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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 134 - Can't Stop the Music: LIVE!

    Didn't he have a thing that went viral a year or two ago about same-sex marriage? I seem to remember reading him saying something strongly in favor of it, and being like, "Oh shit. Even Stone Cold said so...."
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 134 - Can't Stop the Music: LIVE!

    Never mind. I wrote a long post, but I'm going to replace it because I really am done talking about it. So I'll just leave you with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0la5DBtOVNI
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 134 - Can't Stop the Music: LIVE!

    She also does a great job as the (no pun intended) straight player with a bunch of ridiculous-ass people. For me, at least, I enjoy listening to her be pretty straightforward when she's on CBB while PFT and Gourley act like completely hilarious idiots (I'd take 10 more of the Stillwater eps before one more of the Gilly/Garry eps). But I totally agree that they had her on specifically to make sure they weren't really crossing any lines (Pete even asks quite seriously at one point, "Am I doing it right?" when talking about Bruce/Caitlyn which I thought was kind of sweet). I get why people might not like her. I'm not the biggest fan of Pete Holmes, but I think he's okay in small doses. But it's hard to be like, "All she does is talk about being a lesbian!" when you're on a show where Jason talks about tits and/or his dick for major stretches of many episodes (seriously, how long did he creepily go on about Mathilda May's tits in the Lifeforce episode?), but no one ever says, "Ugh. Jason only ever talks about being heterosexual!" Anyway, that's the last I'm going to say about Caramel. I didn't get a chance to watch the movie (although my old roommate used to get high and watch it a lot, so I remember parts of it), so I don't have much in the way of C&Os.
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 134 - Can't Stop the Music: LIVE!

    Are you asking if they said "We Are the Champions" was by The Village People? It just came up because Cameron was talking about the theme of liberation after an audience member brought up the subtext of the song "Liberation." And they did a few callbacks to it afterwards. I didn't take it as anyone confusing The Village People with Queen.
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 134 - Can't Stop the Music: LIVE!

    STOP LEAVING US, ELLEN! It's really just this thread. It's a big influx of non-regular posters that came in just to complain about Cameron. They'll be gone soon enough, and we'll be back to our normal dysfunctional family that talks about comics books and dick pics.
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 134 - Can't Stop the Music: LIVE!

    Can we talk about the most egregious thing happening with this episode? Our dear Cameron (as in H, not as in Caramel) still has a signature from The Quest.
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 134 - Can't Stop the Music: LIVE!

    They kind of touched on this in the episode. I think Cameron pointed out how they kept referring to them as "weird," which was clearly their coded word for "gay." But, this was 1980, and calling them "weird" was probably the closest they could really get in a mainstream film.
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 134 - Can't Stop the Music: LIVE!

    I'm not sure which of you is on the right, but that dude looks terrified.
  9. FisterRoboto

    Episode 134 - Can't Stop the Music: LIVE!

    Jason and Pete go on for solid minutes about their dicks, but Cameron "gets too off-topic." Jason and Pete shout over each other for half the episode, but Cameron "screeches." I thought Cameron was just fine, and yes, she's going to talk about her sexuality, especially when discussing a movie about a bunch of LGBT icons that stars a person who would later comes out as trans.
  10. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133.5 - Minisode 133.5

    You're certainly entitled to your opinion I thought the last half was passable. There are major things they should have cut out. For example, do we REALLY need to see the Wayne's murder again? By this point, we should just accept it as cultural knowledge and just assume everyone knows Thomas and Martha Wayne's story (and we certainly don't need it to be hammered home, like, 30 times in one movie). But most of the other problems with the movie come from the way they're trying to reverse engineer a Marvel universe. Instead of building each of the characters separately and then trying to join them together, they're trying to start with the team and work backwards. And that's how you get a movie trying to tell three different stories to justify everything instead of one solid story. If this had literally just been Batman versus Superman, it would have been much better. Instead, they needed to work in WW and set up the JLA. And that's what really slows the pacing of the movie down, and where most of its issues originate. I'm definitely not saying it's a good movie, but people are acting like it's the worst movie ever made, when really, it's not even the worst comic book movie made in the last year (that honor goes to Fantastic Four). Also, going back to Doctor Strange, I was initially excited about Tilda Swinton, but then I found out she's playing a totally whitewashed character. I didn't really know much about the character, but I learned that today when the picture came out of Scarlett Johannson in Ghost in the Shell. So I'm a bit put off on both accounts.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133.5 - Minisode 133.5

