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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Trailer Talk

    GUYS! The new title for Fast 8 will be here Sunday, but in the meantime, they've announced the movie's title:
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    Besides, we all know who the real shithead is.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    I'll say that there were a few times during the movie where I was like, "Man, he's way more attractive than any of the T-Bird dudes." Like, was Adrian Zmed supposed to be the hot guy of the T-Birds? He was a little shrimpy dude and kind of looked like less pasty Jay Baruchel to me, so it kind of threw me off that he was the leader. They went from Danny Zuko to this fucking asshole? Jason's right; they should all kill themselves.
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    Yeah, she shouts, "We're going to die, and I'm wearing my mother's underwear!" I thought it was kind of weird, too. I don't think it's that strange. The 80s weren't a super-racially conscious time. Look at high school movies from the 80s; they're by and large all-white. The 90s were slightly better, but the POC characters were usually just tokens. I don't think it was a matter of the school being segregated or not so much as it was just the way that the filmmakers (and their largely white audiences) thought of school Yes, he did. I was going to point that out if no one else did. I watched that part, like, 30 times, and I loved it.
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    This episode was everything I wanted it to be. I absolutely love it when June is all in on a movie, and she was a total delight. I kind of want a full soundtrack of June singing all the Grease 2 songs. I have a ton to say, but things are a bit crazy this morning, so I'll get into my C&Os later. For now, I just wanted to pop in and say that the ep was fantastic.
  6. FisterRoboto

    Good Movies Recommendations

    Really? I thought that movie was awful. The only people I thought were funny in it were Parker Posey (because she's amazing in everything) and Susan Yeagley. I got excited because I heard Maria Blasucci was in it, but even she couldn't save it for me. I usually love Christopher Guest, but that one just felt really mediocre.
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    Now you just gotta make her learn Michelle Pfeiffer's sweet dance moves. They haven't announced yet, but you can either follow the venue on Twitter ( @ParamountAustin ), or you can sign up for email alerts here: https://tickets.austintheatre.org/account/shortreg.aspx?_ga=1.192217384.364085568.1477322383
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    OMG. "Cool Rider" is amazing. When she starts spelling it at the end, I laughed out loud. It's so great. Also, I read that Pat Benetar was one of several actresses considered for Pfeiffer's role. I want to see that movie so fucking bad.
  9. FisterRoboto

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    So, I just finished the bowling scene (where young Pamela Adlon is walking home with the British dude), and I was expecting this to be much, much worse based on everyone's reactions here. Don't get me wrong; it's not good. But I am loving every second of this mess. I could listen to a whole episode just based on the "Score Tonight" musical number. I have so much to say about that whole sequence.
  10. FisterRoboto

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    Yeah, I had a similar experience with buying Rogue One tickets. They were supposed to go on sale at 11:01 PM. Alamo apparently started a queue at some point earlier because I checked the website at 10:50, and there were already 2k people in the queue. But then they also started selling tickets early on the app, so my friend still managed to get us tickets for Thursday night. It took me almost 30 minutes to get through it, so I just ended up getting tickets for Friday night, too. (And then yesterday, I bought La La Land tickets for after the Friday showing...it's going to be a good weekend)
  11. FisterRoboto

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    I happened to see their tweet at 9:30ish this morning saying they were going on sale at 10, so I was, like, #30 in the queue. I was really shocked they were having it at Stateside, because that's a fucking TINY theater. Glad they moved it to the Paramount, and I hope you get tickets so you can join me!!
  12. FisterRoboto

    Good Movies Recommendations

    Yeah, that's definitely the weakest part of the story. I was hoping it was going to end with them going their own ways (like Carney's other films).
  13. FisterRoboto

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    That's why part of the contract you sign with almost all shelters/rescues says if you can't take care of an animal for any reason, you have to bring it back to the shelter/rescue where you got it from. I just get testy about that kind of stuff because dogs are my non-movie passion. I've worked with a lot of shelters, and dogs where people found a new owner almost always end up being reclaimed, and ultimately, it's still the responsibility of the person who adopted them from the shelter because they didn't follow the procedure they agreed to in their adoption contract. /dogrant
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    Maybe they can ask her why she abandoned her dog...
  15. FisterRoboto

    Good Movies Recommendations

    I loved that movie. It wasn't my favorite of the year, but I really enjoyed it. I'm a sucker for coming-of-age movies about goofy kids, though, so that's a large part of it. I also really liked Jack Reynor (the older brother) in it, and I'm super excited to see him in Free Fire when that comes out.
  16. FisterRoboto

