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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    That's still a pretty common expression, though. It actually comes from the Bible. In Revelation, John talks about seeing angels descending from the four corners of the earth. He also says that Satan will be enslaved for 1000 years, and afterwards, he will deceive "the nations of the four corners of the earth" and rally them into a final battle with Christ and the saints. (I might have grown up in a fire-and-brimstone Pentecostal church) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5hWWe-ts2s
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    No, dude. It's Taylo Ranne.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    Easy. Harry Nilsson. Always. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bQGRRolrg0
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    I love the Speed episode. I need to get back into it. Even though there are a bunch I missed out on, I did listen to the first half of the most recent one, which was the live show from the JoCo cruise with Aimee Mann and PFT. I just thought it was funny that they had Aimee Mann on to talk about The Big Lebowski, which Paul has repeatedly referred to as "overrated."
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    My current catch-ups: 1) Blank Check - David Sims (film critic for The Atlantic and formerly for AV Club) and actor Griffin Newman started the podcast as a way of analyzing the Star Wars prequels as films in their own merit. The first miniseries was simply asking, "What is The Phantom Menace about?" They actually give some quality analysis and helped me see some things in the prequels that I had never picked up on, and - most importantly - it's not just bashing on the prequels, which is a pretty tired schtick, as we've talked about on these very forums. After making their way through the Star Wars films, they switched gears and decided to focus on filmmakers who, like George Lucas, were incredibly successful early in their career and allowed to do pretty much whatever they wanted afterwards. They're currently almost done with M Night Shyamalan's filmography, and I'm not sure what's up next, but it's been a lot of fun catching up on this one. 2. Black Men Can't Jump (in Hollywood) - I actually found out about this one because David and Griffin mentioned it during their episode on The Force Awakens. This podcast reviews movies with POC leads and talks a lot about representation. I've only listened to a couple episodes so far, but the live Hancock episode is pretty excellent. Backlog: Reply All The Worst Idea of All Time I Was There Too (I've listened to some of them, but I'm REALLY far behind) Beautiful Stories (this one just started, but I love the premise, and I need to get on it before it gets too far along) Also, this seems like as good a time as any to bring up Lexi Alexander's appearance on Fatman on Batman last week. I don't recall it having come up in another thread yet, but it's delightful. I'm not a big Kevin Smith fan, so I tend to avoid this podcast, but I couldn't resist Lexi talking about Punisher in the new Daredevil series (also, Smith's not in this episode).
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    The Worst Idea of All Time is in my podcast backlog. I'm currently working my way through Blank Check w/ Griffin and David and Black Men Can't Jump in Hollywood. But a team-up with some of the WorkJuice all-stars might be just what I need to start digging into that one (even if Annie Savage isn't in the mix).
  7. I had that same realization at some point last week, too. I was so happy when Paul announced her, especially since her return to SPONT was on an episode with Colleen and Stephanie, and Beth gave them such a delightfully absurd location. This just made my whole morning.
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    Thanks for that link! I spent a lot of time last night reading about Count Dante, and he sounds even crazier than Dux, so I can't wait to listen to this. I don't have a ton else to add to the conversation because I was sure this wasn't coming out until at least Monday, so I haven't watched the movie yet. I saw it a few years back, and literally the only thing I remembered was the weird clown part. Anyway, y'all are doing a great job hitting the major points. Dick pics all around!
  9. FisterRoboto

    Episode 132.5 - Minisode 132.5

    Ugh. I kind of wish Jim Parsons would go away forever.
  10. FisterRoboto

    Episode 133 - The Quest

    I say this every time she comes back after being out for a while, but goddamn it, I missed June. From the first minute, she's so wonderful in this episode.
  11. FisterRoboto

    Episode 132.5 - Minisode 132.5

    I actually got worse the longer I played it. I got 50 clicks on my first try, but after a few more attempts, I was at, like, 80-something because I kept getting confused with where shit was in previous games. Thanks for the time-killer, firsttime! It was fun
  12. FisterRoboto

    Episode 132.5 - Minisode 132.5

    Not to mention that "Chun Li" is how Paul pronounces Chong Li's name for half of this episode.
  13. I've been catching up on SPONT after I got a bit behind. For some reason, I wasn't feeling it for about a month or so, and now that I'm catching up, I definitely realize that it was totally the state of mind I was in because the eps have been consistently great. I was also excited that Besser was going to be the guest, but Paul's explanation of the whole thing cracked me up. And every time I heard Besser laugh, it reminded me he was in the room just sitting on the sidelines while Paul was thinking, "Why the hell isn't he joining us?" and it would make me laugh all over again.
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 132.5 - Minisode 132.5

    It's totally fine, dude. If I really cared that much, 1) I would have finished the season by now, and 2) I wouldn't click things that clearly say spoilers. I did so at my risk
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 132.5 - Minisode 132.5