    Suicide Squad has pissed me off since the word go. SS is one of my favorite DC titles, and this just looks like garbage. And the characterization of Harley as some kind of fucking Hot Topic Barbie full of the kind of lines that the kid in high school that was trying way too hard to be weird would spout is just too much for me. I've been a lukewarm defender of BvS (as in, I'm the dude saying, "Yeah, it's got a shitload of problems, but it's not as awful as everyone is saying."), but I can't think of a single positive thing to say about any of the SS trailers so far. (Also, last trailer used "Bohemian Rhapsody." This one uses "Ballroom Blitz." Wonder if they'll use the rest of the Wayne's World soundtrack for the movie. It'd probably be the best thing about it.) As for Doctor Strange, I'm kind of indifferent. I honestly don't know much about the character, and I just don't get everyone's fascination with Benedict Cumberbatch. That said, I will watch fucking anything with Tilda Swinton in it, and I love Chiwetel Ejiofor. I'll watch it before I watch SS, but I'm not really that amped up about it.
  12. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133.5 - Minisode 133.5

    Here. This will help: http://www.themarysue.com/open-letter-angry-fanboys/
  13. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133.5 - Minisode 133.5

    If you want, I could write a diatribe about how Jyn Erso in the Rogue One trailer is a Mary Sue and how the liberal fascists at Disney are pushing their agenda by brainwashing children to believe that girls can do anything boys can (they can't; it's simple biology!). And don't bring up Luke Skywalker or Obi-Wan or Anakin or any of the other dudes who were naturally able to do whatever the situation called for; that's totally different, and if you don't see why, it's not worth my time explaining it to you.
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133.5 - Minisode 133.5

    I know. I listened to it on my ride into work this morning and was like, "Please never say that again." For the most part, I think so. Like, when I talk about the Matrix movies, I tend to say The Wachowskis rather than The Wachowski Brothers. Or, when I talk about Against Me's early albums, I call their singer Laura rather than Tom. Generally speaking, I think most trans persons prefer to be called by their current name, even when you're talking about them pre-transition. Note: this is all just my understanding, and it may vary on a person-to-person basis.
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    I don't really want to know about any animosity between them, though. My take is that he was always just a bounty hunter that was hired for a job. It makes me think about some other (non-Star Wars) news that came out recently. They're making a sequel to Sicario that will focus on Benicio del Toro's character. If you've seen the movie, most of what makes his character work is that you're never really sure about him. There's a sense of danger about him because you're not totally sold about which side he's on. With Boba, I always had the impression that he was just out for himself - much like Han. That makes them good foils, but I don't need to know his whole back story or any of their shared history to appreciate that. The whole thing just smells to me like fan service because people have idolized Boba over the years. Anyway, in conclusion...
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    I think that they should accept that he's really not that interesting of a character. He works best when he's a silent threat. The more they try to flesh him out as a real character, the less menacing he becomes. I'm really excited for Rogue One, a little less so for the Han spinoff, and really couldn't give less of a shit about the Boba Fett one.
  17. FisterRoboto

    Guests I'd Love To Hear of HDTGM

    I kind of think it would be funny to have Tig on with a movie that she refused to see. It would just fit her personality so perfectly.
  18. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    It links to another video, and that's the setup to his first line in it. I know! I was looking hard for him and Mads Mikkelsen because they're both supposed to be in it.
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    They're making three spin-offs that are supposed to tie into the new trilogy somehow. This one takes place between Eps 3 and 4, and there's speculation that it might give us some history on at least one character's backstory. (There are also Han Solo and Boba Fett spin-offs planned)
  20. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    Dude, I just saw it...like 14 times. I'm so excited! Greig Fraser is the DP, and this film just has the perfect look to it. That first shot of Ben Mendelsohn (Imperial dude in all white) is fucking awesome. I also totally forgot that Donnie Yen and Forest Whitaker were in it, so I kind of freaked out when I saw them.