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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Doug Loves Movies Challenge

    I just keep a Google sheet with the movie, date (so I can keep track of how many I see in a particular month), cost, and my rating. I didn't do the time thing just because I totally don't want a reminder of how long I've spent staring at a screen.
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    Really? I figured you'd be more of an Arya fan. Or maybe that's just because Arya's my favorite character, and I project that onto everyone else.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    After last season, I'm done with GoT. Every episode was 50 minutes of total boredom followed by one shocking scene. I haven't watched any of this season, but I've heard a bunch of the stuff that's happened, and it really sounds silly As for Kit Harrington, he's definitely an attractive dude. I just wish Jon Snow wasn't an incredibly boring character. I liked his characterization somewhat better in the books, but mostly, he's just a blank slate dude that gets involved in exciting shit.
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    For anyone that might be having a hard time finding this piece of shit, r/Movie_Club is having a showing today. ETA: They have a link to the room where they show movies in the sidebar. Just show up at the right time and click it.
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    Have him sign a Covenant DVD.
  6. FisterRoboto

    Doug Loves Movies Challenge

    Shit, dude. At that rate, you're gonna end up with over 400.
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    All this time, I thought Glen Toran's avatar was Luis Guzman.
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    Here's my first post: Also, for anyone else looking for their first post, you can go to the Advanced Search, search for your user name, and specify a date range around your signup date (mine was April 17, 2015, so I did a search for April 1-April 30).
  9. FisterRoboto

    Doug Loves Movies Challenge

    Yeah, I heard Doug say something a couple weeks ago in an episode about challenging his listeners to watch something that was "new to them." I'm trying to keep my watches to less than 10% previously watched movies. I'm currently at 154, which puts me 6 movies behind where I should be (today is day #160 of the year), but I have a big weekend of movies planned. I enjoy movies in the theater more (partly because it forces me to avoid distractions), so I go to a shitload of matinees.
  10. Definitely agree. And part of what makes it work is that the series itself isn't a chronological series of events. For the most part, the sequels are another story in the FF universe rather than "OK. So, here's some more shit that Cloud did" (obviously there are exceptions like FFX-2). So it lends itself very well to creating an original story within the universe rather than trying to make a faithful adaptation of an established narrative. That's an interesting point (although Hardcore Henry was so much fucking fun). I actually prefer the games to tell a good narrative, but the problem is that they want to do it with an abundance of cutscenes. Games want to take you out of the game to tell their story instead of integrating it into the game. And don't even get me started on unskippable cutscenes. If I wanted to watch a goddamn movie, I'd do that. To be fair, Lara Croft really wasn't that interesting of a character. It was pretty much just "big boobed lady in tight clothes solves puzzles" in the games. The new Tomb Raider series, though, is really well done and much more about Lara learning how to be an adventurer, which has the potential to translate well into a movie, but probably won't.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    Just in case you don't know, you can return movies at ANY Redbox. So you don't have to drive all the way back out to return it if you don't want.
  12. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    Listen, Cameron. The only local talk we do around here is for Texas.
  13. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    Speaking of Fast 8, apparently, they are using name and hashtag "F8" to promote it, which they are pronouncing "fate." This is bullshit. I've said it a dozen times, but this movie should be called "Infuri8ed." Oh, and I totally didn't know until yesterday that Kristofer Hivju was in it. I'm so on board for this goddamn movie. I was revisiting some "Best of 2015" lists over the weekend, and someone on AV Club actually said that Furious 7 was the most overrated movie of 2015. I wanted to punch them in their stupid face.
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    As well you should. She's amazing.
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    I actually like Begin Again better than Once. I think the leads in Once really really boring, and Ruffalo/Knightley are pretty great together (although their 17-year age difference weirded me out because the first time I saw it, I thought it was setting them up to be together). Also, that role was originally supposed to go to Scarlett Johannson, and I feel like that would have been a total trainwreck. I will say that Carney's apology helped redeem him a little bit for me. He didn't try to blame anyone else or make excuses he just said that he said some stupid shit and that he should have never said it. In Yes Please, Amy Poehler talks about how apologies shouldn't be an attempt to explain one's self or mitigate one's responsibility. It should be just saying, "I was wrong, and I'm sorry." I've taken that to heart in my own life, and that's the impression I got from his apology. So I'm definitely willing to cut him some slack for at least owning up to the fact that he was being an asshole. All that said, I saw Sing Street before any of that shit went down, and I totally loved it. I'm a sucker for coming-of-age movies about weird kids, and that's exactly what that film is. But it's also a really great representation of that period in your life when you first really discover music. It's just a wonderful little film, and it has a GREAT soundtrack (which is obviously not a surprise). The Lobster seems to be a really polarizing film. Everyone I know that's seen it either totally loves it or thinks it was "stupid hipster trash" (an actual concise review from someone this weekend who followed up that insightful criticism with lavish praise for Linklater's bully/bro-fest Everybody Wants Some!!)
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    I'm still doing the DLM Challenge, so I have a bunch and am going to do the last 10. 1) The Overnighters 2) Holy Hell 3) You're Next 4) A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night 5) Once 6) From Russia with Love 7) Trainwreck 8) The Night Before 9) Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (i'm watching all of the FF movies to date because of an old episode of the Blank Check podcast) 10) Fantastic Four (2005) Also, because I've seen so many movies recently, The Lobster didn't make it to the last 10 in terms of recency, but it's my #1 film of the year so far (Sing Street is a pretty close second, even though John Carney has proven to be kind of an asshole).
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137.5 - Minisode 137.5

