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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    Me too! I just really love Aya, so if we only get one, I'm glad it's her!
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    Unrelated, but this is a thread full of tangents (many of which I started...and am not sorry for). TAYLOR ANNE, REMEMBER HOW WE WERE TALKING ABOUT YOU'RE THE WORST PEOPLE BEING ON HDTGM?! Aya Cash is on the new DLM (which you might already know)! I can't wait to listen tonight!
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    And Wolverine needs about 80% less movies. Wolverine is the crutch that the X-Men films use because they're afraid no one will see them if he's not in them (much like Joker is the crutch for basically anything DC). I really liked Days of Future Past, but my biggest problem with it was that they felt they needed to basically make it a Wolverine movie. They got away from that here, but I worry that the lesson that Fox and Singer are going to take away from it isn't that the movie had a billion narrative issues, but that people didn't like it because there was only one shoehorned Wolverine sequence. If they actually spent time creating a good narrative and developing interesting characters, they could have non-Wolverine solo movies because people would actually want to learn more about them. I really want to see a Storm/Morlocks story (that actually uses the Morlocks correctly because they basically cut out all of the Morlocks from Apocalypse and, of course, the version in The Last Stand was a joke).
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    I think it was just barely above BvS, honestly (but, as we've talked about before, I didn't hate that as much as the rest of the internet did). I feel like they only went to the mall just so they could throw in that dig. And that's probably what bothered me most about the movie. They went through the longest detours just to get to meaningless conclusions.
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    Yeah, I'm not sure I would have gotten it either. I went home and read about it because I was in no mood to sit through the credits for another scene.
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    I really, really, really hated this movie, which was unfortunate because I had very high hopes because I've really enjoyed the past two movies in the series.
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    Are those your ratings below it? Because I'd rate those movies a lot closer together.
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    Thanks, y'all. It's been a rough week, but it's gotten a lot better. I did the thing everyone says you shouldn't do and got another pup yesterday. I'm a pretty major dog person, and I've always had one around in one way or another. Plus, it's been raining with some minor flooding, which means all the shelters are full. I went over just to meet a really pretty beagle, and of course, I ended up taking her home.
  9. FisterRoboto

    BONUS: A Conversation with Mel Brooks

    I need to listen to this now. I'm not a HUGE Mel Brooks fan. I grew up with a couple of his movies that I really enjoy, but I don't hold him in the same reverence that a lot of people do. What I love about this interview is that Mel never seems to have any ego to defend around this. He's so charming and takes a very "listen to this crazy-ass shit" approach to it. He really embraces that this was something he did that just ended up being what it is.
  10. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    It was more a joke about Reddit as a whole. And yes, it wasn't inherently sexist, but it was definitely creepy.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    I'm really okay with it because it tied into a previous episode, and it was obviously something that meant a lot to them both. But I totally get being like, "Shut up about it" too. I've told most of my friends that I will go to a wedding and ONE other event. They can choose if that's bachelor party, engagement party, co-ed wedding shower. This personal rule came about because I had friends that had all three + a destination wedding. Seriously, that's some bullshit. Same goes for babies because I care about them even less. (I realize that sounds like it's a rule for baby weddings, and I'm leaving it that way because I think it's funny) Thanks. He was an old guy, so it wasn't totally unexpected. But it still kind of sucks. Ah reddit. You are truly a cesspool. Bets on whether these guys are also red-pillers who use "biology" to justify their sexism?
  12. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    The Backstreet Boys one wasn't in that link, but it's the one that made me laugh the hardest when I first saw these: https://twitter.com/oscardances/status/725930373822058496
  13. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    So, I read about the proposal before I finished the ep, and I was like, "Ugh, whatever. Public proposals are so stupid and vain and I fucking hate them so much." Then I listened to the end of the ep today and I started crying in the car. I didn't know it was the people from the TMNT2 episode, and it was really sweet and perfect and I hope they are so happy together and that Jason goes to/officiates their wedding. To be fair, I'm kind of on an emotional rollercoaster this week because I had to put my dog down a few days ago, so lots of things are making me cry right now. But that doesn't change that the proposal was sweet enough to make even my cynical self appreciate it.
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    I grew up in the Lewisville/Flower Mound area, and Dallas isn't ALL bad. I've just turned into one of those people I used to hate that thinks Austin is the greatest thing ever and anywhere else in Texas is shitty. And for everyone else, WELCOME TO TEXAS TALK WITH FISTER AND TAYLOR ANNE!
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    That's because you live in Dallas, where the WASPs are out all year.
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    The Earth, in the movies, as Tony Stark explains: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2erEi4e6h8k In the comics, Wasp gave them the name after they defeated Loki the first time because it was "colorful and dramatic." It's 2ma or Two-Ma, both a play on the fact that she's the second character played by Uma Thurman. ETA: Elektra beat me to the Wasp bit and fuckin' Taylor Anne beat me to 2ma explanation, but I'm leaving them both in goddammit!
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    This was in the revived version in the 70s called The New Avengers. There were various women in the original 60s one. I think Emma Peel was the third or fourth "companion" (to use Dr Who terminology). Peel is the best known internationally because the series was sold to ABC right before she joined the show, so she's the one that everyone thinks of when they think of The Avengers.
  18. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    Does your former roommate quote it as specifically from this movie? Or because it's from Richard III? (I don't mean that to sound sarcastic; I'm genuinely curious if they know that it's from a Shakespeare play)
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    Doesn't Jason call her Olenna during all of that? Like, I don't think he specifically says "Diana Rigg now plays Olenna Tyrell," but I thought he said something about how Olenna is very wise or something. (I could have imagined that or just inserted what I was thinking and ascribed it to Jason)
  20. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    I was just thinking about that bit the other day (because of a joke about "garbage people" in the wonderfully hilarious Lady Dynamite that all of you are soon going to be sick of me bringing up), but I couldn't remember what movie it was from. Thanks for the reminder! Now I must go re-listen.
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    Oh, they totally were. I'm not going to lie and say that my 17-year-old self wasn't influenced into seeing this by Uma Thurman in that costume.
  22. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    They really just updated her look from the 60s show, where she generally wore a black leather costume.
  23. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    2ma 2furious
  24. FisterRoboto

    Episode 137 - The Avengers: LIVE!

    One of the few times Paul has said the episode will be late...and it was actually on time (or early if you believed him)! This was a very pleasant surprise this morning. Such a great episode. I'll have a lot more to say when I get home, but the opening of this episode was probably one of my favorite things from the show in a while. I love just listening to the three of them riffing, and June was in a much more energetic mood than usual. They could have never gotten to the movie, and it would have been okay.