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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 2-Hairspray

    I had no idea this was a show, so now I need to check it out. Leah Remini was one of my first TV crushes (when she was Zack Morris' love interest in the resort season of Saved by the Bell). And she's really fascinating. Her memoir is 100% heartbreaking.
  2. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 2-Hairspray

    Nah, it's fine. You're up next, so you'll pick another one on Monday for us to watch for the following Monday, but we can still keep chatting here in the meantime.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 2-Hairspray

    Damn, y'all! Turns out I'm the FUCKING WORST! Sorry I missed all the conversation about this one. I thought it just died in the other thread, and I'm often really bad about checking for new threads in the forum because I just have the My Content page bookmarked for quick reference. I haven't seen this version (although I watched the 88 version with Ricki Lake last year), so I'm going to have to watch it at some point over the weekend and get my shit together....just in time for us to change movies again I've also been wondering all week why Cameron's signature had a Hairspray quote in it... (By the way, this means I'm probably going to pick Cry Baby for one of my next choices because I love it so much)
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152.5 - Minisode 152.5

    OH NEVER MIND. I didn't see the other thread for some reason. I thought you were going to announce it in the old thread and then make a new one when we got to discussion. Basically, I'm an idiot and was like, "Well, I guess no one else wants to play anymore." CARRY ON (I have a tendency to just tunnel into my "My Content" section rather than looking at the whole forum sometimes)
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152.5 - Minisode 152.5

    *ahem* Someone dropped the ball on suggesting our last movie, though...........................................
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152.5 - Minisode 152.5

    Fact: it's impossible to listen to any song from La La Land without being happy:
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152.5 - Minisode 152.5

    Come on, y'all. No one's mentioned any Bowie at all?
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152.5 - Minisode 152.5

    I mean, yeah, but it was still kind of illegal then. You know how many floppy disks I had with games that had the "Piracy is a crime" intro? I think Apogee had them in front of every single game they produced. The difference is that it's more easily traceable if they want to enforce it now. I agree. I don't even use the Widow Howl-App because it was really shitty when it first came out (froze frequently, didn't allow downloading for offline listening, couldn't make playlists), so I still use my other app that's much better. But they've been getting my $5 every month, and it really doesn't bother me because I know it helps support something I really love.
  9. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152.5 - Minisode 152.5

    So, ummm....apparently, some white nationalists have a gross misunderstanding of Carpenter's They Live https://twitter.com/TheHorrorMaster/status/816486706186596352:
  10. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152.5 - Minisode 152.5

    My friend's 30th birthday was over the weekend, so we spent NYE watching movies made in 1986. About half of my friends had never seen Big Trouble in Little China before, which is kind of shocking. But they all totally loved it. It was one of those movies I used to watch when I would go visit my grandmother every summer. My uncle is only about 8 years older than me, so he was in middle school and high school when I was a kid. He would show me all the movies my parents wouldn't let me watch, and he's the one that introduced me to John Carpenter through Big Trouble in Little China. To this day, it's one of my all-time favorite movies.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152.5 - Minisode 152.5

    I like In the Mouth of Madness and Prince of Darkness quite a bit, even though they aren't his best work. I usually end up watching those two and The Thing together because if I see one part of the "Apocalypse Trilogy," I want to see the rest. I finally saw the last JC movie I hadn't seen last year: Dark Star. It's really weird, but it's also kind of awesome because you can see how much of the filmmakers' future work (especially Dan O'Bannon's) was bundled in this fucking weird little student film. Also, I saw Escape from LA first, and it didn't really ruin Escape from NY for me. In fact, it actually made me appreciate the first movie more because I was like, "Ohhhhh, so that's what that movie would be like if it were actually good."
  12. FisterRoboto

    Doug Loves Movies Challenge

    I bet you'd be almost impossible to find...
  13. FisterRoboto

    Doug Loves Movies Challenge

    I saw. You stalker
  14. FisterRoboto

    Doug Loves Movies Challenge

    I got to 371, with 317 being films I' hadn't seen before. That come out to about 85% new, and my secondary goal was at least 80% new, so I'm pretty happy with where I ended up. My list is on Letterboxd here: http://boxd.it/Sk5Y
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152.5 - Minisode 152.5

    I actually don't like Halloween. I think it's one of his weaker films. I even prefer Vampires to it. I'm not a big fan of slasher movies to begin with, but I find that movie kind of uninteresting. I'm not a huge fan of it (although I enjoyed this one more than some of the others, even though I hated the movie they were talking about). I also realize that I'm likely not their target demographic, and I imagine there are people that really enjoy it.
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152.5 - Minisode 152.5

    I mean, sure, if it's tied with The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China, Assault on Precinct 13, and They Live That it is. If y'all like the soundtrack for It Follows, you'll love the music in Escape from NY. It's all synth, and Vreeland borrowed pretty heavily from Carpenter for that score.
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152.5 - Minisode 152.5

    You don't need to see it first. There's almost no connection between the two movies except that they are both about Snake Plissken. But I would highly recommend watching Escape from NY because it's fucking fantastic. Either I heard that rant and forgot about it or it was during my time away when I wasn't really that diligent with listening to the minisodes. But that Google rant made me laugh so hard. It's perfection. Also perfection? Paul's response to the person trying to nominate June for a Howdy for Grease 2. "You can't give out fuckin' awards willy-nilly like that." My dream is to have a C&O that gets Paul that riled up one day. Also, if you haven't listened to the latest CBB that had Jason and PFT in it, you should. They bring up the Reese's Pieces / Reesees Peesees discussion, and it's wonderful.
  18. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152 - The 2nd Annual Howdies Pt. 2

    If y'all have HBO GO/Now, Wishful Drinking is currently available for streaming, and it's fucking wonderful. I'm also hoping they're going to release Bright Lights soon, which is the doc they shot last year that played Cannes about Reynolds and Fisher's relationship and is supposed to be excellent.
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152 - The 2nd Annual Howdies Pt. 2

    I know. It's totally awful. The one good thing, though (because I worry about these things A LOT) is that Billie is going to take in Gary to live with her and her Frenchie, Tina.
  20. FisterRoboto

    Trailer Talk

    I think that's the least of that movie's problems...
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152 - The 2nd Annual Howdies Pt. 2

    Sonia Saraiya (tv critic for Variety) has been posting a bunch excerpts from her book Postcards from the Edge on Twitter, and it's kind of making me feel better. She talked about death a LOT, but it was always very tongue-in-cheek with her biting humor. She was wonderful.
  22. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152 - The 2nd Annual Howdies Pt. 2

    http://people.com/movies/carrie-fisher-dies/ FUCK. THIS. YEAR.
  23. FisterRoboto

    Good Movies Recommendations

    RIGHT?! My favorite movie of the year, and I haven't been able to stop listening to the soundtrack. It's so goddamn good.
  24. FisterRoboto

    Musical Mondays-Week 1-Hedwig and the Angry Inch

    All right, guys. It's that time! Cameron H, you're up. Pick us a musical!
  25. FisterRoboto

    Episode 152 - The 2nd Annual Howdies Pt. 2

    She's by far the best part of that movie (and basically anything else she's in). Well, the good news is that Debbie Reynolds said today that she's in stable condition. That could mean a lot of things - mostly depending on the quality of the CPR she received on the plane - but I'm hoping it's a good sign, and at least it's a real update and not the one that everyone was reporting where her brother said she was fine but she was really still in crticial condition in the ICU the other day.