    I have to say that I'm a bit hesitant to revisit Dragonheart. I remember really liking it when it came out, buuuuut I was also 15 and had really shitty taste. I kind of feel the same as a few others so far and think it's just going to be a "well, that was mediocre" kind of movie and not a really bad movie.
  18. An Uncharted movie? Hasn't that already been made?
  19. The Mad Max game from last year was pretty legit, too. Definitely agree. Also, many video games are able to tell a much longer narrative because gamers now expect to spend 15+ hours (on the REALLY low end) on a good game. It's hard to boil that down to a 90-minute story, especially when part of what makes the story fun is actually getting to take part in it. At the same time, so many video games are going for a much stronger cinematic element to them. That means more and longer cutscenes, which is a trend I 100% hate. There's nothing worse than starting a game and having to sit through 10 minutes of cutscenes because the game developer decided the most interesting way to introduce someone to the game's world was by not letting them actually play in that world. I thought the first Resident Evil was pretty decent. Not counting Event Horizon, it's probably Paul WS Anderson's best film.
  20. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    Paul tweeted about it over the weekend, and I started the Jason episode, but then my normal Monday podcasts came out before I even got to the advice part. Jason is surprisingly good and brings really great advice mixed with just enough levity to keep it from just being him preaching to these people that need advice. I'm really enjoying it, but I feel like it's going to be one of those podcasts like CBB where I'll listen when I really like the guests and probably ignore it the rest of the time.
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    Yeah, I should have clarified my initial statement because it kind of sounds like my problem with him was that he made movies I don't like (which isn't true). I'm just really creeped out by the fact that he's ALLEGEDLY a piece of shit, and it really bugs me to give him money.
  22. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    This is the best thing about Apocalypse. I am genuinely excited about what they'll do with the kids, and since most of the contracts on the older people (as in older than teens; none of these people are old by any means) are up, maybe we'll finally get into some new ground. I really wish it was someone other than Singer making the movies, though. I'm really conflicted about seeing anything he's worked on. Aaaaaand you lost me. ETA: Thanks for the tip about X-Men '92, Ryan Sz! I'll have to check that out, too. I was 11 when the cartoon came on the air, and it's what got me into Marvel (I was 8 when the Tim Burton Batman came out, which is what got me into comics, but I was just a Batman guy until the X-Men cartoon).
  23. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    I can't stand Jubilee, but I can see why people that like her would be upset that she was cut (and it would have been nice to have a major POC mutant that wasn't a villain). It's similar to what they did to Kitty Pryde (a character I do totally love) in Days of Future Past. She was supposed to be the central point of the story, but instead, she just has to facilitate Logan going back. Which is bullshit.
  24. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

  25. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    Yeah. I mean, everyone knows that coconut should be toasted and not fried! RIGHT GUYS?!