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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 138.5 - Minisode 138.5

    The end theme of Lady Dynamite is the best.
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 138.5 - Minisode 138.5

    None of you are even close. 1. A-Team 2. The Addams Family 3. (the forums will only let you post two videos =\ )
  3. If y'all haven't seen , you should check it out. It's a fucking great genre film, and Yelchin was magnificent in it. It's the movie that made me think of him as something other than "New Chekhov."
  4. FisterRoboto

    The Glass House (2001)

    If I'm understanding you right, you're saying that Diane Lane caused 9/11?
  5. Yeah, but Kristofer Hivju is awesome as hell. He's in this Norwegian movie called (link goes to trailer) that I've been waiting not-so-patiently to find on DVD/BRD in the US. I caught a screening of it at Fantastic Fest a couple years ago, and it's basically like Taken, but a really dark comedy. Hivju and Stellar Skateboard have a really great fight in it.
  6. Sir Digby Chicken Caesar is my idol. I also love the bits where it's supposed to show them between sketches. Like the one where they try to talk to David about his breakup. Or this one:
  7. I guess it's official. She's gotta play the Shaw mom, right?
  8. Yeah, but that was such a joyless piece of shit that I couldn't imagine trying to make fun of it. It's just.....ugh.
  9. So, I know we've had the big buns debate of 2016 debate already. But how about the big "buns" debate. As in, I can't stand the word "buns" in the context of referring to someone's butt. It just sounds like the way someone's skeezy middle-aged aunt would refer to it. Anyone else?
  10. FisterRoboto

    Who have been your favorite guests?

    The hardest thing about this list is separating how much I love the individual guest from whether or not I liked their appearance. For example, I have the hugest nerd crush on Abbi Jacobson, but I thought her appearance in Hercules in New York wasn't that great (largely because she was shouted over most of the time, so it was hard for her points to get across). So while I still love Abbi, she sadly won't be on my list. 5) Jessica St. Clair - She's still my vote for backup June whenever June has to miss an episode. She's so wonderful, and her total confusion during Pluto Nash is one of my favorite things ever. 4) Adam Scott - I'm so glad that we'll probably keep getting F&F for basically the rest of our lives because it means Adam will keep coming back. 3) Lexi Alexander - Her appearance on HDTGM was my introduction to her. She's such a badass (and Green Street is a fucking legit movie), and I could listen to her talk about the film industry and what shit shape it's in for hours. 2) Tatiana Maslany - Love love love love love Tatiana. She's such a giant nerd and really just gets shows like this. She jumps right in and just nails it. Side note: her appearance on CBB was equally amazing, and she even played along with the improv on that. She's amazing, and if you don't love her, you are 100% in the wrong. 1) Paul F Tompkins - I just love everything that man does. He's wonderful in every episode he's in, but my favorite is Deep Blue Sea. The juxtaposition of his utter contempt for the movie and Evan Goldberg's total love of it was so wonderful (plus, on the same night but in a different episode, PFT gave us the gift of "Stellar Skateboard"). Honorable Mention: Rhea Butcher. I went back and forth between her and Jessica St. Clair for #5. They're both delightful.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Doug Loves Movies Challenge

    Last month, my local Alamo Drafthouse did "Denzel Watchingthon." Five DW movies, and I think it was, like, $20 or something. Last year, I went to two different Japanese movie marathons. One was called East Meets Weird, and it was five off-the-wall Japanese movies handpicked by the theater's founder. It ended with Why Don't You Play in Hell?, which is the movie that made me learn about my current favorite Japanese director, Sion Sono. At that marathon, I won tickets to a marathon of Hitoshi Matsuomoto's films that was showing in conjunction with the US release of R100. (BTW, R100 and Why Don't You Play in Hell? are both on Amazon Prime right now, and if you haven't seen them, you should correct that) Then again, this is the theater that does "Butt-Numb-A-Thon" every year, which is a 24-hour marathon of weird shit for Harry Knowles' birthday (to which I've been unsuccessful in securing tickets for three years running).
  12. We read it for AP Senior English (which was basically a really, really, really basic World Lit class). It was our summer reading, so they expected us to read it over the summer, and then we talked about it for the first couple weeks of class. Side note: our teacher let us pick what we wanted to read for our last book, and our class voted on Paradise Lost because our teacher loved it so much and we were a bunch of nerds who got excited listening to other nerds talk about the things that excite them (and, btw, I still do, which is why movie podcasts were the greatest thing I ever discovered). After three days, half the class threw a fit and asked to switch books because *gasp* Milton talks about God and Satan in it! (Never mind that we had also read parts of The Inferno in that class already)
  13. FisterRoboto

