IMDb and looked at other cast members' ages. Hayden Szeto, the dude that plays Steinfeld's "love interest"(kind of...) is 31! It's totally bonkers. I agree. And I have friends that are ~10 years in age difference who are excellent couples, but it's just interesting to me that it's always an older man with a younger woman in movies.
  4. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    And is also 11 years older than Emma Watson (Not trying to poop on anyone's fun. I just enjoy pointing these things out. Wait until the Across the Universe discussion. There's some weird stuff going on with age in that movie)
  5. Directed by Across the Universe's own Julie Taymor.
  6. I know this is from many pages ago, but here's the only Beatles cover you'll ever need:
  7. FisterRoboto

    Trailer Talk

    If you haven't seen Krisha, I would strongly recommend it. It's a family drama with TONS of horror elements, and it's currently on Amazon Prime. It's 100% not a horror movie, but it's easy to see Shults' eye for horror storytelling and framing. It's a wonderful film, and it's one of those movies that I feel like people are going to look back at in 5 years and say, "We knew Shults always had the chops for this." (Full disclosure: my friend's twin brother is one of the producers on both Krisha and It Comes at Night, but if anything, I'm brutally honest with my friends and the projects they work on, and I had nothing but praise to lavish on Krisha after I saw it)
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

  9. FisterRoboto

    Trailer Talk

    Have you seen the trailer for XX? I think it might be up your alley, too. It's an all-female written and directed horror anthology. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGH-zJ9_uFs St Vincent, Karyn Kusama (The Invitation), and Roxanne Benjamin (Southbound) all did segments in it. And it looks pretty awesome. Edit: Also, it has Melanie Lynskey in it, and I absolutely adore her ever since I heard her tell her story about "Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport" on Spontaneanation. AND it has Sheila Vand from A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night.
  10. We're all just Cameron's sister-wives
  11. FisterRoboto

    Trailer Talk

  12. Yes! "Bad Tina" and "Sexy Dance Fighting" are also two of my favorites.
  13. Oh, and also the one with Topsy. Or any other one with Mr Fischoeder because Kevin Kline is physically incapable of an unfunny line read.
  14. I keep seeing Working Girl when I scroll through Netflix, and every time I think, "You mean the sassy sister film to Die Hard?" It's also one of my favorite episodes, along with "The Equestrenauts."
  15. I wish Working Girl was a musical. I'd make you all watch it.
  16. I had to break it up into 2 viewings. I kind of hate it and everyone involved in it (but not as much as Tommy, obviously)
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    It's okay. I thought it was funny.
  18. FisterRoboto

    Why hasn't Aziz Ansari been on the podcast yet?

    Yeah, that's a really great one. People use the phrase "lived in" way too frequently when talking about fictional worlds and relationships, but the show does an amazing job of making every relationship really feel lived in and real. Whether it's with his parents or Rachel or Arnold or Brian , every relationship feels authentic. Part of that is likely because they write and/or play fictionalized versions of themselves, so they really understand the characters. I'm really excited for the new season and hope that - even without Harris' brilliance - it's on par with the first season.
  19. That's okay. One of you guys called me by my real name on there, and it kind of weirded me out for a second. Then I remembered that it wouldn't make sense in the context of Letterboxd for you to call me Fister
  20. I haven't gotten into Hamilton, even though I know I'll enjoy it, because it's hard for me to get into just the music of a musical without actually seeing the musical itself. Once I see it and enjoy it, I can listen to the music from it all day long (as evidenced by the fact that I've been listening to the music from these musicals for the last month and still have the La La Land soundtrack in heavy rotation). But in most musicals, the songs are a storytelling technique, and it feels lacking to me if I don't see/hear them in context.
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    Oh god. I had some friends that wanted to go to NOLA in July this year. A couple are from San Diego and a couple others are from Canada. Then there are two from the same group that are from Florida. And it was me and the Floridians being like, "No, you REALLY don't understand how bad that shit is going to be."
  22. It's basically a right of passage. Does this make CakeBug one of us?
  23. FisterRoboto

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    True. But May is bad enough for northern-types. One of my friends from our NY office at my first grown-up-type job got into grad school at Rice. She went down to visit Houston, like, late April and was like, "It's so HUMID! And there are mosquitos everywhere!" I was like, "Yeah, welcome to the Gulf Coast"