    Whoooops. I should have known better than to read that. But you marked it spoiler, so it's my own damn fault
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    I'm only at 80. I need 10 more before Thursday to stay on track, which isn't too terrible. My router got fried a couple weeks ago during a pretty big storm, as well as a couple of my streaming devices, so that set me back a bit. Fortunately, I ride the train into work, so I can work in most of a movie during my commute, and then I can watch two at night since my internet is fixed now.
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 132.5 - Minisode 132.5

    Yeah, they've been coming out the Wednesday or Thursday following the Friday they would normally be scheduled. They haven't gone any weeks without putting something out, but they've been really, really late. I think they get in a weird position when they're late because if they release the new episode too early after a minisode, they don't give people time to watch the movie. And if they release a minisode too soon after a full episode, they might have to stretch content to fill the minisode. Either way, I was super pumped when I was this was out this morning. Same. It's been a few years since I saw Can't Stop the Music, but I was like, "Paul, where are you going with this?" I'm really pumped for The Quest. Normally, I wouldn't be so excited about them doing two movies that are so similar back to back, but this will be a studio ep, which is always a treat. I just hope June is there because I really missed her this week because I needed someone to comment on stuff like Janice's hair:
  18. FisterRoboto

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    I loved Stick in season 1. Scott Glenn is one of my favorite character actors (and one of my others, Clancy Brown, showed up this season!), and I thought he was one of the best parts of the first season. I haven't finished the season yet (I think I'm on ep 9 or something; I've been catching up on movies for the DLM Challenge, so I haven't had time to watch any more), but his first appearance was pretty "meh." I've heard he's back again later in the season, so I guess I'll see how I feel when he comes back. But so far, Elektra would suck with or without him; she's just a snoozefest.
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    He also moved to the US when he was 17. He's probably lost some of his accent the longer he's been here, but it likely won't ever be totally gone. Generally, the younger you move to an area, the more likely you are to speak with the local accent. It does vary from person to person (and from accent to accent: UK to US is easier than, say, a native Chinese speaker developing an American accent because there aren't any new sounds to learn and internalize), but generally, around puberty is when people's accents become less malleable.
  20. FisterRoboto

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    I was about to come back and ask you for a source because I couldn't find anything about it. Don't listen to tayloranne, everyone! She's a big phony!
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    Whaaaaaaaaaat? So we get BOTH Carol Danvers (movie) and Kamala Khan (Netflix series)?! That's pretty amazing!
  22. FisterRoboto

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    Something tells me JCVD never pulls out.
  23. FisterRoboto

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    Bear with me for a bit here, guys, because I have a lot to say about the flashback. Some of it is kind of rambly, but I'm really trying to figure out what the fuck is going on in this sequence. What happened to Frank's parents? Like, Mr Miyagi Tanaka shows up and basically tells them that they are shitty parents and Frank needs his training (for real, that speech to his parents is suuuuper fucking condescending), and they're totally cool with him training with/being tortured by Tanaka. Then we never see or hear about his parents again. Also, does he go live with Tanaka? Something about their whole relationship strikes me as weird. Like, I get that they were clearly trying to go for a Karate Kid-type thing where the wise mysterious Asian man teaches the All-American kid to be the best fighter (which is probably a conversation for another time). But in The Karate Kid, Daniel LaRusso was in high school. He has a certain level of independence because he's a bit older than young Frank seems to be (not to mention that his mother seems to be absent often because she's working to support him by herself). But we don't get any of this from Frank's flashback. Literally all we get is that he breaks into a house and tries to steal a sword. Then Tanaka is like, "You can't steal a katana sword" - which, by the way, you totally fucking can - and then little Tanaka kicks him in the chest once, and he goes down hard. Then, because he doesn't flinch when Tanaka slices his hat, Tanaka's like, "Oh, you're a fighter." Does Tanaka tell Frank's parents ANY of this when he talks to them? How would you even bring that up? "Oh, your son broke into my house and tried to steal my sword, but I stopped him, had my son kick his ass, and then I sliced the sword an inch from his fucking face just to see if he would react to it." And if he didn't tell him what happened, how does he convince Frank's parents to let Frank be his son's practice dummy/his blind tea bitch?
  24. FisterRoboto

    Episode 132 - Bloodsport: LIVE!

    So, I rewatched this last night, and I noticed something. In the scene where young Frank defends Tanaka's son, there are four kids watching. Check out the second kid from the right: What kind of shitty-ass parents does this kid have? Does this kid come to school every day in alcohol-related clothing? Or did they just run out of laundry, so his mom gave him the one clean shirt they had lying around, which just happened to be for fucking wine coolers? Also, why wouldn't his teachers have sent him home? I mean, I was actually about these kids' age when this movie came out, and I remember a couple people being sent home for shirts with Spuds MacKenzie or Joe Camel on them. Maybe that was just super-conservative Texas small town stuff. But, like, at least those clothes featured mascots that appealed to children (and, it's been argued that they were specifically designed for that purpose). The kids I knew that wore them weren't thinking about Budweiser or Camel when they put them on; it was a shirt with a pop culture character from TV. I find it hard to believe that a kid would be like, "Fuck yeah. Where's my Bartles and Jaymes shirt? That makes me look rad!"