    Good Movies Recommendations

    I finally got around to Hell or High Water and Captain Fantastic this weekend. I thought Hell or High Water was okay, but I didn't love it the way a lot of people seem to (although I couldn't stop laughing for most of the movie because Ben Foster looks like a skinny Guy Fieri in it). But Captain Fantastic?! OMG so good. The funeral scene made me feel all the emotions all at once. Also, any time I've seen someone drinking a soda for the past few days, I've wanted to tell them it's "poison water."
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    Alamo (living in Austin, it's pretty much the only place I go see movies) started doing a thing a couple years ago where they don't allow people in late. But by "late," they mean "when the feature starts." So people still come in during the trailers, use their phones to find their seats and peruse the menu. It's really distracting, but fortunately, I've never seen a couple have a breakdown like that. The closest I think I ever came to that was when I went to an advanced screening of The Neon Demon. It was all people from the top two tiers of their rewards program, which meant it was people that go to Alamo frequently. So everyone was early, which is normally cool, but the couple next to me had a giant fight because she asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he showed her a Kylo Ren figure from Sideshow Collectibles that costs ~$250, and she said no. So he threw a big boy fit in the middle of the theater until the trailer started. Fortunately, the theater(s) I go to don't have those, but there are some up in the suburbs here that have the leather recliners, and yeah, I feel like it's just naptime when I go to those. I'm one of those people that if I'm lying down and still for more than about 5-10 minutes, I'm probably going to fall asleep, so I never go to theaters like that because I don't want to pay $15 for a nap when I can take one at home for free.
  18. FisterRoboto

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    Theaters with assigned seats fortunately take care of a few of those. Unfortunately, it also means people come in and use the fucking flashlight on their phones to find their assigned seats during the trailers. Nothing like a searing white light in the middle of a dark room.
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    I could not agree more. Everything about that guy's question made me mad. It was just a bunch of lame excuses. "Oh, they run 30 minutes of trailers." It varies by theater, but the normal average is about 17 minutes (and if you go to theaters like Alamo Drafthouse, it's usually closer to 8 minutes). I went to see Finding Dory at a Saturday matinee. I was probably the only one there without a kid in tow, and I would guess that most of the kids were under 10. They all sat quietly through the trailers. If they could do it, there's no reason a grown fucking adult can't do the same. "Trailers give everything away." Then step outside if that is truly your issue. Don't make it the rest of the theater's issue. "The trailer isn't the movie." No, but you're still being inconsiderate to everyone else in the theater. When the lights go down, put your fucking phone away. It's distracting and rude to have a light flashing around. And if someone asks you to put your phone away, don't be an asshole about it; just put the goddamn phone away or step outside.
  20. FisterRoboto

    Trailer Talk

    At what point can we all get together and say, "Yeah...Johnny Depp shouldn't be a thing anymore"? I thought it would be after his 300th mediocre Tim Burton film, but apparently, we're still doing this. Hey now. The first HT is surprisingly good, especially considering the voice cast. Unfortunately, the second one was pretty much garbage.
  21. FisterRoboto

    Good Movies Recommendations

    Ryan Sz, dude...I disagree with your assessments on The Lobster and Swiss Army Man (but still accept them as valid interpretations). But, fucking what you said about Saulnier makes me want to be best friends with you. He's one of my favorite up-and-coming directors. I saw Green Room at Fantastic Fest 2015 (and it blew the fucking roof off the place during ), and he did a Q&A afterwards. Someone asked a very drunken Saulnier why he makes such violent-yet-grounded movies. And he said, "I have a happy home life and shit, but, like, murder is fun, right?.....In movies, I mean." Despite dying a bit inside hearing Captain Picard say the n-word, that's probably the most intense/fun movie I've seen (and I LOVE Blue Ruin...and Murderparty is good weird fun that made me love Macon Blair)
  22. I would assume that the chimps were the last step of testing before human trials. Since chimps are humans' closest genetic relative, they were used really frequently in trials to test safety for all kinds of things before it went to human testing.
  23. FisterRoboto

    Good Movies Recommendations

    Y'all...Loving. It's so fucking good. If you like Jeff Nichols (Mud, Midnight Special), then Loving is right up your alley. It's not the movie I was expecting, but it was 100% Nichols. Also, The Edge of Seventeen was really great. If you were kind of an antisocial shit in high school, you'll basically spend the whole movie either relating or cringing (but not in an awful way) to Hailee Steinfeld's character. Other favorites of the year: Green Room, Krisha (probably my favorite movie of the year so far), The Lobster (probably my 2nd favorite), Sing Street (now on Netflix!), and Swiss Army Man