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Everything posted by FisterRoboto

  1. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    I already quoted this last page, but I'll do it again: "I don't have the strength to be disappointed. It's like, I can sit and watch as much trash tv as you wanna throw my way, but if I'm gonna commit to a two-hour movie, I have a lot of expectations, and I want too much probably. And this delivered, so thank you." Like I said, she means that she's going to watch something she knows she likes. You're putting way more words in her mouth. Also, I meant to say "you don't like reality tv," but I was on my phone, and I didn't realize I omitted a word. It really sounds like you're just upset that someone likes reality tv. If that's how she wants to spend her time, fine. I don't get this mindset of calling someone an asshole because they want to spend their time doing different things than I do. If you were forced to watch it with her, fine. But instead, you're railing against someone for saying, "I know that I like this thing, and if I spend two hours on it, I know I'm going to like that thing. If I spend two hours on another thing, I don't know if I'm going to like it or not, and it bums when out when I don't, so I'm going to watch the thing I know I like." Did you just compare someone liking reality tv to someone making hateful statements under the guise of a joke?
  2. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    So, basically, you don't like tv. Fair enough. I think you're still projecting a lot of your opinions about others onto something she said for 30 seconds about how she spends her time watching stuff she knows she likes instead of taking a risk on something she might not.
  3. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    "It's just a joke" is one of those things that people who are being dickheads like to say when they are called out for being dickheads. It's up there with "I'm just playing devil's advocate." It's code for "I'm a coward who wants to say racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/whatever shit and hide behind the joke so people don't think I'm actually that way."
  4. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

  5. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    "I don't have the strength to be disappointed. It's like, I can sit and watch as much trash tv as you wanna throw my way, but if I'm gonna commit to a two-hour movie, I have a lot of expectations, and I want too much probably. And this delivered, so thank you." This pretty much sums up her point. She realizes she expects too much from movies. I see it as like when you go to a restaurant. Let's say it's somewhere you've been before, and there's one thing that you know you like. You've had it dozens of times, and when someone says, "Let's go to X place," you think, "Great. I'm gonna get Y." Are you an asshole for not wanting to try the other stuff on the menu? I don't think so. Maybe you think about getting those other things, but you don't necessarily want to be disappointed. Even if you think it might be better than the thing you know you like, what you like is your safe bet. I disagree with her, obviously, because I love movies, but that doesn't mean that I can't fathom where she's coming from. I think you're putting a lot into her mouth here. I did go back and listen, and I didn't get the feeling she was trying to say that movies are beneath her or that it doesn't hold up to her standard. It's that she doesn't want to waste two hours watching something that might turn out to be a disappointment (and I agree with her about Steve Jobs). I'm doing the DLM Challenge and watching 366 movies this year, so I've had to lose a lot of my pickiness around movies and see stuff that I don't necessarily think I'll like just to hit my number (I watched The Last Witch Hunter on Monday to hit my movies for the month because it was 100 minutes and I needed two movies). That said, that's how I choose to spend my free time. And I have a significant amount of free time. If my free time were more limited, I'd probably choose solely the safe bets that I know that I like.
  6. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    I think I would like him a lot more if he didn't need to remind me how big a nerd he is every 12 seconds. But fortunately, we can agree on PFT and how magnificent he is (I do watch @midnight every time he's on, but that's about it)
  7. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    I had to give up @Midnight because I couldn't take Chris Hardwick's pandering or fake laughter anymore.
  8. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Oh yeah...I got so wrapped up in the other stuff that I forgot about his creepy comments towards that guy's sister. I felt bad for her. He kept going back to how he was going to fuck her, and it wasn't okay.
  9. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Okay. I hadn't listened to the plugs and shitheads when I wrote that, so hadn't heard his stupid "It's better than the other bible" line that he was so proud of that he needed to say it twice. The other thing that really needs to die is his bullshit about how Morena Baccarin is "too old" to play a prostitute. She's 36. If she's too old to be a prostitute, 39-year-old Ryan Reynolds is too old to hook up with prostitutes.
  10. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    I listened to it on the way home today, and either he's growing on me, or he wasn't as insufferable as he usually is. I even laughed when he got mad at the dude who was like, "Don't say anything!" about Star Wars (although they quickly ran that joke into the ground).
  11. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Or how Ep 7 is "just fan fiction."
  12. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    I am so fucking tired of that contrarian hipster asshole. I was excited when I saw there was a new ep today, and then I was immediately bummed when I found out Sirof was one of the guests. At least the last three before today had people I really love in them (Geoff Tate, Samm Levine, and Paul). Today's might be a struggle.
  13. FisterRoboto

    Ask Paul!

    I'm not Paul, but I wanted to add that I went to a screening of The Room that was preceded by a Q&A with Tommy Wiseau and a screening of the first episode of The Neighbors. I felt bad because he was so proud of it, but the only part everyone liked was the catchy musical interlude during establishing shots of apartment complex. Fortunately, that comes up about every 45 seconds.
  14. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    I think June got close to bringing that up, but then the conversation got sidetracked. I think she asked something along the lines of "How do voodoo dolls work?" and I really wanted Jason to jump on that, but alas, it was not to be.
  15. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    You're very popular today, Cameron. Did you see the Ask Paul thread? We both got our burning questions answered, but yours has a MUCH more satisfying conclusion! Edit: Even after responding to this, I can't stop laughing at the FB question. It's so great.
  16. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Just what a baby-shaker would say...
  17. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Yeah, but how many times did you shake the shit out of that baby?
  18. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Jesus. Canadian sex ed doesn't fuck around, huh? I had to do the egg baby thing in middle school, but that was much, much, MUCH easier.
  19. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    You meant to add "except for Back to the Future," right?
  20. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Didn't they say "Dick Sargent from Bewitched" in the episode? I didn't get four of them, but I didn't get sex ed until my freshman year of high school (I went to HS in the mid-90s). It was still largely abstinence-based, but that's what happens when you live in Texas.
  21. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Ummm...I don't want to take away from the incredible fucking masterpiece that you wrote after this (which hits so incredibly super close to home with me), but I did want to point out that this was my problem with The Witch. SPOILER TIME Y'ALL Anyway, minor Witch rant over. Please continue talking about the vastly superior 80s teen witchcraft film.
  22. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Yep. Just that one thing. Everything else is 100% flawless.
  23. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    This is a really good point. In the scene directly before, she was talking to the popular girls at her locker. Were they late to their classes, too? Or did a significant amount of time pass between those two scenes?
  24. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    Who is this Polly you speak of? (Hats is 100% my type, too)
  25. FisterRoboto

    Episode 130 - Teen Witch

    So, the jerk teacher of whom Luis Guzman makes a conspicuously large voodoo doll is played by Shelley Berman. Fun fact: he claimed that Bob Newhart stole the one-sided phone call bit from him (Newhart claims that it had been around much longer and that he remembers listening to George Jessel do it on the radio when he was a kid). Anyway, I have a question about his class. Where the fuck exactly does his class take place? Like, the back wall looks like a library reference section. There are steps leading down from the door of the classroom to the students' desks. He's up on a stage that has a random-ass bust on an even more random-ass pedestal. When I watched the scene where he's bullying her, I had to rewatch it about three times because I couldn't wrap my head around the fucking room they were in. Also, people already touched on the wardrobe choices earlier in this thread, but I have to say that it's disturbing how much of the clothing here is shit that I could easily see on hipsters in east Austin. I don't understand it, but I guess that's why