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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 131 - The Covenant

    Btw, you probably already know because he was on DLM recently, but Rider Strong is in a movie called Too Late that's coming out next Friday (I may end up trying to see that and MIdnight Special back-to-back because I can't decide between the two). It played at Fantastic Fest last year, and everyone I talked to that saw it completely loved it.
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 131 - The Covenant

    If you're talking about "The Edge," the last time they played exclusively current music was when Tripping Daisy and the Toadies (the first time) were a thing (and they were on 94.5 because 102.1 was still Q102). *shakes old man fist* I was still living in D/FW in 2006, and I remember it was just a few Nickelback and, like, Muse or AFI songs in between all of their otherwise exclusively late-90s rock programming. Sorry guys. This concludes my Texas Talk segment. Lexi Alexander is still one of my favorite guests, and I'm so glad the show introduced me to her. She's a straight badass, and I love basically anything she has to say. I think I'm actually as excited for Can't Stop the Music as I am for Bloodsport. That movie is completely bonkers.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 131 - The Covenant

    How? That movie is fucking FLAWLESS.
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 131 - The Covenant

    After all the Charmed talk in the minisode thread, I'm disappointed that no one has brought up Alyssa Milano in child actors that got crazy hot:
  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 131 - The Covenant

    Yeah, this was such a bad perspective. Also, this kid has the most adorable Instagram. He was really the best part of Room.
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    This movie looks like it should have been made in 2002 when everyone was trying to capitalize on Ocean Eleven's success. I really wish Elijah Wood was in better movies. He's the nicest guy in the world, and Wilfred was great, but he just gets roles in really "meh" movies for some reason (I just watched The Last Witch Hunter last week, so this is something I've been thinking about quite a bit recently).
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    I knew it was going to be the ONE place I missed. I checked the HDTGM facebook. I checked HDTGM, June, and Paul's twitter pages. Apparently, I missed Paul's FB and June's Insta.
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    Did I miss something? Did they make an announcement?
  9. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    OH SNAP! Good call, PlanB! I bet you have inside you blood of kings!
  10. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    Anyone else starting to think tayloranne and EllenM are basically the same person living in different countries?
  11. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    I don't know, but at least they used another song besides Bohemian fucking Rhapsody for this one. I'm a huge Queen fan, but I could go the rest of my life without ever hearing that, "We Will Rock You," or "We Are the Champions" again. Buy, yeah, I think (and I could be wrong about this) each song's royalty rights is held by whoever is credited as having written the song. I remember an interview with Freddie where he said that basically whoever came up with the riff got the credit, and they divided royalties based on who got credit. However, in the late 80s (it was either with The Miracle or A Kind of Magic), they decided to credit everything to Queen, so they all owned a share of the royalties. Assuming my facts aren't all fucked, that would mean that the estate of Freddie (which, I believe, is managed by Jim Beach) owns the rights to "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "Don't Stop Me Now."
  12. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    I've seen this trailer a couple times now ahead of various movies (I think the first was Daredevil, maybe?), and I have to wonder how quickly the first person gimmick is going to get old. It looks like a movie that exists just to be a montage of action-y violence, and I'll probably see it because of that, but at the same time, it kind of feels like watching someone else play a video game. Which, as we all know, is what everyone loves about vidya games. Edit: I was talking about the new season of Daredevil with my friend when I wrote this. I totally meant Deadpool.
  13. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    Robyn Lively appears to be super fucking cool about it, too. I skimmed through her Twitter feed, and she seemed to have really enjoyed everyone talking about the movie and just being a part of all of it. I have a lot of respect for someone that's in something so silly and stands by it as part of their work (rather than trying to distance themselves from it), but also realizes that it's a silly thing that shouldn't be taken all that seriously. I've only seen Die Hard 2 once. I own it because it came with the box set, but I don't care for it that much, so I usually just watch Die Hard and Die Hard with a Vengeance and call it a day. (That said, it's miles ahead of either of the two newer movies)
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    Haha. I was going to say "except for The Long Kiss Goodnight," because I straight up love that movie. But I'm under no delusions of its quality.
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    What I love about Harlin is that all of his movies are vastly different. They're all shitty, but they're each a unique kind of shitty. It's not like, say, Uwe Boll whose movies all basically just reskinned versions of the same shit.
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    I think that was really what led to my initial confusion. I was expecting it to be around the time of The Matrix, which had a soundtrack full of that kind of stuff and would have been around the time that song came out. When I saw that it came 7 years later, I was really taken aback.
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    I really hope they talk about why the fuck this movie is called "The Covenant." A covenant is a contract or agreement. I guess you could argue that willing powers is a type of contract, so maybe that's a covenant. But otherwise, I feel like they just chose the name because it's like "coven," but longer.
  18. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    Except for the blonde dude and Bucky Barnes, I can't tell any of these dudes apart.
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    I was going to mention this earlier, but we got sidetracked talking about the new Ghostbusters today. I'm starting this movie tonight, and I have to say that I'm kind of excited. Somehow, I missed this movie when it came out (today was literally the first time I had even heard of its existence), but I fucking love Renny Harlin. I'm really glad we're watching another one of his movies because they're fucking cuckoo bananas stupid. Also, I love the fact that the trailer uses a song by Stabbing fucking Westward. Those guys weren't even a band anymore by the time this movie came out. What, was it too hard to get the rights to an Orgy song? I hope Sebastian Stan sings a song with Rob Zombie at the end about being a witch.
  20. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    I totally agree, and I didn't take your initial comment to mean the "they ruined my childhood" thing, either. As soon as you said Jurassic World-ed, I think we all knew what you meant. And you hit on the thing that I couldn't really put my finger on. It's like they think that by throwing in all the elements of a beloved movie, they can recreate the magic of the movie without really understanding what made the movie work in the first place.
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130.5 - Minisode 130.5

    I'm glad that they seem to be reining Melissa McCarthy in quite a bit and giving her a lot more subdued role. I'm still worried they are trying to make them all analogs of the original team (McCarthy = Ray, Jones = Winston, McKinnon = Egon, Wiig = Peter), but that could just be my preconception projected onto what little bit we're seeing. I worry that all they're going to let Leslie Jones do is be the loud, angry street-wise black woman. Jones is far too talented to be relegated to that role, so I'm hoping they give her character more to do. McKinnon has always been a bit too over-the-top for me (her oh-so-wacky exaggerated facial expressions rub me the wrong way), but it looks like this could be a role specifically made for that, so it might work in her favor. The best parts of the trailer are the parts that are taken straight from the original film and then kind of shit on with typical Paul Feig body humor (oh, the apparition can't just scare them! It's gotta puke in her face!). So, the best I can do is say that this doesn't look as much like hot garbage as everything else I've seen so far, but I'm still not super pumped. I am, however, glad that the mentality of "if you're not on board for the new Ghostbusters, you must only hate it for sexist reasons!" has seemed to have died down a lot over the last few months.
  22. FisterRoboto

    Ask Paul!

    Paul usually mentions it when he talks about live shows in the minisodes. Otherwise, they often post it on Facebook or Twitter.