    The Lobster (2016)

    Ehhhhh. I'm pretty lukewarm on David Lynch. I either really love his films or totally hate them. But the ones I don't like would be almost impossible to do on HDTGM.
  14. FisterRoboto

    Doug Loves Movies Challenge

    My friend lives in Paris, and they have something similar there. Makes me so jealous because I can (and have) easily spend more than that just doing a day full of matinees. Edit: Never mind! I just discovered that Alamo Drafthouse accepts MoviePass now. FUCKING GAME CHANGER. (although it's a bummer that they only allow one movie every 24 hours)
  15. Well, we all know that's because only unclean harlots actually enjoy sex.
  16. Fuck. Yes. That movie is next level bonkers, and I totally love everything about it.
  17. Awww...I wasn't calling you out to fix it. I thought it was really funny and wasn't sure if it was intentional or not.
  18. He's always reined in a lot more in studio episodes. I find him a lot funnier here than when he's just shouting things (which isn't to say that I don't find that funny as well). Also, Cameron H, do you realize your signature says The Bot Next Door?
  19. FisterRoboto

    The Lobster (2016)

    The Lobster is one of my top films of the year so far. It is a weird premise, but I don't think it would make that great a HDTGM movie. The thing with this film is that if you're willing to buy into the premise, everything else falls in line. If you're not on board with the premise, then nothing really makes sense. So maybe if you approached it from the latter perspective, but even then, there are far more HDTGM-worthy films this year than The Lobster.
  20. Yeah, I guess what I was trying to get across is that it's a shitty way to try to kill someone for exactly that reason.
  21. So, brake lines. This always bothers me in movies. If brake lines were cut enough to actually cause brakes to fail, there would be a huge puddle of brake fluid that would be 100% obvious. Also, when starting the car, wouldn't the lack of brake pressure be immediately noticeable? Like, when you change out brake pads, you have to compress the brake piston, which pushes the fluid up the brake line and back into the master cylinder. When you first get in your car after that, the brake feels like it has no tension. You pump the pedal a couple times, and the fluid runs back down the line, and you can feel the tension return to the brakes. I would assume getting in a car with no brake fluid would be almost the same thing. Also, modern cars have a hydraulic emergency brake that's completely separate from the main brakes, so even if your brakes fail, you can use the emergency brake. Additionally, most people know (at least, I hope they do) that if your brakes fail, you should downshift to a lower gear and basically let your car slow itself down. Basically, I'm not saying that it's infeasible for failing brakes to kill someone; it just seems like a really shitty plan to murder someone because you're relying on them missing all of the cues that their brakes aren't working and then not knowing how to react in the situation. However, all of this reminds me of another movie that would be a really great HDTGM film: 2001's The Glass House. Cutting brake lines factors heavily into the plot of that ridiculous mess, too (and it has Stellar Skateboard in it!).
  22. Does Zouks really not know that Warren Fitzgerald of The Vandals did the original theme? He kept asking if the new one was done by "the same guy" that did the original one. But I do like the new theme. I also like the old one. And the even older one. They're all great.
  23. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    The Guest is pretty legit, but the same director did You're Next, which I absolutely love.
  24. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    Hahahaha. Oh man. I've never seen this one before. But I totally love Ronald D Moore as the actor that mispronounces "frak."