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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    That's exactly what I was saying, though. Studio eps are my favorites, as are tacos. TACOS 4 LYFE
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    Oh, I don't dislike the live shows; I just like the studio eps more. But, really, they're all great. I enjoy the conversational tone of the studio eps, which feels more like friends sitting around joking about a terrible movie. Live shows are still funny, and I love any HDTGM I can get, so I definitely don't want to come off like I hate live shows. Studio ones are just my preference. It's like if someone offered me tacos or pizza. I'll take tacos every time, but that doesn't mean I don't love pizza, too. Also, the fact that studio eps are fewer are farther between make me enjoy them even more now. They're like a nice little treat when they come up. ETA: She said early on that she checked out in the first few minutes of the movie.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    According to IMDb trivia (which is just as suspect as Wikipedia), Sandahl Bergman didn't refuse to do nudity during the dance of the three snakes on the day of filming; it was part of the stipulation of taking the role. They adjusted the scene before filming, so it's not like they were getting ready to shoot and she was like, "UH NEVER MIND!" Also, I may have mentioned this in the minisode thread, but it took me a really long time to realize that Cec Verrell's character's name was not "Citronella."
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    That would give a whole different meaning to the bar Tom Haverford owns part of on Parks and Rec:
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    There is a scene in the truck where Bobo Judith Light tells him that they have collected samples, which makes him expendable; that's not just a Wikipedia addition. However, that still doesn't get around the question. Those samples are finite. I don't know how long he was around for them to collect samples, but it couldn't have been more than a couple days. How many women could they impregnate with those samples, even assuming it works on the first attempt (it often doesn't; the success rate for IVF is between 20-35%)? So, you're right, even if you have these samples, why the hell would you send the one dude that can make more into the wasteland to go bang/rape every fertile woman he can find?
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    This was recorded the same night as Solarbabies, so I really expected June to be there, too. I was bummed she wasn't, but between her filming schedule, the baby, and being pregnant, I'm betting she just had her hands full and needed to cut out after the first show. And I bet the live show thing comes down to the fact that it's easiest for them to schedule one night a month to record (also, I don't know how much of the ticket price they see, but I feel like there's got to be a certain amount of money coming in from those). I think all of their schedules have gotten a lot busier over the course of the 5 years they've been doing this. I prefer the studio eps, too, but I'll take live eps over no eps or sporadic eps.
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    New Howdies Category: "Most Offensive Accent Work By a HDTGM Guest"? On a different note, the best part of this episode was Jason doing Pete Holmes' laugh. That whole section starting with the terrible pun that led into the Pete jokes was total gold. And Jason's Pete laugh just sealed the deal.
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    When that came up, I was immediately like, "Smigg will have the answer to this," and you did not disappoint. Well done.
  9. FisterRoboto

    Guests I'd Love To Hear of HDTGM

    Holy shit. Not to derail this mostly stagnant thread, but you're right. I think I listened to this one while I was marathoning all the episodes when I first got into it, so it didn't particularly stand out to me. But, after relistening, this episode is fantastic. They start out talking about "top commas," and the episode just gets better from there. I do love the live episodes, but listening to studio episodes remind me why I love this podcast. The live shows feel like performances. They're all entertainers and feed off of the energy of the crowd. But this just feels like four friends hanging out and cracking jokes about a silly-ass movie. It's so delightful.
  10. FisterRoboto

    Guests I'd Love To Hear of HDTGM

    I was about to say, "What about Katie Aselton?!" and then I went and looked it up. Guess I'm re-listening to the Temptation episode on the way home.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Episode 135.5 - Minisode 135.5

    I haven't seen this yet, but it's on my list. I heard it's really funny. I'd also recommend Sleeping with Other People to anyone that hasn't seen it yet. He and Andrea Savage play a married couple, and they basically make the whole movie.
  12. FisterRoboto

    Episode 135.5 - Minisode 135.5

    Related: I'm still bummed about that time you had us all switch our names to dinosaur-related names for Theodore Rex, Cameron, and then Paul didn't take the bait.
  13. FisterRoboto

    Episode 135.5 - Minisode 135.5

    Anyone on the boards good at supercuts? We need one of all the different ways Paul has tried to pronounce our names (half of it would probably be Elektra Boogaloo).
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 135.5 - Minisode 135.5

    My parents named their cat Puddin'. Yes, with the apostrophe.
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 135.5 - Minisode 135.5

    I rewatched it last night, and yeah, that last fight is pretty much the best thing ever.
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 135.5 - Minisode 135.5

    The same director made three movies about "The Roller Blade Seven," which is fucking exactly what it sounds like. I wouldn't recommend them. I haven't seen Hell Comes to Frogtown in several years, but I remember it being much more enjoyable than those.
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 135.5 - Minisode 135.5

    He also called George Lucas' first film "THX One-one-three-eight" instead of "eleven-thirty-eight." I guess, technically, they're both right, but I've never heard it called one-one-three-eight, and in the film, they call Robert Duvall "THX Eleven-Thirty-Eight." But then again, it's Lucas, who couldn't decide over three movies how he wanted a single character's name to be pronounced.
  18. FisterRoboto

    Episode 135.5 - Minisode 135.5

    Could you imagine if he had done this with one of the posts you, me, or Taylor Anne made to make fun of all the Caramel hate a couple threads back? I think that would have been pretty hilarious.
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 135.5 - Minisode 135.5

    Just don't try. All the ones Paul's ever read from mine have been ones that I thought were really stupid when I was writing them. And the ones where I was like, "OH SNAP I'M ONTO SOMETHING!" disappeared into the ether. So, just like in life, it doesn't pay to try. For anything. Ever.
  20. FisterRoboto

    Episode 135.5 - Minisode 135.5

    I wish everyone that called into the Paul Ask # would take note of AJ's call, because it was basically perfect. He clearly had worked on what he was going to say. If he didn't write everything down, he at least had a bullet point list of the high points. His message was a bit longer, but that's just because he needed to set things up. Overall, he was very concise and was probably one of the best call-ins we've had. I don't want to bring up the one that completely drove me up the wall because I realize that it takes a certain amount of nerve just to call in and have your voice played on the podcast. I haven't done it, so I'm really in no place to criticize, but I just wanted to point out how great I thought that dude did.
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 135 - Solarbabies: LIVE!

    Exactly how I'd expect Taylor Anne to talk about murder. Oh, and I changed mine, too, but I left in the spoiler joke, so now it's probably even dumber out of context.
  22. FisterRoboto

    Episode 135 - Solarbabies: LIVE!

    If Cary Grant says it, it must be true!