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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. I came here to post that because they just posted it to the FB group, too! Earwolf should hire an experienced email marketer to handle communications like this. I think I know a guy....
  2. I'm fine with it. Others seems fine with it, too. It honestly seems like a very vocal minority that are most upset.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Paywall Special Announcement

    It's not that they don't pay for the ads if people don't sign up; it's more likely that they pay per thousand impressions (in this case, per 1k people that listen to the episode). BUT, any advertiser is going to keep track of the ROI (return on investment) of their ad spend. So, let's say they spend $2500 (a number I pulled straight out of my ass), but they're only getting $1500 in revenue from it (that could be in direct signups for a subscription service like Blue Apron; it could be in a calculated lifetime value - LTV; or it could be a single purchase), they'll probably not continue advertising. Now, the point remains that if people don't buy stuff, Earwolf will probably lose ad revenue over time, but it's just a slightly different model. Source: I work in Marketing and used to help manage our PPC/CPM advertising budget. Note: this is just an assumption based on common advertising models. I don't have any inside info on Earwolf, their advertisers, or how any of their contracts are structured.
  4. Yeah, they should have done city and state so they could just filter by state.
  5. Well, if I hear anything, I'll be sure to pass it along (and hopefully others will do the same).
  6. FisterRoboto

    Paywall Special Announcement

    To be fair, I'm pretty sure I'm the one that called you a kiss-ass. Cameron's just joining the club
  7. Yeah, I didn't see that rmail list until late last night. I asked them if they were going to resend because they told me to sign up. They haven't responded. Be sure you put Texas or Austin in the closest city field.
  8. Do you mean the queue system? I get why they did that (it serves as a load balancer to keep the site from crashing). A lot of sites are starting to use that (e.g., Alamo used it for Rogue one tickets), but my problem is 1) they didn't say there was going to be a queue, and 2) people could get into the queue before tickets went on sale, which wasn't communicated.
  9. Agreed. And I'm really trying to avoid just complaining because I do totally appreciate the fact that they are even coming to Austin. It's just frustrating that they went from two shows to one show to one show plus "something special" that less than 10% of the people at the main show will get to see.
  10. FisterRoboto

    Paywall Special Announcement

    Archives do not have ads. And they likely do not receive ad revenue for ads in older episodes. I wrote a long post explaining how advertising revenue works a few weeks ago: http://forum.earwolf.com/topic/41827-a-message-from-earwolfs-ceo-about-yesterdays-episode-de-publishing/page__view__findpost__p__236241 TL;DR - Advertisers don't pay for old ads in perpetuity, and even if they pay a small fee for it (which they likely don't), it probably doesn't amount to much.
  11. Oh, you're right. They posted it once back on the 10th. In the middle of all of the posts about the Escape from LA episode. Sorry, I'm cranky this morning and just frustrated by the way this whole thing has been planned. I'm really hoping the Austin show ends up being a major success so they'll do future shows here, too.
  12. I thought they meant the Paramount list, but maybe they mean this list that - so far as I can tell - they've only posted to their Facebook group: https://goo.gl/forms/ZLCX0Dt49osFe7I73 There are so many channels of communication going, it's damn near impossible for people to keep up, and it's really frustrating. If only they had an official forum of some kind where they could centralize communications rather than having to check Twitter, email, Facebook groups, or Facebook events for updates. Also, if this second show is at Ritz, this is right back to the Stateside problem. Actually, it's worse because Stateside seats 298 and Alamo Ritz seats 175 (for comparison, Paramount seats 1,275), so good fucking luck everyone.
  13. I haven't seen anything about the 2nd show, and I've been signed up for the mailing list since I bought the tickets the first time. I'm going to be extremely upset if there's a 2nd show and I don't get tickets.
  14. Yeah, there's also Michi, but the one close to downtown is carryout/delivery only, which is 100% bullshit (but it's my least favorite of the three anyway)
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Holy shit is June amazing.
  16. Yeah, Tatsu-Ya is a little farther north (but is really close to Pinballz). They opened a second location that's closer to downtown, but it's still not, like, in walking distance or anything.
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    Wasn't that what the Second Opinions guy was going for? He just didn't commit to it any more than Blake Plissken did to his joke.
  18. Yeah. There's Pinballz, which is about a 15 minute drive or so from downtown. It's a BYOB arcade that's about half pinball machines (I assume it's also BYOKeyboard if you want to jam out like Elton while you play).
  19. We're all going to meet up for drinks or something, right?
  20. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays--Week 3--Tommy

    So, all this talk about the Pinball Wizard scene and no one's mentioned yet that Elton John has a keyboard ON THE FUCKING PINBALL MACHINE that disappears once Tommy takes over. Are they using a different machine (note: I honestly don't care to go back and watch to see if it's the same machine or not nor do I ever want to see a single second of this movie over again)? Also, maybe Elton would have kept his fucking title if he had decided to play pinball instead of jamming out some sweet tunes.
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    This is acceptable (I love the Rev) I finished watching this, which I hadn't seen in, like, 10 years or more. It's a hot mess. dask360 was right, and I did already have the Renegade version. I had the changes backwards in my head and thought the one with the alien plotline was the Renegade and the time travel one was the theatrical cut. ANYWAY, I can't wait for this episode. I really wish June was going to be on it because I can only imagine her losing her shit over this movie. I kind of wish/hope they do Endgame at some point because the only thing worse than this movie is throwing Adrian Paul into the equation. Then again, they'd have to do Highlander III/The Final Dimension/The Magician/The Final Fight (all various names for the same movie) first.
  22. FisterRoboto

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Call me Li'l Plissken.
  23. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays--Week 3--Tommy

    He's all right, I guess.
  24. FisterRoboto

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    Yo, Texas people, HDTGM tickets should be going on sale at 10 AM tomorrow for everyone that couldn't get them. They've combined shows and moved it to the Paramount instead of the Stateside.
  25. FisterRoboto

    Episode 153.5 - Minisode 153.5

    It is. It's just not by The Toadies. That's Spacehog.